Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Its amazing seeing kids these days were far matured in thinking compared to ours back then

reading a 12 years old girl's blog make me realized that the only thing i do when i was 12 is play around with a bunch of kids that does not even know what a computer is, iPhone does not even exist at that time....and this girl even blogging with her iPad, waked by her iPhone's alarm everyday which make me even more jealous.....

but i would not trade my childhood with anyone, even with this 12 years old may not seems precious to you, but it is mine.......

You amazed me Sarah

p/s: chocolate anyone?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

BabySittinG haziQ + QaiRa

haziq n qaira were my cousin's
so jadik anak sepupu la kn????

my cousin n his wife went for umrah last saturday
n they leave haziq n qaira at their parents
but the prob is, qaira asyik buat hal, smpai my aunt xleh bt keje

my aunt mintak tolong my sis babysit
n now, qaira mmg brkepit jela dgn my sis
aku? main dgn haziq la....hehehe
haziq is the first called me kak na
biasanya bdk2 ssh nk sebut kak nadiah, jadik kak diah......xkesah la kn
tp kes haziq nie, trus die ckp kak na
aih, geli geleman

btw ari nie, only my sis yg pegi babysit
xlrt nk pegi, menstrual pain

rndu jgk la, rndu layan haziq tgk upin n ipin...huhu

this sunday maybe the last day, since my mom said their parents will arrive on monday





Saturday, May 30, 2009

c0LorinG cOnteST

for those who stayed at KB
mesti tau yg ada Pesta Buku kt Balai Islam kn

yesterday my aunt called
she asked me if i can take angah a.k.a amalin to participate in coloring contest at the book fair
she said angah has been crying for days to go to the book fair
then i said ok

ingtkn xde la ramai sgt yg participate
tp punyer la ramai
nsib baik smpai awal
klau x kena dk atas lantai la mcm bdk2 kt bwh ni

anis plak xnk berenggang langsung dgn angah
dk berkepit je kt sblh angah
thank god la, klau x die mesti merayau sana sini, xlarat den nk mngejar

angah n anis

after 30 minutes, anis said she also wants to color
aduih, dh half baru nk ckp
trpksa la pujuk

see, die bt muka, ingtkn die nk tgk je

then, she back to normal, bley main2 dh
lupa nk bgtau, plg kiri 2 along

with my sis yg tgh lapar spaghetti..... :p

yg trkilannya xsmpat nk snap hasil tangan angah 2
n trpksa balik sblm result dibagitau
tp angah nk stay

me: angah, jom balik

angah: tunggu la, die xbg hadiah lg

me: angah boleh mng ke?

angah: mana la tau

sedih jgk dgr reply die
tp trpksa balik gk
sbb kna ambik my brother dr tution

rasa mcm bwk anak2 sndri lak.....hehehe



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