Showing posts with label masum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label masum. Show all posts

Saturday, May 30, 2009

OuR JouRnEY 2GetHEr

okeh, entri ni dh 2 ari pending
bnyk sgt gmbr + malas.....hehehe

these pictures is my journey through masum la
malas nk type bnyk2
just letak gmbar je

19 May 2009

BBQ kat Seagate

21st May 2009

depart to UUM

sgt suka dis pic.... :)

bilik yg sgt xselesa

22nd May 2009

the day of tournament


USM vs UUM 7-9

USM vs UiTM 3-11

tapi, pics tetap kena ambik

23 May 2009

2nd day of tournament


USM vs UTM 21-6

with egy, my old fren at kmpp

credits to our coach, mr ong sbb belanja kitorng
boy's team tumpang sekaki

so, no more game after that
we failed to qualified to semifinal
same with boys

dengan muka yang xmalu
petang 2 kitorang main kayak kt sana

kak shaleen n abun.....=P


malam pulak budak2 ni nk menyanyi plak
lepak ramai2 kt court takraw kot
xtau court ape

24 May 2009

Balik USM

tp sblm balik ktorang pegi padang besar

kak pinat n me

masing2 penat, tido pon lena je
forgive me 4 putting these photos

our last dinner together

location: restoran pak hussien (xtau btul ke x eja ni)

our menu for the night

banyak lg, tp xsempat nk snap, dh kena tibai dgn budak2 nie

missing them soo much
we have created a strong bonds with each other in only 2 weeks of time
hope we'll see each other soon


Monday, May 11, 2009


lepas majlis penyerahan bendera masum
kitorang trus g politeknik seberang prai untuk frenly match
men and women's team


~kt politeknik~


masa frenly nie la 1 accident happened
pipi sebelah kiriku terkena bola pitch
tersangat la sakit
n bengkaknyer tersangat la obvious
skrg bengkak dh surut
tp mata kiri ku mcm kena tumbuk
aihhh, jatuh saham ku


tp sememangnya salah ku


already xlarat nk tulis banyak2
tgk gambar jela ek

p/s: results??? as expected la.....:04:


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