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Showing posts with label Programs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Programs. Show all posts
November 13, 2013
October 25, 2013
InCMusic Tool - A new music manager for Sims 3 and other games by ksxxy
The InCMusic Tool by InvScribe is a fabulous new way to add music to games that support a "Custom Music" or "Custom Soundtrack" folder (future versions will add support for games that do not have a custom music folder). It is designed to allow game players to easily add their own music to such games with minimum hassle. In InCMusic Tool's primary mode (called Zero Byte File Mode), InCMusic Tool will create files in the custom music folder that take up no hard drive space. Even better, it does this VERY quickly! InCMusic Tool has many features, including other modes: Copy and Shortcut.
I originally made this for The Sims 3 and then tested it with other games. Presets include The Sims 2 and several other titles.
InCMusic Tool 1.0 is Free
I thought about this long and hard. I decided to release it as free software for everyone to enjoy. There are no ads, nag screens, or anything like that. I only ask that it is not distributed outside of the channels that I have personally distributed it on (aside from sharing it with friends).
InCMusic Tool is compatible with all patch versions and all expansions. It is not a mod, hack, or object, and it is compatible with all known mods, et cetera. InCMusic Tool does not modify your game files. It simply creates the files you have asked it to generate.
May 25, 2013
Blueprint Maker by velocitygrass
Requirements: The blueprint maker tool requires .NET 4 and runs on Windows. I cannot give support for any other platforms and it will likely not run on those.
It was my goal to make this process as simple as possible, but there are still a few easy steps. Please make sure to read the complete instructions. They cover the two main parts of the blueprint maker, the helper mod and the tool.
Basic Instructions
Install velocitygrass_blueprinthelper.package in the zip as you would any package mod
Start the game and go into live mode to the room you want to create a blueprint of
Make sure that you're in cheats mode (type Ctrl+Shift+C to open the console and enter "testingcheatsenabled on", then return)
Click on the floor in the room and select "Velocitygrass..." -> "Create Blueprint Template" with or without outer walls. (See FAQ at the end for the difference)
The mod will work for a moment and write an error log in your The Sims 3 folder. Don't worry if flickering occurs or if it takes a while (especially for very large rooms).
Read more and download at
October 20, 2012
August 13, 2012
Be Less Stupid Catalogue
What is Be Less Stupid?
Be Less Stupid is where you can find fixes for your Sims 3 sets. I started this because I found there simply was insufficient categories for the huge number of items available for the game and there didn't seem to be a pattern to the categorisation. Hopefully once this project is complete things will be much cleaner.
Fixes include the following changes and recategorisation:
Old store items including wall art, wall televisions, wall lights and mirrors can now be shifted up and down walls; Hidden stencils unlocked where applicable; Trash bins, towel racks and laundry hampers moved from appliances to misc storage; Chair intended for office use only removed from dining chair category; Plants removed from misc décor; Decorative boxes, buckets etc and clothes racks moved to misc storage; Decorative wall shelving moved to displays; Small ornaments and clutter in misc décor; Large ornaments and sculptures to Sculptures; Fountains moved to misc plumbing; Fire pits to misc appliances; umbrellas and partitions / screens now easier to find in rugs section.
Read more and download at The Simalogue Sims Library
Thanks, Mariana:)
Be Less Stupid is where you can find fixes for your Sims 3 sets. I started this because I found there simply was insufficient categories for the huge number of items available for the game and there didn't seem to be a pattern to the categorisation. Hopefully once this project is complete things will be much cleaner.
Fixes include the following changes and recategorisation:
Old store items including wall art, wall televisions, wall lights and mirrors can now be shifted up and down walls; Hidden stencils unlocked where applicable; Trash bins, towel racks and laundry hampers moved from appliances to misc storage; Chair intended for office use only removed from dining chair category; Plants removed from misc décor; Decorative boxes, buckets etc and clothes racks moved to misc storage; Decorative wall shelving moved to displays; Small ornaments and clutter in misc décor; Large ornaments and sculptures to Sculptures; Fountains moved to misc plumbing; Fire pits to misc appliances; umbrellas and partitions / screens now easier to find in rugs section.
Read more and download at The Simalogue Sims Library
Thanks, Mariana:)
July 27, 2012
Meshing Toolkit by CmarNYC
This is what the name implies - a set of tools for the serious Sims mesher. It's still very much a work in progress, but I've been working on it for almost six months and this seems like a good time to officially upload it. Updates will probably be frequent, especially as more people try it out. Please report any bugs, problems, and stuff not working, and don't hesitate to suggest any (reasonable) improvements!
Some of the Toolkit screens are attached below for illustration. Select files using the buttons which bring up the standard Windows file browser. Basic instructions for each function are in the tab for that function. As more tutorials for the use of this set of tools are done by me or others, I'll link them below.
Read more and download at Mod The Sims
Some of the Toolkit screens are attached below for illustration. Select files using the buttons which bring up the standard Windows file browser. Basic instructions for each function are in the tab for that function. As more tutorials for the use of this set of tools are done by me or others, I'll link them below.
Read more and download at Mod The Sims
September 26, 2011
Blender 2.5 TS3 Slot Editor by cmomoney
What it's for...
This script is for importing RSLT(slot) files into Blender 3D 2.59. The slots can be imported over a mesh, then moved to the desired position. Slots can also be added and deleted, and it works on routing, container, effect, and IKtarget slots. Additionally, slot flags(for container slots) can also be edited.
Read more and download at Mod The Sims
July 28, 2011
s3hq (HQ Modification Helper) v1.0.0.0
Description: Application created to suppress patch-compatibility updates of HQ Modification;
The application will affect The Sims 3 GraphicsRules file for the original mod purposes.
Objective: Allow easy toggle between |enable/disable| |limit sizes| over the referring mod.
- Texture Size Multiplier 512px or 256px;
- Switching the Texture Size Multiplier will allow different Texture Sizes to be set;
- While 256px is not something I consider "significative" change, might help with the usage for some users.
Instead of having to rewrite a bunch of files everytime a patch comes out, this will, hopefully, be able to patch the GraphicRules from now on.
If you like the tools of this project, you can write a review of it or simply click "Like" on the project review page.
Read more and download at #aWT
The application will affect The Sims 3 GraphicsRules file for the original mod purposes.
Objective: Allow easy toggle between |enable/disable| |limit sizes| over the referring mod.
- Texture Size Multiplier 512px or 256px;
- Switching the Texture Size Multiplier will allow different Texture Sizes to be set;
- While 256px is not something I consider "significative" change, might help with the usage for some users.
Instead of having to rewrite a bunch of files everytime a patch comes out, this will, hopefully, be able to patch the GraphicRules from now on.
If you like the tools of this project, you can write a review of it or simply click "Like" on the project review page.
Read more and download at #aWT
s3sr (Scripter) v0.0.9.3092 by #aWT
Description: Process batch operations on the game packages through a Custom Script.
Objective: Export a Game resource(s) from The Sims 3 to another package altering its default attributes.
Custom Extension: (*.s3sr), allows easy running of script operations along with the tool.
This is a "complex" tool, if you are unfamiliar with resource editing avoid this.
It is recommended, however, only use it in case someone provides you an already written script file for it.
DO NOT share the output package of your script created with this tool.
It breaks the purpose of this application, in case of structure changes on resource(s).
Read more and download at #aWT
Objective: Export a Game resource(s) from The Sims 3 to another package altering its default attributes.
Custom Extension: (*.s3sr), allows easy running of script operations along with the tool.
This is a "complex" tool, if you are unfamiliar with resource editing avoid this.
It is recommended, however, only use it in case someone provides you an already written script file for it.
DO NOT share the output package of your script created with this tool.
It breaks the purpose of this application, in case of structure changes on resource(s).
Read more and download at #aWT
July 17, 2011
UPDATE - s3sr (Scripter) v0.0.9.3083 by #aWT
UPDATED - July 17
Description: Process batch operations on the game packages through a Custom Script.
Objective: Export a Game resource(s) from The Sims 3 to another package altering its default attributes.
Custom Extension: (*.s3sr), allows easy running of script operations along with the tool.
This is a "complex" tool, if you are unfamiliar with resource editing avoid this.
It is recommended, however, only use it in case someone provides you an already written script file for it.
DO NOT share the output package of your script created with this tool.
It breaks the purpose of this application, in case of structure changes on resource(s).
Read more and download at #aWT
July 14, 2011
June 21, 2011
June 11, 2011
Tool to Package Custom Body Hair by CmarNYC
A simple Windows program to help with making custom body hair.
Just enter a name for your hair, select the body location, and import your textures. You only need two: an overlay and a specular. Optionally you can adjust the opacity of the hair and the sorting order in CAS. By default it will be enabled for males only, teen through elder, but you can change that if you wish.
Games must have the 1.22 base game patch or higher to use body hair. You don't have to have the Generations expansion.
Read more and download at Mod The Sims
May 23, 2011
s3ce (Sims3Pack CommandLine Extractor) v1.1.0.74
Description: Extract Sims3Pack-oriented files through cmd (CommandLine) or via WinShell.
Objective: Make the extracting process of those files easier and user-friendly.
- Set a custom Extraction Directory;
- Integrate the program to Pescado's s3rc;
- Attempt to fix or/and decrapify the generated package;
- Add a handler when you right-click with any Sims3Pack to extract them;
Read more and download at #aWT
Objective: Make the extracting process of those files easier and user-friendly.
- Set a custom Extraction Directory;
- Integrate the program to Pescado's s3rc;
- Attempt to fix or/and decrapify the generated package;
- Add a handler when you right-click with any Sims3Pack to extract them;
Read more and download at #aWT
February 15, 2011
Blender 2.5 TS3 Tools by cmomoney
This script includes a set of tools for creating objects for TS3:
* Import/export - import/export MLOD and MODL files(.s3asc)
* EZ Bake - bake multiplier images with just a few clicks
* Image Loader - apply images to objects and get and idea how they will look in-game(including alphas)
* Fix Seams - fix unsightly seams created when splitting vertices/edges(aligns vertex normals)
* Make Glass - automagically give a group a glass material with one click(Blender viewing only)
* Hide Bones - hide/show the bones in an object with one click
Read more and download at Mod The Sims
October 30, 2010
s3ce (Sims3Pack CommandLine Extractor) by aWT
While studying DBPF packages I developed this application under C# using Visual Studio.I wasn't going to share it, but since it's pretty handy and would help the community, I decided to.
It's a drag & drop Sims3Pack extractor.
You probably heard of Delphy's Multi Installer;
They share the same purpose, the difference is that mine can be ran through batch scripts or by simply dragging the Sim3Packs you want to the program file.
I created a GUI where you can change the default settings, such as:
- Set a custom Extraction Directory;
- Integrate the program to Pescado's s3rc;
- Attempt to fix or/and decrapify the generated package;
- Add a handler when you right-click with any Sims3Pack to extract them;
Read more and download at aWT's Stuff
It's a drag & drop Sims3Pack extractor.
You probably heard of Delphy's Multi Installer;
They share the same purpose, the difference is that mine can be ran through batch scripts or by simply dragging the Sim3Packs you want to the program file.
I created a GUI where you can change the default settings, such as:
- Set a custom Extraction Directory;
- Integrate the program to Pescado's s3rc;
- Attempt to fix or/and decrapify the generated package;
- Add a handler when you right-click with any Sims3Pack to extract them;
Read more and download at aWT's Stuff
September 22, 2010
August 21, 2010
The Sims 3 Crash Log Analyzer by FordGT90Concept
Download at Mod The Sims
The Sims 3 Crash Log Analyzer (CLA) parses crash logs (xcpt*.txt) in the the Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 directory. It then attempts to discover most likely caused the crash which CLA displays under the "Likely Cause" column.
The Sims 3 Crash Log Analyzer (CLA) parses crash logs (xcpt*.txt) in the the Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 directory. It then attempts to discover most likely caused the crash which CLA displays under the "Likely Cause" column.
July 10, 2010
New Programs and Mods at Mod The Sims

- Tattooinator, a tool for creation of custom Ambitions tattoos by CmarNYC
- The Sims 3 Patch Downloader by FordGT90Concept
Assists in patching The Sims 3 (and expansions) as well as making them large address aware. - The Sims 3 Large Address Aware by FordGT90Concept
Makes TS3 large address aware (>2 GiB RAM).
A tool to preview and package custom tattoos for Ambitions. - Running Disease Hotfix by Buzzler
Stop, Forrest, stop!
July 06, 2010
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