I also had a time when I started to complain. I felt cut off from the world. My latest trip to Holland and the wonderful counseling of a great friend of mine helped me to make a decision - I will be where God wants me to be because of who He IS, not because of what He does. It has brought a new peace into my life! Having a relationship with somebody means you love them for who they are, right? The same goes for God!! I just want to be a blessing to other people and share His Peace and Light.
Our family picture
Another feat was that I made my first real English Christmas cake, I didn't know I could do it, but enjoyed the process immensely, especially making Marzipan, it was easier than I thought. So, I made four small ones, as I thought they would make nice Christmas gifts, but only managed to give one away :)
This is the only one I have left. I think I received the piece of lace from Susanne, Illinois - everything comes in handy! So now I have my mince pies, sausage rolls, spicy pears and peaches and other Christmas specials ready. Tomorrow I am going to marinate my turkey (which is called brining). The recipe is here for those interested. I made my own 'bouquet garni' from the herbs I have in the garden. Tied a piece of string around them and put them in a little yoghurt pot so they don't dry out.
Then I have a Chistmas card to share. I have a lovely basket which carries the cards I have received in the past years, it is a treasure chest! I love to look through them for inspiration. I got inspired to make this one using distress markers. Gives such a different look to using a distress pad.
And I made a couple of vintage tags which I added to two gift packages.
To close I wanted to quote a devotional which just confirmed what I wrote above. It speaks volumes to me and I want to cherish it for the coming year and work with it.
Luke 11:1--13
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find ..." (v. 9)
The great danger of a quiet time is that we will use it as an
opportunity to petition God rather than to know Him and be known by Him. I
thought back to a statement I remember reading in C. S. Lewis's book,
Prayer: Letters to Malcolm, to the effect that the older he got the less
involved he became in petitionary prayer. "The strange thing is," said
Lewis, "the more I pray for things the less my
prayers seem to get answered. I think God is leading me on to ask less and
less for things and more and more for Himself." Then he expressed this
profound thought: "Prayer is taking part in the process of being known." I
glanced up as I wrote those words and looked out at the trees in my
God knows everything there is to know about those trees, but they are
not persons so they cannot join in the process of being known. God knows
all there is to know about me, but that objective knowledge is quite
different from the process of drawing close to Him in prayer and letting
Him know me through my opening up to Him. One is objective knowledge, the
other experiential. And what is breathtakingly marvelous about all this is
that in every spiritual tĂȘte-to-tĂȘte I hold with God, He seeks to draw my
soul into such a relationship with Him that I know Him as a Father and a
Friend. Such knowledge is almost too good to be true. But also too good
not to be true.
Just wanted to say THANK YOU for being so kind, for your visits, your lovely feedback and for the beautiful, inspirational work you do on your blogs. I really enjoy your company!
May God's richest blessing be yours in 2013 and Happy Christmas!