Showing posts with label bad love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bad love. Show all posts

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Baru abis tgk cite 'Bad Love' played by Kwon Sang Woo, Kim Sung Soo and Lee Yo Won.

Memang tragic and pathetic giler cerita ni. Mula2 mcm malas nak tgk lepas tu macam tertarik plak nak tgk smpi abis. Ada 20 episod semuanye. Suka sbb ade Kwon sang woo.

Biase le kalo cerita korea ni x lain x bukan  tringle love..hatred, love, tpi mmg giler pathetic nasib tiga2 org ni

cite ni pasai Lee Soo Hwan (Kim Sung Soo) laki org yg dipaksa kawin dgn wife dia sbb nak cover utang mak dia yg hampeh tu..kiranye cam mak dia jual anak dia la...adesss kecian..Dia terpaksa sacrifice diri dia sbb mak dia tu...lagi malang wife yg dia kawin tu perangai giler meroyan..tpi hidup dia berubah lepas jumpe dgn  Na In Jung (Lee Yo Won) a cellist. Cite selanjutnye amik dari preview yg sedia ade..ekekekke

She turn him upside down, the love that has faded in his heart has come back. They fall in love without knowing Soo Hwan already married. When the time of truth come they already beyond the limit. In Jung got pregnant and at the same time Soo Hwan wife Kang Joo Ran detected their this is where all the tragic things happen.

Kwan sang woo plak pegang watak adik wife Soo Hwan and fall in love with the same woman Na In Jung. 

nak cerita lebih lanjut mmg la parah kan ..coz it have 20 episode..
the conclusion is..everyone have their life in a pathetic way...
love can be something that is so sweet and good..
but love sometime is horror and  cruel..
giler nangis aku nengok cite ni..ekekeke..

apa apa pun....berfikir sebelum bertindak..adios~~~