
Showing posts from August, 2010


the other day Julien asked me what does that crescent on top of your mosques mean? well i didn't really know how to answer and was just, oh you know it's because our date and year system are based on lunar system, that's why. but just now i found a better answer for that from the net. it seems like its a common question among non-muslims. Question 1: What is the significance of the crescent moon in Islam? Answer: The Quran answers this question before you asked it. Read this verse: "They ask you about the new moons. Say: These are signs to mark fixed periods of time for mankind and for the pilgrimage." [Noble Quran 2:189] sounds better, doesnt it. p.s. yes i couldnt sleep.. *source:

of trim tabs

this was during post-sahur while looking across the singapore city from the 63rd floor. breathtaking masyallah. as usual, the best time to write a post is when the work is piling up. well, no surprise. do you realize, that, hm as we go on our lives, there's always something that is not meant for us. we thought it was the best, or it was perfect, but ok Allah made it so reasonable that its not the best for us. maybe the reason was, well the timing wasnt right. or that it's just not good for us. or for simple simple reason that we're blinded from. but have you heard that Allah will not take something away from you without giving you something better in return. i'm not sure if its a hadith or a verse from quran or some quotes from famous scholars. on a different note, ramadhan is approaching to its final 10 nights. and i humbly admit that my performance this year is not something i should proud of, well if compared to you guys, which i'm sure a dear-diary worthy...

griinnnnn :)))

i'm soo happy that i've lost track of days and dates!!!! i'm aware that my flight back is on 19th but all this while i thought 19th falls on friday. so i keep telling people i'm gonna be back on friday. just now gavin told me that our flight procedures course starts on friday the 20th. we argued that friday is 19th as i'm leaving on friday. and to cut a long story short, it turns out that this friday is 20th, and 19th is thursday, which is tomorrow!!!! so im gonna be home tomorrow instead of one day later!! and tonight is my last working shift. i have to bring the camera to work! cey. still couldn't believe i'm going home tomorrow! :) alhamdulillah that being said, tak sempat nak shopping ape2 sgt pun haha. (singapore is expensive!!)

the glorified names

here's something to soothe your ears in this holy month :) towards the end the song just gets better.

the climb phase

this is my n-th attempt to write a decent post. lets hope it works this time, alright. so yeah, hi people. how's your ramadhan? to be perfectly honest, i feel terrible when i logged into my fb and saw countless feeds about people enjoying their ramadhan, going for tarawih together, going for religious talks, gathering for iftar, trying out various masjids to listen to the imams, tempting to wake up early dawn to be alone with Allah etc. (ok did i just copy the status from my fb feeds?). how lucky you guys, masya Allah. its not like i dont enjoy ramadhan this time, i just feel terrible because well maybe i dont have the chance to have iftar with dear family and friends. or eager to go to masjid. haih. im counting days to be back home. do you know im not gonna have weekend for this week and next week? its just crazy, right. ok i know doctors are crazier, but oh man im not a doctor. give me some break lah. its still early ramadhan. the 3rd day, in fact. in phases of flight, this i...