Mark Twain

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do ...
Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Checking In

It has been 2 months since I published a post to my blog.  And I have been absent from reading blogs.  My apologies to my readers who visit and wonder where I am.

Gaps in my blogging have happened a number of times previously since I started writing in 2009.  I will admit this is the most uninspired I have ever been since I have started.  September and October were pretty busy with a variety of commitments.  The chances of getting a blog post published were pretty low.  So maybe that is all that is going on. Does that mean I am quitting?  No - I cannot honestly say I am done with blogging.  And I still take pictures to save and share on my blog at some point.  But I have clearly slipped into a different level of participation for the near future.

But to give you a few snippets of what has passed this way while I have been gone from my blog.


I finally managed to catch covid in September.  I was pretty bummed, as I am sooo careful but luckily I got tested early and got the “magic pills” - the antiviral medication - in time to turn the infection off rapidly.  My husband caught it from me and he also got the antiviral medication quickly as well.  I struggled with some lingering fatigue for a week or two, but that finally lifted.  I feel very fortunate that I got this pesky and dangerous virus after medical science figured out ways to minimize and manage it. 


So this conversation happened during a recent visit - while I was knitting ...

Esk:  Grandma is that for me?

Grandma:  No, Esk.  This is a shawl and little girls don’t wear shawls.

Esk: Grandma, will you make me a sweater?

Grandma: (sputtering and surprised) Sure, Esk!  I thought maybe you had out grown ... uhh ... or maybe lost interest or whatever ... uhh, .... so what color?

Esk: (and Grandma at the same time) Pink and Purple

 I set aside the two “promises” I made to myself this year: 1) finish the 5 works in progress I had sitting idle for too long and 2) avoid purchasing any new yarn because my stash is too big.  Unfortunately there is a significant lack of pink and purple in my stash, so yarn was purchased. And I launched into project number 6 - a sweater for Esk.


In an effort to jump start my general malaise, I fell back on a tried and true method of refocusing my perspective: paring down my stuff.  Downsizing always makes me feel better.  Expanding the space around me by reducing the clutter usually sparks enthusiasm for other endeavors.  So far it hasn’t sparked much of anything, but it has felt good to exercise that “enough” muscle - getting my belongings and life expectations down to “enough.” 


I am happy the weather is finally cooling down.  Of the 4 seasons, summer is my least favorite. I will miss that fresh produce that comes with late summer - but that is pretty much it.  Heat and humidity are not my friends.  Love that January time after the hubbub of Christmas has passed and the really cold weather sets in and a chance of a winter snow storm increases.

That’s all for now guys.  I can’t promise when I will be back again.  But I will try to keep in touch with bloggers whose commenting function allow me to leave a comment.  

Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Quiet Month

Finally I have reached the best month of the year
 that I earned by surviving the previous two months.  
The Quiet Month ... January!

I love everything about January.

I love the absence of holidays, the routine of each day, and peaceful weather that has done all its contortions to change the seasons. Settling into the placid pace of winter is the reward.  Even when there is a snow storm - it usually approaches quietly no matter how intense it becomes. And a snow event leaves behind a beautifully clean white blanket ... hiding many of the ugly signs that man has passed this way.

Even my frantic decluttering mojo that struggled to make space around me has passed, as I knew it would.  It will return, but for now it is hibernating.

The whole of January is like a pause that allows time for rest and recharge.  No distractions from the chilly outside world or demanding holidays.

For me - January is month made more special because of the full display of all the seasons in my area.  How fortunate I am to live where the four season equally share the spot light.  Folks who crave heat and love living in more southern climates miss out on some of nature's best displays of energy and wonder.  How sad it would be to never enjoy Fall's breathtaking colors, Spring's budding and waking, and only have Summer's showy lush greening and growing day after day after day.  And those that live in areas where Winter is King and night never seems to end also miss out on some of the qualities that Summer contributes.   Without all those experiences, January might lose some of it luster for me.  Because of the seasons, January makes its own quiet statement.

As interesting and celebratory and visually stunning as those other seasons are ... I always look forward to the rest and recharge month.

Let's hear it for the Quiet Month!!

Saturday, January 19, 2019


Here we are in my favorite season.


Yes, I know I am odd. I look at this seeming perversity this way ...  no sense in joining the fan club a season that is already crowded with tons of fans - all those folks that love  💕 spring, or live for the heat of  😎 summer, or are blinded by the beauty of  🍁  autumn.  The fan base for those seasons ... just too crowded.

I love winter.
And I think winter loves all its fans special because we are so few.

My holiday season passed without problems - thankfully.  Family and friends filled the days with happiness.  It is always a hard season for me, but my reward, as always, is reaching Winter.  Lovely, cold, crisp air, at times white, wet and pure.  Weather that draws one inside for indoor activities - like reading, hot coffee, knitting, binge TV shows, blankets and shawls, soups and stews, and ... time to think.

Think on it!  Who wouldn't love sitting by a warm fire, with comfortable fuzzy slippers on, a tasty drink beside you and a favorite book or favored hobby on your lap - while Nature covers the outside with a dressing of white snow.

Of course, it would help to have a fire place, which I do not.  But you get the idea.

Forecasts for our area promise an 'active' snow-filled winter.  Living in a condo means snow is not a problem.  I can enjoy the beauty of this season without effort. Win-win!

When I was younger and working - snow was still beautiful but a challenge.  First I would fight my way shoveling down my short sidewalk from the front door, then down 20 snow filled steps filled with the shovel  - then across another short side walk until I reached my car - and then (not done yet ...) dig out the car and the space behind it until I could reach the plowed areas.  I get exhausted now even talking about.  So glad I left that behind.

I am a good snow driver even though I don't venture out much now.  I was taught to snow-drive by a father who was raised in Pennsylvania.  Those Pennsylvania folks know what they are doing in snow.  I learned the survival techniques of not getting myself stuck as well as how to avoid all those nutty drivers who have no skills and no snow capable vehicle.  Those skills saved me more times than I can count.  Working in health care I was one of those folks who needed to get on the road and arrive at work no matter the weather.  My boss was a Cardiologist who arrived at work on skis and if one of his heart patients showed up in bad weather (and they usually did) he would see them.  I personally would have thought driving in those tough conditions was enough of a cardiac 'stress test' and that putting them on a treadmill was redundant!!  Ha.

So I am looking forward to my exciting weather season ... just as I do every year!

Welcome Winter!
Your small but dedicated fan base is faithfully here.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Half Way

We are nearing the end of January - and in my mind - we are reaching the half way point in winter 2016.

And what a winter it has been.

I live in the Maryland - and this past weekend we had the worst winter snow storm in the history of the state - in my county we had 32 inches of snow over 2 1/2 days.  Crazy crazy weather, because just one month ago in December it was so warm I briefly thought of turning on the air-conditioning.

We had days of warnings and predictions.  The reaction was also predictable.  HUGE runs on the food stores were reported.  Empty shelves, store staff struggling to keep up with the restocking and one story told of a person selling a loaf of bread on Facebook for $10.   Good grief.  You really only need enough food for your typical week - sometimes less.  But panic in this area hits even when one or two inches of snow are predicted.  When 2 feet are predicted, the mob reaction is breathtaking.  

And then the storm arrives and you are trapped in your house.  We had strong winds, thunder, and very very cold temperatures to accompany all the feet of snow that got dumped on us.  I always think I am going to get soooo much done while nature does it's worst.  I will cook up a huge feast, I will knit tons of things, I will read several books and I will cuddle up on the couch with a dog.  I did cuddle with a dog wrapped in a blanket, but mostly I watched the storm rage outside - except for when I was out in it shoveling.  My grand dog has short legs.  Three feet of snow would be impossible for him.  So many many trips with the shovel were made so that I could manage the snow accumulation in smaller bites.  I also made sure the birds were fed on my back deck.  Food is what keeps them warm during these severe conditions.  And I watched a lot of TV.  The storm coverage was constant.  Images of stupid people who just had to get out in the storm - stuck in their totally ill equipped vehicle were common.  Really, those folks should be fined for obstructing roadways.  If they had to be somewhere due to the nature of their jobs,  they should arrive before the storm and plan to stay over.

I survived the "snow-ma-geddin" of 2016!  And we didn't lose power - thankfully.  Today it was bright and sunny.  I am still shoveling, of course.  It will be another day before things are mostly normal.

We are half way through winter and I am keeping my fingers crossed that Mother Nature has expended all her energy on this storm.  Please, let the rest of winter pass peacefully.  My back isn't as young as it used to be.

Any big weather in your area?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Frosty February

So here we are all in February.  Another wintery - and probably snowy - month.

Goals are the focus for me this month.

I am going to announce them here - so I have some way of checking back and comparing my results at the end of the month.

Here we go:
  • Finish one of my jumbo knitting projects. I have three on the needles, but right now it looks like the finish-it project will be my daughter's shawl.  (a hard one) 
  • Beat my January step average in February. (an easy one)
  • Complete my exercise routine 4 times a week average. (should be do-able)
  • Clean out my bedroom and upstairs hall closets. (Only God knows what is in them.)
  • Blog at least one more time before the end of the month. (should be easy but ... famous last words)
That should do it for goals.  

February is a pretty significant month for two other reasons.  

The Winter Olympics start on February 8.  Yeah!!  I am a huge fan of the Olympics - especially the Winter Olympics.  And I am really excited about the venue - Russia.   I'll be spending a lot of knitting time watching the athletes of the world compete.  I hope the US does well, but really, it is all about excellence - human excellence - and I am totally human, so I am ready to cheer them all.   Just hoping we can have a safe event.

This month mom turns 88 years old on February 6.  It always stuns me when I think over the last 10 years.  I started worrying about how she was doing when she was 78.  She took 2 years to make any decisions about living arrangements.  At 80 she moved in with me.  When she was 2 months shy of 86 she moved into Assisted Living.  Now at 88 years old we have been on this rocky journey together for 10 years.  Ten whole years.  That is a big chunk of both our lives.  Mom has changed greatly during these years and surprisingly so have I.  Neither one of us has changed for the best I fear.  But I celebrate her upcoming birthday.  I wish it was a more active and healthy time for her, but long life is still a gift - no matter how it looks.

That is my February.

We are in the grips of Winter.  Even though I love love love winter, I am beginning to appreciate the values of spring a little better!  :-)  (Wow, I never thought I would say those words!)

So what does your February look like?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

My favorite month

Here is the post where everyone lines up on the opposite side of the fence from me!

My favorite month (and season) of the year.

Let's here it for January everyone!!!



Louder please!

Ok, for you non-believers out there, here are the facts.

January is typically a "sleeper" month for most people.  Time dig in and hibernate and recover from the November and December - traditionally two crazy busy months for most people.  January is also a low light month and that means short days, gray days ...

So unfair to January!  
January is a Great Month!

January is a new beginning, a New Year, New projects, New Goals - all shiny and, well ... New!
 It is the leader month of the new year - and who doesn't like being new and the leader.
  I do have a few new goals and new projects for 2014 - but more on that in another post.

Snow - there better dang well be snow this month!!  
Not "spitting" snow but inches of snow - even a few feet!  
Mother Nature and I have been on the outs for a few years.
  Apparently January isn't her favorite month either because she forgets to send snow. 
 Here is your reminder, Mother Nature!

The Beach - don't knock it until you have tried it - visiting the beach in January, that is.
  Think about it.
 The ocean is still there - just a beautiful as ever,
 all those pesky people are no where to be seen,
 it is not 100 degrees outside,
 and you don't have to wear a bathing suit.
Really, January at the beach is the best.

Hand knit sweaters
 - you finally can wear all those sweaters that you knitted.
  And those hand knit wool socks are worth their weight in gold.

Time feels like more.
After 2 months of no time in the day,
 January feels like a big gaily wrapped box of extra time.

No deadlines.
No deadlines.
No deadlines.
  I am becoming a big fan of no deadlines.  
And January never seems to have deadlines.

Now, don't you feel better about January?

OK, let's try this once again.

Let's hear it for January!  A big rousing cheer!



Some of you need to re-read this post!

Happy New Year - everyone!

(And just remember it is brought to you by January.)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dear Mother Nature

Dear Mom Nature,

We have talked before ... you and I.

Last year we had a serious talk in March about your winter performance.  It was dismal.

As a big fan of winter, I felt absolutely compelled last year to point out your deficiencies with regards to  snow falls.  And here we are again, having the same talk this year.

Surely you don't think the snow I woke to this morning was adequate!
Is one inch really the best that you can do?

Are you becoming just a bit lazy in doing your winter duties?

So it is only mid-January.  You still have plenty of time to correct this situation ... but I will be watching, and if things don't improve in the next month or so ... well ... don't make me go there!!

Get crack'en!  Drop a foot or two of the snowy goodness around here ... and I will get off your back!

Retired Knitter

PS - uhh ... don't drop that foot of snow this weekend ... I am going to the beach for a craft weekend with my cousin and friends. Any time after Monday will be just fine.

PPS - no Internet connection where I am going - so I'll be back early next week - with pictures of my fun weekend - unless Mother Nature decides to be ornery.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Queen of the Return

I am sincerely the Queen of the Return.  Return to walking that is.

I know I am in a minority on this ... but I love winter.  I love winter walking specifically.  I love the long shadows of winter, and the chunky coats and the scarves and the gloves ... I love it all.

But most of all, I do love walking.  I remember my love affair with walking every single time I return from an absence!

Really ... even if you have started and stopped a walking program, you can start again, and again, and again.

After all, who is keeping track!

And the body remembers ... so it bounces back pretty quick.

This is good time to take up walking.  Crisp chilly weather is perfect for walking.

Get out and do it ... the body remembers.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Did you hear? BIG NEWS

I heard on TV that this year they are going to name big Winter Storms ... you know, like they name the Hurricanes.

Let's name this one Chill'en Cherilyn!

Wow, what an idea!

At first I thought ... oh no!  Naming weather snow storms.  Whose stupid idea was that?

And then I thought, gosh, some winter storms deserve the respect of a name.  Will this year be THE year of the BIG SNOW STORMS?  Could the fact that big winter storms are predicted for 2012-2013 and they will be soooo big that they need names?  (Freez'en Frida, Burr Bertha, Icy Iris, Arctic Agatha ...)

Isn't that exciting?

As a Winter Lover ... I am so excited.

Read more here on this story.

I can hardly contain my excitement!!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dear Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature,

I am one of your biggest fans! In fact, I love all your seasons including Winter. Winter is my favorite season so you know I am not exaggerating when I say I am your fan.

Speaking of Winter!

I don't know if you have looked down from your perch lately, but Winter in my little piece of the world has not yet started! And I don't know if you have checked your calendar, but it is February!

Think about that, February!!

I am sitting out on my deck - it is 61 degrees - I don't even have a sweater on.

61 degrees ... February !!!
Doesn't that seem wrong to you?

Although no one else will tell you this ... because they are NOT a lover of all your seasons like I am, you need to "get cracking!" Send some snow. Send a foot of snow. Do it soon, because ....


Sorry, I wasn't yelling. And I don't want to tell you how to do your job! But this is "sub-quality winter." This is below your normal standards! This situation is


No, not yelling! Just trying to get your attention! Don't want you to be embarrassed by


(Breathe, breathe, breathe ....)

Not yelling, really, not yelling .... but ....

(be calm, be calm, be calm ...)

Dear Mother Nature, I calmly request that you send some snow, and not just a spitting coating of snow on the grass, but something substantial that isn't embarrassing to you. A foot would be nice.

(counting backwards from 100 slowly ... and deliberately ...)

Just do what you do best - send winter! Now.

With Love and Great Affection,
Retired Knitter

PS - There will be comments to this post that request that you keep things warm this winter! They are not your true friends. Do not listen to them. Be true to yourself. Do what is correct. Do what you do best.

Send snow!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Are you hibernating?

This January seems slow.

Now I am not complaining. No, not at all. I am very happy for the lull. But I don't know if I have ever experienced the confluence of such quiet all in one period before.

For example:

I read quite a number of blogs. It is nothing for me to open my reader and find I am 70 or 80 blog posts behind. This week for the first time ever, I was up to date. And for days I have seen maybe 3 or 4 postings - not the usual 20 posts. Big drop. Bloggers have quieted down.

I listen to a whole bunch of pod casts. I usually can keep up with these because I listen while I am doing other stuff, but I am always behind. Always. And yet, for a few weeks I am current - nothing waiting for a listen. There is a lot of radio silence out there. And 2 pod casts are officially ending.

The weather is stable - not too cold - no big weather. So no excitement (or chagrin) about an impending snow storm or deep frigid cold. Just a flat repetition of cool to cold sunny weather. For a lover of snow, like me, this lack of winter zest is most disheartening. Listening to the weather on TV is just plain boring.

Groups that I participate with have been a little low on attendance. Pockets of illness must be keeping people holed up in their homes. Mom reports that her meals at Assisted Living are not well attended either. Out of the 16 residents who normally show up in the dining room, only 3 or 4 are coming to the table. Trays of food are being delivered to rooms. Folks are sick. Keeping them apart makes sense. (Mom's still well, thankfully.)

Has January always been like this? In previous years have I been too busy with the stuff within my own four walls to notice the world just slowing down this month?

Monday, January 16, 2012

ahhh ... The Ocean

I am home, but I want to share the joy of the weekend with you.

I am not sure how long it has been since I had a weekend away from home - shedding all the roles and responsibilities of my life. But it has been long enough that I just don't remember.

The trip to the ocean was wonderful.
So eager was I to depart that I forgot to take pictures until I got to The Bridge.
For me,
the Chesapeake Bay Bridge
The Bridge.
Over lots and lots of water.
Lots of water.

And I forgot to put the life vest on my Subaru!

It is long - over 4 miles.
It sways even in low winds.
It is high.
It turns a corner in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay.
(Who thought that was a good idea!)
I have spent probably 30 years hating The Bridge, but not today.
No fear,
no anxiety,
no shallow breathing.
Just joy at riding in the direction of the ocean.
(I was even taking pictures, while driving The Bridge, for gosh sakes.)

The country side on the Eastern Shore of Maryland is very flat.
Much of it is filled with farms. Some are abandon.

Although a bit desolate, I love the look and feel of this picture.
It reminds me of a painting.

Three or four small towns dot the trip to Ocean City.
It used to be more common to see small family grave yards in the middle of open fields.
Many have sadly disappeared.

The trip takes about 3 hours when you do the speed limit. I guess I got a bit bored!
Yes, this is me smiling for the camera ... that is resting on my steering wheel.
(Trust me, there were no other cars near me!
Trees with big fat sturdy trunks
that might smash my new car entirely if they got in my way
but no cars. And no trees stepped out into the drive lane, thankfully.)

Love my new sweater (Pattern: The February Lady's Sweater) that I finished blocking the day before. Here is a shot of my sleeve.

Don't ask how I got this picture!
Dig those buttons.
Amazing color.
(Stop it! I am watching the road.)
I have taken other pictures of this sweater with the idea of putting it on the blog, but the colors were all wrong. Sitting in the car, going 60 mile an hour, I got the color perfectly.

Ocean City in sight. I can stop taking pictures of my chest and arm now.
Besides - my camera battery was nearly dead.
Crossing another bridge from the main land to the sand bar that is Ocean City!
Excitement grows.

So close! Just over the dune.
The condo and a reminder to treat our beach with care.

And my goal!
Just me and the beach!

How do you improve on this!

Tomorrow: the people and stuff we did when not adoring the beach!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Winter is my season

Christmas Newsletters have been sent, gifts are purchased and wrapped (finally), tree is decorated. Food shopping is done, a visit to the liquor store also completed (got wine and some Bailey's - a special treat for Christmas Eve).

We have barely 2 days left. Left on my Christmas To-Do list? Put away the groceries I bought (*sigh*), bake chocolate cookies, take mom for a Christmas Eve lunch at a restaurant, Christmas Eve dinner to make and Christmas Day morning Mass with mom. Then I am done!

Well, ... at least for the weekend.

We have a Christmas party in early January with friends and family at my house which is part of our holiday celebration.

After that party, the Christmas tree and holiday decorations get packed away and we settle into "Glorious January." Have I mentioned recently that I am a winter lover? Well, I am.

I love everything about winter.
  • I love the cold weather when you can snuggle down in your home or head outside bundled up in your long winter coat (mine is from L.L. Bean - I will feature my wonderful new winter coat in a future post) that covers you from the top of your head down to your ankles.
  • I love the threat and the reality of snow storms - everything looks so clean and simple covered in snow. I don't even mind shoveling snow. All the neighbors are out - it is a great community building opportunity.
  • I love being home bound when the roads aren't passable. Yes, I have a wonderful new Subaru that can easily handle the snow and I am a great snow driver ... but I choose to be snow bound!!! Don't challenge the logic of this thinking! :-)
  • I love wearing my hand knit wool items to keep warm. I especially love knitting them in my home while the winds are blowing strongly outside.
  • I love feeding the birds who have chosen to stay close to my home because I feed them in the cold weather. I feel a responsibility to those little lives.
  • I love the long shadows of bare trees caused by the lower level sun in the sky and the long cold winter nights sleeping under thick quilt. The darkness reminds me that I am on a massive planet with ebbs and flows of light and dark.
  • I love the comfort foods of winter: chili, stew, mac and cheese. I know, where are the fresh veggies of summer? Ok, you can't have everything.
Yes, I am eager to get past the pressures of the holiday season with its unending to-do lists and settle into the predictable, quiet, and cosy winter months.

I am a child of winter.

Winter is my season.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Snow men in town

Although this snow as difficult to shovel, it apparently was fantastic for making a snow man. They were popping up all over the neighborhood and some of them were very cute.

The remains of the snow storm made the footing a bit more difficult today. Melting had occurred all over the neighborhood, and almost as quickly, as the water drifted over the sidewalks, it re-froze. The ice was sometimes hard to identify until you were upon it.

And our parking lot is still being cleaned out. We can get in and out with no problem but the side walks and the parking spaces have been huge obstacles for mom. She has been home bound a lot lately. But each day I make sure she takes "her walks" around the house for 8 minutes. She is tired after that. Next week I am going to bump it up to 9 minutes. She has also been very good about doing her daily exercises.

Despite the fact I have been supremely careful when out for my walks ... today I fell. I have been keeping to the streets. As you can see, many of the sidewalks not attached to residences are snow covered, as well as blocked by fallen branches. This road looked very clear - no snow or ice, so I was allowing my thoughts to drift when my left foot tripped and I fell forward. Can you see what tripped me up?

Here is a closer look. Stupid stick - firmly buried in the curb side snow.

I got up carefully and did a body-check! Everything seemed in working order so I continued on my walk. But now, while I sit at my computer, my left knee is sending me signals that maybe I was a bit premature on the body-check.

I felt like I could walk longer than I did, but it was close to lunch time and mom would be wandering around the kitchen looking for something to eat. Over the last 4 1/2 years, her ability to make choices - even the most simple ones - has deteriorated greatly. If left to her own resources, she would have cheese and crackers for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am a big fan of cheese and crackers, and we always have them in the house. And I sometimes have that instead of a regular meal, but a steady diet of that isn't healthy. And she can't seem to see anything else. So I headed home. But I am really encouraged that my body is once again adjusting to the exercise of walking.

I feel happier today. I am making an effort to focus my thinking of happier thoughts and avoid those memories that bring me down. Keeping busy helps too. And walking is the backbone of it all.

This afternoon I am going to get out my spinning wheel and spin.

It is a good day!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Today's walk and Today's lesson

The walk today was beautiful. The snow still clings to the all the trees and plants in a way that is reminiscent of a holiday card. This storm surely did cause havoc in our area, but it left beautiful scenes behind. My walk today was very hit or miss. Most side walks were cleared in my area, but sometimes I was forced to step into the street. It wasn't a major problem.

And the walk gave me some very needed private time to sort through my turbulent thoughts. December and January have been difficult months in our household. So much of this time has been spent sick, fatigued, worried, angry, or upset. It has drained me so much that I hardly sleep at times, and find keeping focused on the regular things of life difficult. Peace has been missing, and I wanted to find a way to get it back. Strangely, the answer didn't come in my walk.

I read a posting from a blog I follow: The Totally Together Journal by Stephanie O'Dea.

I encourage you to check it out. Stephanie O'Dea is also the author of two crock pot cooking books (Make It Fast, Cook It Slow and More Make It Fast, Cook It Slow - both excellent books.) The focus of this post was to be happy! In fact, the title "Permission Granted" refers to permission being granted to be happy! Her blog post reminded me that happiness is a choice. And recently I was watching an old Monk TV show and the same theme - Choose to be happy! - was part of the story. Both the blog and the TV show seemed to have a message directly aimed at me.

By nature I am a happy person. I have had times in my life when the problems have seemed overwhelming. I have always found a way to bounce back. Big changes are happening in my life once again, changes beyond my control - and change always carries its own stress. I need to stay focused on the gift nature gave me, the ability to be happy, to choose happiness and then peace will return. I am sure of it.

Thanks, Stephanie.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winter's Day Chopping

Typically on a winter's day, if you are inspired to cook anything, I would bet it would be a stick-to-your-ribs stew, hearty chunky soup, bread that fills the house with a homey aroma or maybe a hot mulled apple cider. Those choices fill the magazine covers now.

Not me. I am usually not inspired by the covers of cooking magazines. Today I felt the need to cook - rather chop up - something different. Some might say "summery" even. I love to mix up a cold "black bean and whatever" salad with an olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt and pepper dressing. Here is my latest creation.

There is no recipe. It is always alittle different ... just whatever I feel like throwing into the bowl. My cold salads typically have the dressing described above, and always black beans and fresh cilantro (I totally love cilantro) but sometimes fresh basil, sometimes I add garbanzo beans, canned corn, usually onions and celery and just whatever I have in the house. This time I added cauliflower and radishes - that was a first for those items.

There was another first. Today I added pasta. Here is a closer picture of the pasta. Does it remind you of something?

This was "Dog Lover's Pasta" and the pasta should look like paw prints. I think it does when you look at it ... looking for a paw print!! What is too funny is that I also have "Cat Lover's Pasta" and they look exactly the same. :-) I got these specialty pastas from a children's fundraising event last fall.

I have said it before ... I am a big lover of winter.
But I am a big lover of summer dishes!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One Joy of Winter


I am a huge fan of winter and all of its faces ... including the white bearded winter face of snow. Tonight our first snow of the season has arrived - a measly 3-4 inches is predicted. But it counts - it is not a dusting - like previous snows.

I love the snowy view from my front step. I live on a terraced hill, up from the street. The shadows of the trees, the brightness of the street light, the quiet of the snow covered road that curves into my development, always fills me with a peaceful feeling.

My peaceful feeling this night was not shared by my unexpected house guests. Tonight Meathead and Grimace are having a sleep-over with grandma. And since neither one of them can use the toilet, we went for a walk.

Tell me.

Does this look like a "peaceful" face?

And here's a trick question.

Are they dragging me into or out of my house on this beautiful evening?

Their only goal was this!!

"Grandma, we saved the middle spot for you. Put the camera down and come to bed."