Showing posts with label MTN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MTN. Show all posts

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Who used ONE planner for the whole 2015 year?

In this blog post we discuss who used one planner for one year!

Well, I admit that I have not been consistent with my planners this year.
I used:
  • personal and pocket Filofax, 
  • Cousin and weekly Hobonichi,
  • standart and passport size Midori Traveler's Notebook, 
  • Bullet Journal in Moleskine and even one attempt of an A4 ARC (disc bound system).
Oh, I forgot an A5 ARC planner! 

What about you? Have you wondered around? Have you tried a lot of planners? Have you wentured into something completely new to you, like bound vs.ring bound, or disc bound vs. ring bound systems? maybe you've tried coil bound planner? I've yet to try it out in the next year! Maybe you've tried a new layout?
I sell my planner printables on etsy, please check it out
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Thursday, June 11, 2015

How a Plannerneard goes to a Vacation.

If you follow me on my blog, and check out my photos that I post almost every day, you have noticed that I have posted very different photos lately. That's because I am on vacation.  And you should have seen me packing!
I am a plannerneard (like you don't know that already (don't you?). I live and breathe planners. I can't live without them. I sleep with them. I journal in them. I have all kinds of them. Every size and color... well..  not every color... but almost. ..

So what have I chosen to go with me? Well, first I have decided that I take just a passport size Midori with new notebooks and Hobonichi Weeks with me. It doesn't weight a lot, and portable. I could journal on the go, which I did right on the board of the plane. 

Then, I thought, what if... only if.. this is not going to work out, and I will absolutely need more space?
And I took my standard size Midori Traveler's Notebook. Without notebooks.  Because it's very easy for me to make them.  I just need to buy an A5 graphed notebook and cut it to the size!
Then I remembered that I have even a bigger Midori. An A5 size. It's not a real Midori, because a Midori doesn't have this size,  but it's just the same, only wider! And I love it! And it's even more space than a standard size!
Then I decided that I couldn't do without a Filofax. It must be a pocket Filofax. Because it's pretty.  It's Crimson. And Malden. And it's small and portable!  Oh, I can't do without it!
And I took it with me.
My heart was almost content. And then I thought about my aqua. Malden. How could I leave it behind? What if I suddenly have an urge to use it? It would be a catastrophe!
And what do you think?  Have I left it at home?  Of course,  not!
Well, to my defend, I am actually using it right now. With another ring binder. Not a filofax, but a personal size too. I'm not going to post a picture of it here. Search it on my blog!
P.S. Do you think that I am content now??? 
I actually think that I'm nuts that I left my pocket Holborn Filofax and my A5 purple Malden and personal ochre Malden!
P.P.S. It's not easy to be a plannernerd!

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Sunday, April 19, 2015

How I create new tabs in my midoritravelersnotebook !

I wanted to share it with you in case you want to repeat it. I don't like repositionable tabs because there is the risk of losing them, and this risk is high since Midori cover has the same size as the notebooks inside it, and tge tabs are exposed to wear and tear!
I use a paper flags of different colors (yes, I do color code my tabs according to my 6 colorcoding system). I stamp the name of the tab with distress ink pad, fold the flag, and put it into desired place. Then cover the tab with three layers of scotch tape over it, and trim  the excess. That's it! The tabs are holding really well, I didn't have any problems with them, and I am not careful with them at all!
Hope you find my advice helpful!
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Friday, January 9, 2015

"The Traveling Midori" Project -Sign In Begins!

I am starting "The Traveling Midori" project, where you could have fun with a travelling Midori and collaboration with people from all around the world, rules are:
1) I'm going to send one insert only at the start
2) you will write/draw/put puctures about yourself, the place where you live, and anything else what you want
3) you will have the Traveling Midori for 5 days, then send it to the next person
4) be aware of international shipping charges, it is a traveling Midori after all
5) the next person could be in the same country, but it definitely should be not the same town/city
6) if the insert is finished, the person should add another insert, and pass both inserts to tge next person.
7)The Travelling Midori  inserts doesn't need to be the authentic Midori insert, it coud be a DIY insert!
8) if the shipping day is the national holiday day when the post is closed, shipping needs to be done when the post office opens
9) on the day you get the traveling Midori, you make pictures of it and put here on this FC group, after you made your entries in the Traveling Midori, you make a video about it and put it on YouTube.
You could sign up here on MySummerTouch Fun Facebook group! Can't wait to see all the fun!

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