My Beautiful & Lovely Life

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Showing posts with label Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Review. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2012

L'Oreal Youth Code Review

I'm using this L'Oreal Youth Code for about a month plus now. I just want to give it a try since I read a lot of good reviews about it in some of the top bloggers' blog. I wonder if they are telling the truth or just write a very nice review since they were paid for it. Haha.

So, I got myself a bottle of this L'Oreal at Guardian for RM89.90. This L'Oreal Youth Code is actually pre-essence where we need to use it after the toner and before your essence and moisturizer. As my Clarins essence already finished, so I just use the toner, then this L'Oreal Youth Code then my moisturizer. 

After a month of using it, all I can say is I love this pre-essence so much. I love the smell and it absorbs very fast into my skin. So, I didn't feel oily at all. And I can see my skin a bit brighter than before. I still have my uneven skin tone, but it is not as obvious as before, so I guess it evens out the skin tone. Wrinkles? I don't know about that. But my skin feels soft and smooth right after I'm using it. I really recommend for others to try this out. 

p/s: Some reviews even said they can see the difference right after the first use. So give it a try ladies~

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Matta Fair 2011 Review

We went to the Matta Fair this evening, just want to see whether is there any good deal for us. We don't have any idea where to have our vacation. Most probably within Malaysia only, but we did survey a few packages for traveling abroad. As we went there around 5pm, so as expected there were full of crowds already. We had to park our car at The Mall and walk across the street to go to the fair. And, the fee is RM3 per person for adult and children below 12 are free of charge.

There were so many packages and great deal. We even didn't manage to go to all booths. But, the one that I interested the most is traveling to Hong Kong by Reliance coz the package includes ticket to Disneyland and also we can have 1 night stay in Disneyland Hotel itself. And for 5days/4nights traveling, it costs us around RM28++ per person for adult and RM25++ for children. That inclusive of airplane ticket with Malaysia Airlines, breakfast and lunch for certain days and a trip to Shenzen, China. Is it cheap? Arsyad will be the happiest person if we can go to Disneyland. Hehe.

And for local one, I love to go to Langkawi and the great deal so far was RM380 for 3days/2nights stay at Aseania Resorts, Langkawi and one rental car. This is for the accommodation only. Is it a great deal? Coz others were all RM4++ for this hotel. We didn't pay any deposit yet, just want to see the price first. 

Btw, there are other exhibitions as well besides this MATTA FAIR. The one that I realized was cameras, so for those who are looking a new DSLR or new lense, you might consider to go there. I don't know about the price coz we didn't manage to go inside the hall. There also women's section, slimming centre, skin care and few more.

I don't know whether it is worth it for you to go or not. But for those who are really looking forward to have a vacation with your family, you might consider to go and grab a great deal. :-)

Friday, January 21, 2011

SCI Kitchen After Sale Review

I did a review about this SCI Kitchen a long time ago. And I received loads and loads of e-mail asking about their services, workmanship, prices and so many more. I'm so glad that what I wrote in here really useful for some of you. So now I want to share with all of you my experience with the SCI Kitchen after almost a year using their kitchen cabinet and wardrobe.

A few months back, my hubby accidentally drop off the mug with water in it on the kitchen top. Then I don't know how the water got inside the glass of the cabinet. When I carefully looked at it, there was actually an open hole at the corner of the glass. That was why the water can get inside the glass. And for my wardrobe, the soft close was broken. Maybe bcoz Arsyad always play with the sliding doors. So we called the SCI Kitchen and asked them to come over to look it and of course we want them to replace it as it is still under warranty. 

And guess what?? It took them almost 1 month plus to come over and fix the problem. I didn't care about it so much coz i still can cook and use the cabinet. But I'm glad they still came over. And they just checked all the cabinets and did some touch up to all the doors and drawers. They fix the soft close and replace the new glass drawer at my cabinet. 

Overall, they did a great job and I really satisfied with their services beside the calling part. It was irritating to call them over and over again. If you ask me whether you should do the cabinet with them or not, I can't decide it for you. It depends on your budget. But, in terms of their workmanship and services, all I can say is, it is okay and I'm satisfied with it. I cook everyday in my kitchen, and my kitchen cabinet is still look fabulous. As long as you take a really good care of it, the cabinets will last forever, doesn't matter which material you use. So, think and decide wisely.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Grey's Anatomy Season 6 Finale - Tears of An Angel

Owh Gosh!! I keep on crying watching the finale. Watching Derek and Meredith, how deep is their love to each other. Dr Bailey, who is known as a strong doctor, finally can't even hold herself together to fight and save her colleague. And all of them, they're so good! 

And, this person has made a nice video for the season 6 finale. It was so heartbreaking watching all of them dying. Watch this and you can find other superb videos at YouTube as well.


Monday, January 17, 2011

How to Train Your Dragon Movie

We just watched this movie last night and I love it!! I can watch it over and over again. It was so damn funny and Toothless is so cute. Feel like wanna keep it as a pet too. Haha. Hiccup is so hilarious. At first I thought it was Jack Black, coz it sounds like him but it is actually someone else. For those who still didn't watch this movie, I highly recommend you to watch this!!

Here's the trailer:


Meet Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, heir of the Viking chiefdom, but a boy with one very big problem: a hero he is not. "How to Train Your Dragon" is the riotous story of Hiccup's quest to hunt down the fiercest dragon, bring it into submission, and hopefully pass his initiation. Instead, he ends up with the smallest, most ornery dragon - it's even toothless! Thus begins the hijinx of the world's most lovable, unlikely hero and a most reluctant "beast". Packed with energetic drawings and plenty of actions, thisboisterous tale is just right for fantasy fans or anyone with a spirit of adventure. Based on the book by Cressida Cowell.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Elyza's Curtain Review

I love to write reviews lately.. haha.. I just wanna share with all of you, hopefully it can be a useful information.. :-)

We did our curtain at Elyza's curtain at Dataran Sunway, Kota Damansara.. It is a big name in curtain industry right? We did our survey at Beverly Hills, Crystalace, Baagus, Master Home and few more.. It was hard to find the one that we want - abstract design, simple, thick and heavy cloth and the most important one, cheap and affordable.. hehe.. Between those that we survey, I just love the one in Elyza and Master Home.. Finally we chose Elyza coz it is way cheaper than others..

There was only one problem that I faced with this Elyza's curtain - there was only 1 staff who handles everything.. She was the only one who did the sales part, the only one who need to go to the site to do the measurement, the only one who has to bring the cloth to the tailor and she also has to come over during the installation.. So, when there were hundreds customers within a week or even a month, she tends to forgot and messed up with the cloth, the hook and hard for her to schedule the installation date..

After confirming our cloth and paid the deposit, we've been waiting for about 3 weeks I think for the curtain to be installed.. And during the day of installation, the van was had an accident.. They don't have other transport so we need to wait a few more days.. 2 days later, Alhamdulillah the curtains were successfully installed except the one at the living hall coz the material was not available at that time and I insisted to just wait till the end of the month.. I was satisfied with everything except that they didn't put the higher hook for my master bedroom's curtain and the tiebacks were supposed to be velcro, but then they forgot to do that.. They promised to change the hook and bring me back the tiebacks when they came for the living hall's curtain installation..

As promised, they came over at the end of the month to install the curtain, change the hook, and again, that made me pissed off, they forgot the tiebacks, 2 at the living hall and another 2 at the master bedroom.. She promised me to give it back to me 3 days later, but then I've to wait for about more than a week to get those tiebacks back.. It is just a simple thing to do.. I dun know why it took them that long to do that.. And supposedly they come over to my house and send it to me rather than asking me to go to their office and pick it up on my own.. I didn't want to spoil my mood at that time, so I just let my hubby did the part of calling and scolding.. hahaha.. She gave us so many excuses, which made me more and more pissed off..

The workmanship is very good.. The installer did a very good job.. They even put something on the floor everytime they wanna drill.. I think maybe it was just the one in Kota Damansara, other branches might be good.. hehe.. Happy reviewing then~ :D

Thursday, April 8, 2010

SCI Kitchen Review

I just wanna share with all of you out there - especially for those who are looking the place to do your very own kitchen cabinet and wardrobe, about my experience dealing with this SCI Cabinet Industry Sdn Bhd.. Before I start, just a little bit info about this company.. Basically they have 6 showrooms; Damansara Utama (Uptown), Shah Alam, Subang, Cheras, Puchong and Bangi is the new one.. And I did mine at Damansara Utama (Uptown)..

I went to 2 of their showrooms, Damansara Uptown and Shah Alam.. And it was surprising coz the price was different.. We did ask the same material, same design and we gave them the exact measurement, the floor plan itself actually.. So of coz the measurement must be the same, and the way they calculate it should be the same also.. But then the price were different, quite a lot actually and we can see that the salesperson in Shah Alam showroom and Damansara Uptown are so different.. The way they did the quotation.. Shah Alam one was not so professional and even looks puzzle everytime we asked them something.. They even can't give us more discount and of coz no freebies.. Personally, I like the one in Damansara Uptown, by the way his name is Ryan.. He gave us more discount and freebies and the most important thing is he didn't promise something that he was not unsure.. Usually, salesperson will do that, promise something that they didn't know whether it can be done or not right? but then he is not that kind of salesman.. I like that.. :-)

Okay, move on to the next chapter, enuff about the salesman.. hehe.. After changing the design and confirming the color, we paid them 40%  from the total payment.. Please read their policies or any rules that they wrote in each drawing that they gave to you.. Coz they wrote it in very small letters, sometimes customers tend to ignore them.. How many times they will do the touch up, what the salesperson promise to give must be all written in the drawing coz it is really2 useful when there was any misunderstanding between the salesperson, their factory and the installer..

The day after we did the 40% payment, we received a call from their factory, informing us that their installer will come on 10th March to do the kitchen cabinet and wardrobe installation.. We were so impressed at that time coz they were so damn fast.. The salesperson told us that it will took 2 or 3 weeks for the material to be prepared.. But then it was just about 1 week.. I was so relieved, everything went well so far.. But the next two days (I did remember every single details huh~) we received a call again from the factory and guess what??!! "Kilang kami terbakar la.. So tak dpt install 10hb ni.. Paling awal pon dpt dlm mase 2 minggu lg..".. Huh?? My husband was like "WHAT?? Betol ke ni??" Then after arguing about the tragedy, she asked my husband when can they come to our house and install the cabinet (I think she is just their clerk or receptionist).. Then my hubby just said on 15th coz that was the day he was off from work.. Okay, obviously that was a stupid question coz supposedly she's the one who should give the date instead of asking us.. How should we know when the material will be ready?? Then here it goes again, arguing here and there.. Yup my hubby did scold her coz of that stupid question.. We just so damn worried coz we've already paid a lot.. Few days later, we received a call from them again and Alhamdulillah it was confirmed on 15th their installer will come and install the cabinets.. At that time I didn't believe their story - kilang terbakar.. Ade ke kuar paper??

On 14th March, we went to the showroom and pay the full payment.. The next day the installer came and it took them 2 days to install everything.. But still it was not complete.. The installer was the third party, so they didn't know about the materials.. They just came and installed the cabinets based on the drawing that they received.. That's all!! I was quite pissed off at first coz their factory didn't sent the sliding door of the wardrobe and the magic glass for the kitchen cabinet.. So, the installer could not install it at that time and they said there will be another installer will do the rest.. I love the workmanship, it is very good, nice and clean.. They even clean up all the messes, put the fridge and washing machine back to its place, and touch up a bit on the scratches and dirt at the cabinet..

On 17th March, the solid surface top installer came to measure our cabinet.. Owh~ SCI kitchen also outsource their solid surface top, it was not directly from their factory.. So, there were so many miscommunication between the SCI factory and the solid surface top people.. They even gave the wrong address, that was why the installer couldn't come on 16th itself.. So many calls, arguing here and there.. Huh~ It was tiring!! Alhamdulillah on 17th, they came by and measure everything and promise us on 25th the top will be ready to be installed.. And yes on 25th my white solid surface top was successfully installed :-)

We've been waiting for the factory to call us regarding the sliding door and magic glass installation.. However, we didn't receive any calls from them after few days of waiting.. Mr hubby finally call our salesman, Ryan and asked him about it.. A few minutes after that, we received a call from the factory telling us that they'll come on 30th March morning to install the rest.. 2 days before the installation, the girl called me again confirming the date and time, and this time around it was 3pm.. Last time they promised us they'll install it in the morning.. I did argue a bit and then she apologized coz there'll be no installer at that time.. Before hanging up the phone, I did remind her about what to be installed and don't want any miscommunication and anything left behind.. And she said "okay okay"..

On the day itself, the installer didn't came at 3pm as they promised.. Around 330pm hubby called the factory and of coz scolded them a bit.. Around 6pm, they arrived with the doors.. I dun know whether they forgot about the appointment, their system is stupid or what.. If my hubby didn't call them, for sure they'll not come on that day.. Usually after 5pm, they didn't bother to come over anymore.. Even the last installer went home exactly sharp at 5pm.. They even made me more pissed off coz they forgot to bring the soft close for the sliding door and till now, the soft close is still NOT here!!!! I did remind them to bring everything, NOT TO LEAVE ANYTHING BEHIND!!!! But still.. Taktau la bodo ke bangang ke ape ntah.. Bila org pesan elok2 bley plak jwb main2 okay2.. Kalau la I record suara dia tuh..EEEEEEE!!! Geram tol!!! I even scolded both of the installers at that time.. And he promised to bring the soft close the next 2 days.. Till now, habuk pon takde.. Bila dh bayar full camni la layan customer.. Layan tanak layan jek.. Tomorrow we'll call them again!! I dun know how many times dh nk kene call.. Call call tapi satu pon tak jln!! BUDUS!! Maybe kene pegi serang kat kilang kot..

Luckily the kitchen cabinet and wardrobe turn out well.. Of coz I'm happy to see the result.. But still I hate their services and stupid system.. So, for those who want to do your cabinets at the SCI Kitchen.. Do think twice.. Their prices are good but then their services are SUCKS!! Really2 SUCKS!! I dun know about their other customers, but I think most of their customers will say the same thing.. Coz I did hear bad complaints about them also from others.. It is all about their stupid services!!

Here is the outcome..

These are all from my experiences for your info and overview about this SCI Kitchen.. Don't buy on what the salesperson tell u.. Do your study and survey before deciding which one is the best.. Gud luck :-)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Olay Total Effects Ultra Nourishing Body Wash

I went to Giant Hypermarket with Arsyad, while hubby is still having his meal at the restaurant.. I've to go first as Arsyad started to cry and cranky.. While walking and searching the things that I wanna buy, one girl came by and approach me with a smile.. I just whispered to myself, "Aaaarrgghhh!! Not now!! I dun have time to listen all these things!! No need to promote me anything!!".. But then, I didn't act like I dun wanna hear the things that she wanna say.. So, I stopped by at her counter and started to listen..

First, she tested the moisture level at the back of my hand.. And, guess what??!! It was 20.5 which is very very dry!! The normal one is 50 above.. Wooo~ It made me think of just how little care I take of the skin on my body (terpaksala merajinkan diri sapu lotion bagai kan?? :P) .. Then, she started to promote me this Olay Total Effects Body Wash, new products from Olay.. I've never use any of Olay products before.. I know about their face skin care with all the "anti-aging" formula.. But when I heard the "anti-aging" for body? I need to buy this!! I picked up the Olay Total Effects body wash in Ultra Nourishing for roughly RM11 for 295ml.. There are 3 versions actually - Moisturizing (for those has normal skin), Extra Nourishing (for dry skin) and Ultra Nourishing (for very dry skin)..


The body wash squeezes out like a mousse, but when I spread it, it has a very smooth creamy feel.. I don't use any bath sponge or puff (I don't like it so much), so I just use my hands.. For a body wash with body butter in it, I thought my skin might feel greasy after the shower or maybe a lil bit oily, but nope!! It washes off clean as a whistle.. My skin does not feel dry after that, so it helps!! But it does not exactly feel super moisturized either.. Owh~ I love the smell and so does my hubby.. :D

So, can a body wash help moisturize your skin? I'd stick my head out and say NO!! Just like facial cleanser, anything you wash off your skin can't help it very much.. I like the fact it does not make my skin feel dry after shower and that my skin does feel a little less dry eventho it doesn't last long enuff.. I think I'll stick to my Crabtree & Evelyn - after shower moisturizer.. It's just that I have to apply my body wash first, then the moisturizer.. Do I have time for that?? Hurm~ I doubt it!! Hahaha.. Whateva it is, it is worth to try this Olay Total Effects Body Wash.. All-in-one.. 7 in 1 anti-aging and body butter and reasonable price also..

Btw, there were another set of Olay Body Washes with colourful ribbons swirled in them but I was not keen on them..

picture -google-

So, have you tried this one? Like it? Hate it? Keen to try it? :)

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