Showing posts with label cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cards. Show all posts

Friday, December 20, 2013

Angel card 2 / Felicitare cu inger 2

Salutare din nou!
Iata acelasi fel de ingerasi pe carton mov si alb :)
Cred ca mov e o culoare neobisnuita pentru Craciun dar ador culoarea asta asa ca nu m-am putut abtine!

Hi there!
Here are the same golden angels on purple and white :)
I consider purple an unusual color for Christmas but I love purple so I couldn`t help myself!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Winter card / Felicitare de iarna

Dragii mei,
in ultima vreme am neglijat blogul. Asta nu pentru ca nu am facut quilling, dimpotriva am facut sute de flori si multe alte minunatii, insa au fost mai mult creatii de serie.
O sa incep acum o serie de postari cu felicitari de Craciun. Cu timpul, pentru ca procesul sa fie mai rapid, am inceput sa repet un tipar, insa ma incapatanez sa nu fac doua felicitari la fel.
Pentru azi, iata niste fulgusori albastri pe un fundal alb, cu emboss care imita lemnul. Sunt tare delicati si frumusei, poate, poate vor aduce si zapada!

My dear friends,
Lately I neglected my blog. That`s not because I abbandoned quilling, on the contrary I made a lot of flowers and all kind of wonderful things, but they are creations of series. 
Today I`ll start posting some Christmas cards. Even I repeat the general design, I do my best and I try to put something different on each one. 
For today, a blue snowflake on white embossed background that looks like wood. They look so delicate!

I wish you wonderful days this time around Christmas,
Sa aveti parte de zile minunate acum, in preajma Craciunului,

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Love cards

You know... Valentine`s day is coming. I`ve managed to make some cards with hearts. Red hearts. Painted stems (already a tradition for every spring) and quilled leaves.

Love them so much!

Ziua Indragostitilor se apropie. Am reusit sa fac niste felicitari cu inimioare. Inimioarea rosii. Am pictat tulpinitele (este deja o traditie ca in fiecare primavara sa fac felicitari cu tulpini pictate) si am pus frunzulite quilling.

Imi plac atat de mult!!!

There are more from the same collection.
I just love making them only that I`m not very good at painting. I`ve already accepted that I`m not a pateient crafter :)

Sunt mai multe din aceeasi colectie.
Imi place foarte mult sa le fac numai ca nu sunt prea buna la pictura. Am acceptat de multa vreme ca sunt un mester cam nerabdator :)

Salutari si vine primavara!!!
Warm hugs! I`m happy that spring is comming!


Monday, December 10, 2012

Felicitare cu fulgi quilling / Quilling snowflakes card

Stiu, uneori ce-i prea mult e prea mult. Dar am promis 10 zile cu fulgi si vreau sa ma tin de cuvant. Felicitarile acestea doua fac parte dintre preferatele mele de anul acesta - imi plac culorile, imi place forma si designul si mai imi place si hartia albastra cu aspect perlat. Stiu ca e zapada peste tot acum, dar nu ma simt vinovata, toti facem fulgi in perioada aceasta, nu? Adica nu cred ca fulgii mei au adus ninsoarea.

I know, too much is too much! But I promised 10 days of projects that include snowflakes so I want to keep my word. These cards are from my favorite - I love the colors, the shape, the design and also the pearlescent blue paper. Our country is covered with snow but I do not feel gulty, we all make snowflakes around Christmas!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Felicitari All White / All White Cards

A very special day today! St. Nicholas brought in my shoes me a Sabon cream with lavender and roses. And other beautiful gifts. Also a snowy day.
So here are these cards I made some weeks ago. My mother in law helped - she did the snowflakes. A good teacher (me :D) and a good student (she).
I`m curious to see if people will love these cards (and buy them) beacuse I love so very much this delicate design, also the combination white on (almost) white. The paper is more likely silver than white, it looks like silk.

O zi speciala azi! Mos Nicolae mi-a adus o crema Sabon cu lavanda si trandafiri. Alte daruri minunate. Si o zi cu ninsoare. Asa ca iata niste felicitari pe care le-am facut acum cateva saptamani, in acelasi sentiment al albului. Soacra mea m-a ajutat - ea a facut fulgii. Un profesor bun (eu) combinat cu un elev bun (ea).
Sunt curioasa daca oamenilor le vor placea aceste felicitari si daca le vor cumpara. Mie imi plac foarte, foarte mult - imi place designul si imi place combinatia alb pe alb (aproape alb pentru ca hartia are nuante argintii, arata ca matasea).

Hope St. Nicholas brought you sweets and fruits,
Sper ca Mos Nicolae va adus dulciuri si fructe,

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Autumn cards / Felicitari de toamna

A venit toamna... Acum doi ani pe aceasta vreme postam,cu emotie, poze cu felicitari create de mine. Sunt asa de bucuroasa ca am pasit pe acest drum!
Va multumesc pentru ca ma urmariti, pentru ca lasati comentarii, pentru ca sunteti parte din lumea mea!

It`s autumn... Two years ago, on this time, I was posting quite shy, a few pictures with my cards. I`m so glad that I`ve followed this road (a road with blogs, cards, quilling, stamps and a lot of beauty!).
Thank you for being my followers, thank you for your comments, thank you for being part of my world!

Pentru azi o felicitare din colectia de toamna.

For today, a card from my autumn colection.

Warm hugs,

Friday, July 27, 2012

Chandelier card / Felicitare cu candelabru

Imi plac la nebunie mastile acestea mici din quilling. Le-am facut din joaca intr-o zi si sunt tare mandra de rezultat. A fost ideea mea - adica vreau sa spun ca nu m-am inspirat :D

Si printul cu candelabru imi place asa de mult! Si imi place si combinatia de culori.

Asa. Se pare ca sunt intr-o faza de marketing de imi tot promovez si laud lucrarile, dar chiar imi e foarte drag de ele.

I just love so very much these little masks I did using quilling. They came up just like that (I was playing around with those shapes) and I`m so proud how they turned out. They were my idea - I mean that I had no inspiration source :D

I also adore the chandelier print! An also love the color combo.

It seems that I`m in a marketing era from my life since I compliment so much my works, but I really love them and I have such a warm feeling for them.

Hugs and smiles,

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Wheat wedding invitation/ Invitatie de nunta cu grau


This is what I think everytime I see this crad. This is an older project I`ve made for a special client. Hope you like the colors, I just love so very much dusty rose...


La asta ma duce cu gandul aceasta felicitare/invitatie de fiecare data cand o vad. Este un proiect mai vechi pe care l-am facut pentru o clienta speciala. Sper sa va placa nuantele alese. Eu sunt pur si simplu innebunita dupa dusty rose, ador culoarea aceasta...

With a lyrical being and a melancholic summer holiday feeling,

Cu putina melancolie si poezie in suflet, si cu o stare de vacanta,

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The purple card

In my last post I told you about the cards I made - in different colors. Two of you wanted to see the pale purple one so here it is the winner :) In postul de data trecuta va spuneam despre felicitarile pe care le-am facut in culori diferite. Si va ceream sa votati ce culoare preferati s avedeti. Doua persoane au ales mov deschis asa ca iat-o
Tomorrow I`ll show you another wedding invitation design. Maine va voi arata un nou model de invitatie de nunta. Thank you for your visit and comments, Va multumesc pentru vizita si pentru comentarii, Anca

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My recent work

I usually post my creations after a month or more (exception for special holydays). But today I`m anxious to show you this recent, new creation: a pot with flowers. I saw this idea, quite different, on another blog. And I wanted to try it! I have more cards like this - in different colors - but thought one it`s more than enough. De obicei postez ceea ce creez dupa o luna sau chiar mai multa vreme (cu exceptia sarbatorilor mai deosebite). Dar azi sunt tare nerabdatoare sa va arat cea mai noua creatie dintre felicitari: un ghiveci cu flori. Am vazut ideea aceasta, destul de diferita, pe un alt blog. Si am vrut imediat sa o incerc! Am mai multe felicitari de genul acesteia - in culori si dimensiuni diferite - dar m-am gandit ca una e mai mult decat destul.
Imagine this with large, quilled flowers! Waiting for the moment to come so that I can make the idea become true. Imaginati-va aceasta minunatie cu niste flori mari, quilling! Aia astept sa vina momentul in care aceasta idee sa devina realitate.
As I said, I have more cards like this in different colors. What do you choose to see? Pale purple, blue or tangerine? Vote in the comments section and I`ll post the winner :) Asa cum am zis, am mai multe felicitari ca aceasta in culori diferite. Ce alegeti sa vedeti? Mov deschis, albastru sau tangerine? Votati in comentariul vostru si voi posta castigatoarea :)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Be free

Hello my dear ones! I love your comments, and opinions and visit! Thank you :) For this Saturday evening (almost night) I have these beautiful cards without quilling. Instead of quilling I used some fabric. I enjoy every new material I can use. Buna dragele mele! Ador comentariile voastre, si opiniile si vizita voastra! Multumesc :) Pentru aceasta seara de sambata (aproape noapte) am aceste minunate felicitari fara quilling. In loc de hartie si quilling am folosit niste resturi de material. Ma bucur de fiecare data cand pot folosi un material nou.
My favourite one? Hard to decide between the green and the blue one..... Blue it is. Care e preferata mea? Mi-e greu sa aleg intre cea verde si cea albastra..... Cea albastra e. What`s your favourite technique after quilling? Or material, except paper? Care e tehnica vaostra preferata dupa quilling? Sau material? Cu exceptia hartiei? O super vacanta de 1 mai va doresc! Have a great Sunday, Anca

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Yes, I`m here and the Easter holidays are gone and no word from me... I don`t like it but it came up like this, I had no pictures with my easter cards, I was in a hurry so no pictures with the eggs... This is me in April, very different from the one I know.

Da, sunt aici si au trecut Pastile si nici un cuvant din partea mea... Nu-mi place, dar asa au iesit lucrurile, n-am avut nici-o poza cu felicitarile de Pasti, am fost tot pe fuga asa ca n-am facut poze nici cu ouale incondeiate... Aceasta sunt eu in aprilie, foarte diferita de cum ma stiu in restul vremurilor.

I need balance in my work. I`ll have to define balance - it is important to know how it is.
equilibrium / balance / harmony / peace / stability / order + my work = LOVE

Am nevoie de echilibru in munca mea. Incerc sa-mi definesc echilibrul personal - e important pentru mine sa stiu cum arata - asa imi va fi mai usor sa-l obtin.
echilibru / armonie / pace / stabilitate / ordine + munca mea de zi cu zi = IUBIRE

I miss U!!!!
Mi-e dor de voi!!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My beloved Hydrangea

Hello there! How are you, how is your spring? I know you are reading my posts even if you don`t write comments... Same for me: reading your posts and admiring your works but no comments... even if I know how good it feels to read beautiful thoughts about your work.

Now here is this card I`ve made using some tight swirls. First I wanted to make some lilac flowers but they turned out into a hydrangea (I love these flowers).
I`m busy with some wedding invitations. I love this work so much even if sometimes I get sticked on my chair.

As you can see I try all kind of things (and I love this!). Hope you like it!
Thanks for your visit and for your comments.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring is here

I just love this word... Spring... I just love to use it over and over again... We live a house not an apartment. And this year we decided to try gardening. Wish me luck.

I had a special order to deliver so I was very, very busy. But now I just couldn`t help myself anymore... I miss blogging. Definitely I won`t stop blogging :)

For today a card actualy I`ll post two cards on which I used some scrap paper. It`s not for the first time I combine scrap paper and quilling but I don`t remember if I ever posted other projects like this.

Ador cuvantul primavara... Imi place asa de mult sa il folosesc iar si iar... Locuim de vreo 3 ani la casa si anul acesta ne-am hotarat sa incercam gradinaritul. Tineti-mi pumnii sa se faca legumele.

Am avut de trimis o comanda asa ca am fost foarte, foarte ocupata. Dar acum nu m-am mai putut abtine... Mi-e dor de blogareala. Categoric nu ma voi opri din blogarit :)

Azi postez doua felicitari pentru care am folosit hartie scrap. Nu e prima data cand combin hartia aceasta imprimata cu quillingul dar nu imi mai amintesc daca am mai scris si altadata despre asta sau nu.

And here is a beige-brown-peach combo. The paper is from Joanna Sheen, Taj Mahal paper stack.

Si aici o combinatie bej-maro-piersiciu. Hartia e de la Joanna Sheen, Taj Mahal se numea pachetul de hartie.

My favourite is definitely green and pink but if I had to make a gift I would choose the beige one.
I am happy these days, searching for seeds for our garden, spending more time outside the house... having some new cosmetics and feeling like a woman:)
What about you?

Preferata mea e clar cea cu verde si roz, dar daca ar fi sa fac un cadou as alege-o pe cea bej.
Sunt tare bucuroasa zilele astea, caut seminte pentru gradinita noastra, petrecem mai mult timp afara... si am niste cosmetice noi care ma fac sa ma simt femeie:)
Voi cum mai sunteti?

Friday, March 16, 2012

Every spring with it`s clovers

Irish celebrate St. Patrick. I celebrate Spring. Clovers are common in my country for this season. I used a lot of green, and they turned out so beautiful. Love them.

I find myself more often saying how much I love my cards. Maybe I`m just in a too positive mood or maybe they are really beautiful. Who can really say?

Have a great, beautiful, green and fresh spring!
Me :)