longer weekend!
salam yey its friday! and this time im gonna have a longer weekend!!! bliss bliss bliss this is what i wrote 3 days ago. wednesday august the 27th. gile lame stuck dalam draft bin. got a lot of better things to do.. suddenly it has been a month already since i started working. suddenly i received my first paycheck last morning. hehe. (but still have to wait another 3 days to clear) cis. it was pouring heavily today so i decided to stay back in the office till like 8pm with hopes the roads would be less congested. sekali amik kau aku sampai rumah kul 9.30. but somehow its better than being trapped in a jam during day hour, because at night Fly would play much more better musics. the pictures below were requested by kakyong.. .... (and then alak ajak tgk What Happens in Vegas (-dan tertido afterward) pastu terdelay la lagi nak tulis) ok now Kakyong, here goes. this is the building, viewed from the jam-prone junction infront of it. of course my office is only made up of two units out of...