Showing posts with label lee min ho. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lee min ho. Show all posts

Sunday, October 25, 2009


It was like a dream come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i never thought of facing him like THIS CLOSE...
Giler tui!!  almost fainted bile dia senyum tu..
aku rase cam ter 'froze' at that moment..
tak boleh gambar dengan kata-kata lagi dah betape gumbira giler..
mmg x penah expect tuk dpt jumpe Min Ho eye to eye..

Percaya or tidak i'm among the lucky person to be one of the fans yg naik atas stage and get his signature..
it's it true??? is it me on the stage?? infront of Min ho???
believe it dear... thehehhe

Meh nak cite sal detail of event skit

Event :  Autograph Session & Product Launching Etude House
Venue :  Sungai Wang Plaza
Date :  25 October 2009

ok cite start dr my friend picking me up at LRT Ampang Park and we manage to arrive there at 8.40am while we were waiting for another friend to come we decide to go in first ( eventhough pintu baru separuh bukak..i don't care..keke)

Bile sampai kat concourse hall mmg dah ade geng2 yg beratur dah ( pukul berapa dorang start line up aku pun x tau la).  Organizer pun baru datang pasang-pasang banner semua..

Kitaorg punye pot beratur mmg agak dekat la dengan stage..
and the queue goes smoothly, everyone is very patient and follow the instruction.

Percaya tak ..aku start tunggu dari jam 8.30am and event tu start 6 petang hokey!!.. crazy tak??? whatever.....hehehe

the clock shows 1pm...almost half day sitting on the floor and chatting with friends..dah rase penat gile tapi still excited...i'll go for Zohor prayer and lucky i'm back on time...

balik je dari solat, everyone was ask to stand up and move a bit closer coz the queue yang  like hell out long..

Organizer suruh line tu ketepi skit and baris elok elok tapi orang dah start tolak2 la and potong line yg hangin tu..Semua org giler marah kat yg potong queue tu  especially chinese girl sebelah aku..giler marah dia..i was like 'yeah what the hell, potong line plak"..kelakar plak sbb aku cam pom pom girls..kekekekekeke.

Organizer dah ckp jgn terlalu agresif sbb at any time kalo keadaan x tercontrol dorang akan cancel kan fan meeting tu ye la kalo dah out of control, Min ho pun takut nak keluar. Macam kat Singapore dorang cancelkan terus sbb dha x bleh control....Perghh! jgn cancel weii penat aku tunggu dari wayy...

by 3 pm org dah giler ramai...sesi tolak menolak dah start padahal 'the prince' pn x sampai lagi..hello!! we've got 3 more hours to no pushing ok????

Sib baik aku masih dpt bertahan kat area depan stage tu...

Tapi bab tolak menolak ni mmg giler aku piss off la..rase nak je terajang sorang sorang..akakkaka

Bile keadaan dah uncontrollable, aku ngan partner aku pun terpisah dek sbb terlalu agresifnye dorang menolak..aku x bleh buat ape dah sbb org tolak macam nak lari dari ape je..tapi yg best nye org tolak aku hampir dekat dng tangga stage..

aku rase org kat belah atas mall tu mesti nmpk kami yg tengah terhimpit macam sadin dlm tin...

Bile keluar je announce Lee Min Ho naik atas stage..haaaaa amik ko.....dah rase nak mati kene himpit weiii..pastu ade lak pak gad sengal depan aku dok halang2 kamera semua org...tah pape nak tangkap gambo dia lak dok sibuk halang2 tangan..

aku dapat la tangkap few picture tapi shaking la sbb org dok tolak2..

Lagi havoc keadaan bile nak start fan signing...masyallah ..tak benafas weiii..semua org kat situ mcm histeria...
aku dah kene tolak ke hulu hilir...tpi yg lagi best dorang tolak aku ke tangga tempat org queue tuk naik stage...ha amik ko! tolak aku lagi..

sudahnye...FINALLY!!!!!!! aku yg datang naik stage tu..ngahhahahahhaa...terima kasih kerana menolak aku..ekekkeke..masa naik stage tu giler gigil kepala is not allowed at all...takpe2 janji aku dpt naik stage jumpe dia..biase le En Bodyguard mmg annoying giler la kan..sbb semua x boleh..handshake x boleh, nak ckp pun x pandang je la dia bile dok depan dia ..dia sign lambat lambat sambil senyum senyumm
walaaaaaaaaaaaaa giler mimpi weiii..handsome gabannn...genetik hebat..ekekekkeke

aku sempat greeting dia...'Hello!!!
dia sebut balik  'yeah! hi hello"
pastu senyum smpi ke telinga....perghhh gorgeous!!!

OMG!! i'm almost fainted..

Nah amik ko .....dia punye sign..ekeekkeke

dah sign tu sesegera mungkin pak gad kerek tu kasi n tolak aku turun..
bodo giler...rilex arr..aku tau la nak turun..cisss...dpt je sign tu rase satu tahap kepuasan yg maksima..hahaa..

w/pun ade tekilan gak sbb x dpt salam di sebabkan ade sorang fan yg gatai dok gi raba2 muka min ho lak..geram no touching bak kate bodigad tuh..tak kisah la janji aku dpt tgk dia face to face..Pas turun dari stage tu aku dah x bleh dekat dah dengan stage tu dah macam sadin penyek dah so aku dok dr jauh aku zoom je la dari sbb time tu aku pakai compact olympus je so gambo mmg abit hampeh le..takpe la janji ade dari x de langsung kan.

ades...baru skang terase sakit badan2 ni kene lanyak bagai nak rak..tak tau la aku sanggup lagi dak wat keje gilos cam tu lagi..
rasenye kalo artist lain tu kurang skit kut..tgk la keadaan..sbb so far x byk la artist korea yg aku minat sgt pun.
ape pun i'm very thankful to my fren yg bawak aku gi situ..
thanks alot chinggu ya!!!!! your the best..n nasib baik ko pun dpt gak signature tu ..kalo x mau sedepa feel bad gak kat 2 fren yg lain x dpt sign w/pun dah berjam tunggu..

anyway..yesterday is the best things ever...siapa sangka aku dpt jumpe dia and lucky to get on stage..LEE MIN HOO..!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bak kate MIn HOO kat poster tuh..'YOU ARE MY GIRL'....hahahha...
thanks for coming!!