
Showing posts from June, 2010


i was reading about air data computers and how it relates with altimeters and unsurprisingly the focus was lost and i started googling randomly. one click led to another and to another and to another. and heres what ive found. they said this video has changed quite a number of lives. every single thing we do could change lives. we just have to find the right thing to do so that the lives changed are for the better. ive thought of some (few) ways. but at this point of time with too many constraints (read: excuses) it just seems so far reaching. ok maybe need to work out the proper plan and everything. but while getting there, takkan taknak buat ape2 kan. so guys lets do something, anything, to change people's lives. islamically, of course. p.s. hundred percent agreed with the line that goes "my generations are apathetic and lethargic" .. ..


I don't hate world cup. I just don't like how it has turned people into. For example my dad had to call for subuh prayers the other day at our nearest surau. The muazzin didn't manage to get up on time because he watched a match the night before till wee hours. Football manages to unite people from all over the world because apparently everybody shares this common ground. If Islam were to spread this way, what would be the common ground eh? It'd be super awesome if everybody goes raving about Islam. Am I the only one who's not affected by the world cup craze. Heheh sorry Jabulani I couldn't find anything amazing about you :p (well apart from being aerodynamically designed and super sophisticated I was stunned for a second. Or more)

dads day

when i was in montreal i wanted to get something for my dad. but i didnt know what do daddies like. especially daddies like my dad. and since perfumes are (kind of) cheap, i asked him, papa nak perfume tak? eh papa pakai perfume ke. tak pakai oo kenape ek pa. yela orang2 yang soleh ni badan dia memang bau wangi. yela imang je la yang tak soleh. haha, awak yang mengaku papa tak cakap ape2 pun. ++ happy fathers' day to my wangi dad!


Haih saba je lah ye naaiemah. *terjun tingkap*


more often than not, fb is depressing. i wish i were heartless. dont comment. this is not me writing. Published with Blogger-droid v1.3.3


kete alak jadi model. Published with Blogger-droid v1.3.3



Mengade tak now I'm feeling homesick when I'm only 70km away from home. This homesick is worse than the one I had when i was 9000 miles away from home last time. Lagi tambah homesick bile tadi mcm tengok gambar2 pada hari2 weekend yg lazim. Hikmat the shutterbug likes to snap our bermalasan2 pics. Haha alak I wish July 3 comes fast! I don't spend much of the time at home anymore. But instead at a place where people are so... Sickening? (but some are not). Nanti kalau korang ade anak jgn namakan start ngan huruf W ataupun G. P.s. Friday is day off :) lega!


for the umpteenth time i dozed off while writing a blog post. tapi kenape nak tulis blog jugak walaupun tgh ngantuk? jawapannye. saye tak ngantuk sangat pun. tibe2 saje terdoze off. ok sambung semula. +++ ok baru perasan. remember the ungu song i linked last time in one of my posts? tadi baru tengok, die punye video klip mcm tak kena je dengan lirik. i mean, ok mengaku para pencari Allah tapi gaya nampak mcm tak mencari pun. ke saye silap faham jalan cerita video klip die. haih im so not a video clip person. tapi lagu tu bes la. kot. ekceli i wanted to stream the song (only, not the video clip) here but i thought its just faster to link with the youtube. so i randomly youtubed para pencarimu ungu and just copied the link of the first result. without even playing it first. ok u didnt even click on the link pun. ok nevermind. lets pretend i never write this. this paragraph is never written. +++ *flips page* i read an article about gaza issues and what we can do about it. i used to give...

A tribute

Al fatihah to my dear cousin Nuruljannah who has returned to Al Khaliq thursday evening, to the eternal abode. Moga Allah tempatkan ruhnya bersama golongan yang Dia redha dan rahmati. She was doing her IB at KMB. And she was only 19. Age is never ours. In fact, nothing is ever ours. Surely, we are Allah's and to Him we shall surely return (2:156) My aunt and her family looked so calm masya Allah. Requoting a friend; Allah tak uji kalau tak mampu. Yes indeed this is a big reminder for me. For you. For us. Requoting a cousin, Huda (Jannah's sister); siapa kita untuk tidak redha? I was in Kedah till last night. I missed the much anticipated rapat umum solidarity yesterday afternoon, but its ok. Hopefully there will be many more rapat umums. Jakun kot takpenah pegi demo bawak2 banner atas jalan raya. And Al Fatihah also to all those courageous shuhada' in Gaza. Seeing people with strength gives me courage. Just when I asked for a bes tazkirah in this post , Allah grants me with...