
Showing posts from January, 2010

No better word

At this moment, there's no better word to say than.. Alhamdulillah. But. Is the golden whale really golden? Hm nvm I just have to keep praying (so that it's really golden AND it's a whale).


I think alak is somehow right when she said eating alone in public kinda makes us look like a loser haha especially when all other people around are with family or friends or kids or gf or bf. Well apparently our gate is somehow rosak ke apa so I couldn't get into the house after comin back from work. Since I didn't wanna look like a burglar climbing up the gate and my pening needs attention (read: food) I decided to grab something from the nearest food place. Aih I'm kinda locked out. So here I am eating alone surrounded with cute kids laughing and mushy couples. Oh. I seriously think people yang about my age (hello quarter century pls) or older yang tgh hot in love with gf/bf are better off getting married je habis cite. Takyah nak conscious2 masa keluar dating takut kantoi. Untuk yg takde boleh lepak2 dulu haha. And kudos to those already married :) Sekian. Yang hormonal, Naaiemah

Is that all?

This is something I pondered upon this morning. If people have achieved their dreams, what would they usually do next eh? And I think I have the answer now. Come to think of it, people would never satisfy. Well after their dreams are all achieved, they would dream of something bigger. And after that something much bigger, then something much much bigger bigger. And I think the fact that humans never satisfy is ironically a good thing in a way that they don't just sit at one stagnation point and lavishly enjoying everything that's there. Eh wait, of course they are, at first, but after certain periods they will get bored and say, "come on, is that all?" So they aim for something else, something better than the present and start striving to materialise their dreams - which is the fun part in life we often overlook. Life without something to ask for, something to hope, something to chase after, something to aim, is not a life at all. And I think it's good that w...


Kalau phrase senyum sampai telinga tu logik, sekang ni line senyuman tu tengah bercantum pade satu point kat belakang kepala saye. Ok scary gak bile bayangkan.


What's the point of helping those who don't (have the initiative to) help themselves (On 2nd 3rd 4th 5th thought, at least our part is done)


what started out good, will end good. so they said. 2009 ended good, alhamdulillah. we partied hard last night lol (party can have various definitions right) it was a good year for me, a lot of good things happened alhamdulillah. of course there were also lots of phewh trials and haih tribulations but they were all good, in the end. i met a number of beautiful people along the way, hopefully im gonna be meeting more bunches of them through out this year too :) and i think ive changed. i think. and i like the present me better (minus the part where i always become silly emo takpasal2!) compared to me of previous years. thanks to the people ive met, to the books ive read (if there any), to the mistakes ive done, to the experiences encountered, to the lessons ive learned, to the movies/videos ive seen, to the songs ive listened, to the knowledge ive gained, to everything. indeed Allah is Ar Rahman (ky, teringat nama buku luqman "Allah is Ar Rahman" hehe) what i resolved this y...