
Showing posts from August, 2008

longer weekend!

salam yey its friday! and this time im gonna have a longer weekend!!! bliss bliss bliss this is what i wrote 3 days ago. wednesday august the 27th. gile lame stuck dalam draft bin. got a lot of better things to do.. suddenly it has been a month already since i started working. suddenly i received my first paycheck last morning. hehe. (but still have to wait another 3 days to clear) cis. it was pouring heavily today so i decided to stay back in the office till like 8pm with hopes the roads would be less congested. sekali amik kau aku sampai rumah kul 9.30. but somehow its better than being trapped in a jam during day hour, because at night Fly would play much more better musics. the pictures below were requested by kakyong.. .... (and then alak ajak tgk What Happens in Vegas (-dan tertido afterward) pastu terdelay la lagi nak tulis) ok now Kakyong, here goes. this is the building, viewed from the jam-prone junction infront of it. of course my office is only made up of two units out of...

birthday story

19.08.2008 Happy birthday wan! im so proud that u get to meet and borak2 with ur idol, Dr Jemilah of MERCY on ur birthday! (actually wan used to answer a tag about her idol, and she mentioned dr Jemilah in it.. later that day dr jemilah's personal assistant came across wan's blog and read all about it and even had set up an appointment between they two) 20.08.2008 cis the tarikh is damn cun. dayah, sepatutnye awak bertunang la hari ni, at least.. semoga menjadi arkitek yang bergaya 22.08.2008 heheh cube teke mane satu uswah? hint: uswah tgh sibuk bergossip ngan alak. selamat berjaya menempuhi alam dewasa!! n tahniah dpt keje masyuk dan semoga dimudahkan urusan perkahwinan haha..

wedding story

the next day saturday, kak umay (rawai's big sis) got married. (l-r) the cun kak mushi, the anggun kak umay, the big abg saleh, and the comel rawai (hahah kasik can) with rawai & farah (bak kate farah, akhirnye dapat gak jumpe org disebalik name. haha) sebenanye nak duduk atas kerusi tu, tp makcik2 tu dari sejam yg lalu taknak pindah tempat ****** later in the evening we went to makngah's house in johor. my cousin ani will have her reception the next day, sunday. the nikah ceremony was held a few months ago. (bile giliran aku ni.. HAHA!) oh sorry2. next on queue: ila. tak saba2 nak dapat baby dah.. satu baka with the couple i think that's all. may Allah bless u hani & ezan!

graduation story

after a series of failed attempts to throw the mortar, pro-style finally i found my time. since ky (especially) had reminded me 3 times to upload my graduation pics, so here goes. actually im not a big fan of convocation (especially since the robe is a turn-down itself) . but i love the thought of people walking up the stage and their moms and dads were watching their kids from the audience floor receiving a blank paper cased in a hardened folder, feeling all terharu. even i felt terharu of myself walking up the stage when my name was called upon. oh and if u still dont get it, i just had my graduation ceremony last friday, august the 15th. my uni has a theme color. and its purple. so everything was in purple that day. of course she's not me. this is nisa. its just to show how purple the day was. all the engineering graduands wore green hoods that day. including me! all the good friends! the unscrolled scroll, and flowers. (thanks to alak who bought them) lepas dapat! with mama, ...

GIF picture

so there's quite a people wondering on how to make a gambar gerak2 or better known as .gif image esp since they saw alak's new header. well the idea is this. a GIF image is a set of images (more than 1 image) is being displayed one after another to give a resemblance of animation, like in traditional cartoon making techniques. so instead of seeing one picture animating, its actually made of multiple pictures. for instance, i have this 2 separate pictures (the same pic actually, only one of them is brightened a bit): and poof! jadi satu gamba: (its our picture in front of the usm gate. macam cool jugak kan hehe esp with the lighting) there are so many ways on how make a .gif picture; the simplest is just go to any online gif creator like gifninja or picasion (and many other) and put ur multiple images there and then the online machine will animate them for you. the unsimplest way is to use a software like PaintShopPro, Adobe Photoshop or the simple Photoscape. and then click...

story #1 #2 #3

heheh (i am seriously tengah sengih2 ni). ok so yesterday was sunday. and sunday's a little turn-down because the next day is monday, and monday, ladies and gentlemen, is a major pemusnah-emosi. if u know whamsayin. anyway, despite the on-going relationship with miss monday, mr. sunday himself is a good news to everybody. ok la cutting all the craps, semalam adalah agak bes. hehe. dan semalam ialah hari ahad. (ape ni, tak faham?) hehe. hehe. ok la fine la i tell u. its nothing actually. so yesterday, we, as in me alak adak and my other 3 lil cousins nabil iman n aqilah (makmah's kids) went to kafu to have our lunch. and then we bumped into an orang bes yang agak comel dalam duration yang agak memberangsangkan. sekian end of story #1. cannot tell lebih2. oh and another thing, i bought a new camera. the old one tame suda bawak. jadi di rumah sume org ialah sejenis yang tidak suka bergambar, dan kalau tiba2 suddenly (tiba2 = suddenly, no?) terasa nak ambil gamba mereka suda ad...


today, instead of getting married (dem i really should have!) all i did was nothing much but to sit around doing work in the office, living my usual routine. morning jam was normal but today there were VIPs and their escorts suke2 hati je nak potong jalan kan. konon polis naik moto besa hon2 kan. i mean, its so UNFAIR. totally unfair because we pay the same tax (or not) for the same road. unless they are trying to save the country its ok la nak potong2 jalan jem. but all they do is stealing all the money and dont have to pay for the petrol at the same time and suddenly dont have to brace the congested roads as well. what the hell.. while we reach our destination in 45mins, they reach theirs in 15mins. well what can i say, they have to be early for their, what, brunch catching up with old frens? ok so today my team room is quite empty because many people took their leaves. so its only me, louis, azam, zila, kam mun, mei khing, abby, firdaus, and, this intern guy. and tom, (who took a ha...

4wd-ed email has launched a campaign unlike any in history to electronically distribute one-million free copies of Quran through the Internet. You know what, Quran can be downloaded for free in many languages at this URL ...and here is where you can be part of this project. After downloading the Quran in the language that you desire, please forward this E-mail to your Muslim as well as non-Muslim friends, peers and family members.... As you know, a lot of media outlets have portrayed incorrect interpretations of Quran and it is important that such false perceptions be immediately corrected. Muslims as well as non-Muslims need to study this book often and thoroughly to understand the true messages of this book. YOU can help us tremendously in this noble cause. p.s: not just quran, there are many many other free islamic e-books as well. yes, free! gratis!

1st day.. work 5 mins upon my walk in, i was greeted warmly, "hey naaiemah" by Tom, my head of dept cum technical director. he actually remembered all of our names (newcomers) so today there were 4 other newcomers besides me. we were allocated in the software team. the people in the team (in fact, in the whole office) were very2 friendly. they were like a family (even tho i didnt fit in yet but still can sense their chemistry) the whole morning shazlina briefed about the house rules and the employment agreement. the interesting part: own cubicle with my name post-it-ed on the lcd. own desktop with my new email using microsoft outlook which me and Isna were really jakun about. ok maybe me alone. stationeries i.e materialise's writing pad and pen monthly parking season pass worth rm160. hehe. actually this morning i started to not really feel like driving through the sea of honking cars everyday. but since they have provided the season pass, hmm bawak je ...