Showing posts with label Two Banks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Two Banks. Show all posts

Saturday, August 24, 2024

"Two Banks Has the Jordan" - From the Other Side

One the main and principled political and ideological elements of the Revisionist Movement founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky is the claim for the integrity of the homeland.

In a practical sense, that meant that the Palestine Mandate should have extended to both sides of the Jordan River, instead of Article 25 of the Mandate decision allowing Great Britain to postpone the application of the reconsitution of the national Jewish homeland east of the Jordan River.

Jabotinsky wrote the words to a song on the matter.

A map representing the demanded borders was always prominent

And the Irgun adopted it as well.

Well, now I've found a Telegram account in Jordan and look at the map:


Monday, December 18, 2023

"Both Banks" a la Omar Bartov

I left this comment at a talk/interview in which Omer Bartov and Peter Beinart participated in of Democracy Now!:

At 10:10 on to 11:30 or so, on the issue of "from the Rive to the Sea" - a) historically, the Land of Israel as the Jewish national home always comprised of land on both banks on the Jordan River from Biblical times through Talmudic era* and also various foreign conquerors. b) actually, the League of Nations indicated in its 1922 decision that that was so but postponed full application of the Mandate for the reconstituted Jewish home due to Gt. Britain, illegally I would suuggest, bringing in Abdullah the Hashemeite of Saudi Arabia to newly-created Jordan. c) the Israeli Right never intended to slaughter all the Arabs as the Hamas wishes to do and the Fatah wouldn't mind doing.

* "We learned there in a mishna: Eretz Yisrael is divided into three separate lands...Judea, Transjordan, and the Galilee." Pesachim 52B, for example

Thanks to IB for the heads-up.


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Who Suggested "Two Banks Has The Jordan"?

'Two Banks Has The Jordan' was only a Jabotinsky/Revisionist demand that the Jewish National Home extended east beyond the Jordan River?

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Bansky, Batia and the Two Banks "Historic Palestine"

Batia Ofer has taken on Bansky.  Background at Israelycool.

His pro Palestinian and anti-Israel posters:




Her counter poster:

So I commented:

If they insist on "Historic Palestine", well, that means all of Jordan need be included as only in 1922 was it officially separated from the original territory of the reconstituted-to-be Jewish National Home. Oops.

So Bansky becomes Two Banks.

Do read the comments left at her poster.
