Trebuie sa se deschida pagina unde se tine concursul. Votati o singura data, cu numele mic real, si scrieti numele si titlul lucrarii votate, jos, la comentarii.
Va spuneam in urma cu cateva zile despre concursul Primavara turquoise organizat de Oana pe blogul ei.
A few days ago I told you about a special contest - Turquoise spring hosted by Oana on her blog.
Eu am participat la categoria felicitari cu tehnica quilling si azi s-a dat drumul la votare asa ca pot sa va arat felicitarea pe care am pregatit-o.
Se numeste Floare de cires.
I'm competing at the cards section, with the quilling technique. You can vote now so I can show you the card I've made. It`s named Cherry blossom.
I want to enter this card to fairyknoll challenge Think Spring. My post is quite old, but maybe the girls will accept it because it suits perfect!
Oana a surprins foarte bine gandurile mele ”Povestea unei preafrumoase fete si a florilor de cires, povestea unei primaveri vesnice.”
Oana surprised very well my thoughts "The story of a very beautiful girl and the cherry blossoms, the story of a neverending spring".
Se poate vota o singura data, aici
You can only vote once, here, and the vote is for only one work even if there are more sections. Write at the comment box the name of the one you choose and the name of her work, leave your e-mail adress and that`s it.
Am lucrat cu foarte multa placere la aceasta felicitare, mult mai multe ore decat la cele pe care le fac de obicei, m-am simtit inspirata si sunt incantata de ce a iesit.
I worked with so much pleasure to this card, many more hours than I worked at the others, I felt inspired and I`m delighted with the result.