
Showing posts from January, 2008

saje saje

Hi, my name is: Naaiemah bt Mohd Esa but you can call me: Naaiemah Never in my life have I: had identical twins. The one person who can drive me nuts is: currently none. but who knows in seminit dua karang ade la. My university is: the place where school and sekolah are two different things. and its not located in glasgow. When I’m nervous: i become a clown robot The last song I listened to was: con ella If I were to get married right now it would be to: the muslim version of this guy :"> or kasi can la, some naval architect to-be out there. haha My hijab: most of them are dark colored. boring kan When I was young: I was young. and not dangerous at all. hoho Last Raya: was great. I should be: calm when things go skewed When I look down I see: me feet The happiest recent moment was: 2 weeks ago. If I were a character on a TV show: then nobody would watch my show haha I have a hard time understanding: people and accounting. There’s these girls: who just cannot stop ...


.. and then He said, "My Mercy is greater than My Wrath.."

better a libra than a librarian yang suke marah2

salam so im back from my weekend break at home. howwyeahh sangat gembira alhamdulillah. it felt like my body n mind just got recharged after a month of hectic and unpleasing life. we had a mini bbq on friday nite for our combo bday celebrations, and fasting the next day for hari ashura. and the night, saturday night, we had a grand dinner for breakfasting but sadly enough, only the last three (me alak hikmat) that were home at the moment. no first three (ky bangah din) (and tame oso) and thanks to puan mama who cooked hard to the bone. and hikmat n alak who gave the 2nd, third, fourth hand. haha. sangatla sonok bertungkus lumus kat dapur yang kecik tu. tapi rugi sangat takde tame, luqman n iqbal T_T. iqbal dah besa, dah gemuk, dan dah ber-triple chin now. 13 pictures worth 13000 words. ini bukan aiskrim. at first alak was considering baskin robin's cake plak since da ade kupon, but when learned the price is 100++, err takpayahla kott! rm100++ bole beli macam2 lagi haha.. oh ok ok ...

sile abaikan.

disclaimer: please just ignore this trivial at its best post. (haha macam ade org nak bace pn at the 1st place) just saw kyle xy 214 and prison break 309. uhh seems like the new year has just begun all over again. im all spirited. ahahaha. it takes two encik kacaks to brighten up my gloomy day. muahaha encik kacak 1 encik kacak 2 and as usual the end part of kyle xy always has this sweet moment with meaningful narrations and a really rocked background soundtracks which made me "ohh memang kene ulang balik smule part ni pasni!" (okay just like oth but wth i havent watched the new eps pun uuu) and for this latest episode, it ended a sweet way lah. one happy Trager family at home.. "let there be light.. let there be sun.." and as for the latest prison break, as usual, heart stomping and a real adrenaline rush. paul scheuring memang sengaje taknak kasi penonton bersenang lenang baring rehat2. ok back to the real world where only malay chinese indian faces flooded around...

agak thoughtful pula saya kali ni

i have this theory that indians (specifically Dravidians), have good teaching skills. haha. like mutharasu and satyanarayana. yeah, despite the slight twirling tongue , they teach really good. i cant even fall asleep. tak sempat. azma used to make this joke tau, agaknye if satya wants to buy an AAA battery, would he say, "can you give me de Yeyeye battery?" ok takpaham eh. bagus. takdela aku mengumpat. (ni dikire mengumpat ke? hihi) +++ these ppl were born in January! 3 days straight. 12.1.08 adak - the closest aunt to me and my siblings. and the most pemurah aunt to blanje2 us hehehe! may Allah grant watever she wishes for. and i love her passion for her own tadika :D watak utama: adak watak sampingan: cikgu2, dayah dan aiman +++ 13.1.08 murni (aka kur) - the 3 years gap doesnt make any difference la (since im taller, sigh) haha 26 and still looking young, you! (haku lagi nampak tua ade la) . kurangkan stress, strain, pressure etc. (density pun kot haha) (?) tak mandi pics ...

1429 dah

haha what a gud day to start a new year! i think im starting to love waking up early and not sleeping after subuh. my new Gregorian year resolutions are working out pretty well so far. last morning (when its still darkish blue) azma dragged me to the squash court and i got all bashed down by ntah brape ribu point T_T haihh lame gile tak main memangla daging dan lemak dah beku sangat, hahah but after 30mins daging dan lemak dah mule cair so bes sket, takde la keje kutip bola aje :p need to practise on the backhand often la after this. so for this new Hijri year, i resolve to umm, to just stick with the Gregorian year's resolutions. and think good of other people, be good to other people. and this is aya's tag. (aya and her tags.. ) LIST OUT THE TOP 5 PRESENTS YOU WISH FOR: (a) a break. like a fully paid vacation to austria? (ha-ha) (b) an A for this new hot thing in town, they call it f.y.p. (c) a digital alarm clock haha.. eh serius, i need one. yang bunyi annoying gile tu. ya...

soalan lagi.

ok ok anybody who coincidentally/accidentally/purposely/watever-ly reads this 1000x wajib/1000x must answer this: given an opportunity to talk about anything under/above the sun for only 6 minutes approximately, what would u rant about, most probably? kamon? people? comments from anonymous are welcomed too! *tibe2 sume senyap sahaja* (whatever happens to the "minimize blogging" resolution la kan..)

eh tak larat!

salam last morning i went to dr sheikh's talk. dr sheikh who? dr sheikh "dr sheikh"? yep, the angkasawan one. he went all the way to usm main camp (penang) to share the experience being 12 days in space. ..only to find out that the girls were turning into monkeys. crazy monkeys. eeee! tak kosserrr i tell you a, the hall was filled with 65% gedik girls, 15% calm girls, and 20% guys. and because of those crazy monkeys, the pre-scheduled photography session was canceled. hahaha padan muke korang sume takdapat bergambar. sume gambar dari jauh je. for more pics, buzz/nudge me :D actually when vz forward the ym about the talk, i wasnt all geared to go. but last morning 630am sha stormed into my room and pakse2 jugak. aaa.. T_T but alhamdulillah i found it worthwhile, because the talk was goood! very inspiring indeed, ala im easily inspired pon. so, dr sheikh ke, dr kavitha ke,, same aje. hahaha. actually dr faiz was supposed to be here. but hes got another important thing to d...


salam ever since primary school the thing that makes me excited when it comes to new year is, umm the date writing. because its just different to write, 29/11/07 as compared to 29/11/08. or 15/2/07 and 15/2/08. er just random dates. eeh i really cannot wait la to go to spoken class this afternoon, to write today's date 2/1/08 (blekh boleh je nak tulis sekang kan..) the thought of writing '08 is kinda.. interesting, dont u think? yesterday i woke up to another ordinary tuesday, (ok not really ordinary since it was public holiday and no class) and realized, ey 2008 already eh? so, as cliche as it may sound, here are a few of my resolutions for this 1st week of 2008: to minimize the internet usage. as in, minimize gile2. esp blogging (!!!) not to snooze my alarm when it goes off (in the morning). unless working on something really important involving govt secrets and intersects like chuck, the latest bedtime is 1230am. thats all for the 1st week. if its working then i should thin...

bumble bee

"Did you know that according to the theory of aerodynamics and as may well be demonstrated by means of a wind tunnel, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly. Because of its size, weight and shape in relation to its total wingspan, flight should be impossible. However, the bumble bee, being unaware of these scientific facts but possessing considerable determination, does fly . Oh, and it makes a little honey too." haha u dont need boggling scientific reasons to fly, do u.