Before I start cloth diapering both of my sons, everyday I'll google on how to handle these cloth diapers (CD) starting from on how to use it, how to maintain it and how to make sure they are all clean easily without making me feel it is the hardest thing to do. I know most of us mommies think that there are so many things to consider before start CD-ing our kids right? Me myself always think like this at first "ala..leceh la pkai CD ni..nak kene pre-wash dulu, takle basuh pkai tu pkai ni..bile dh leak nak kene stripwash la plak..susahnye..baik pkai disposables je,takyah susah2 nk pk".. That was me 3 years back, before I get use to the routine and before I started to realize byknye duit boleh jimat bila pkai CD..
After you already confirmed that you wanted to fully cloth diapering your baby, doesn't matter if you want to start only wearing it during the day or only at night, at least you start to think wanna give it a try, the first thing you need to know is how to wash it. I tanak cerita la pasal jenis2 CD yang memang dah terlampau byk dlm pasaran skrg kan, pocket CD, fitted CD, AIO, AI2 mcm2 la.. I just want to share with all of you on how me myself handle all the CDs.

Firstly, takyah susahkan diri or terlampau merajinkan diri pegi basuh tangan. Sangat la penat okay nak basuh tangan tuh. Habis tangan u all ber-muscle nanti tau. Haha.. Everytime nak tukar CD, letak CD yang kotor (kencing sahaja, bkn yang poo-poo) dalam baldi yg kering dan bersih. I just put it in the dustbin yang tertutup to avoid bau yang kurang menyenangkan, yang ikea punye warna putih. Lagi bagus if you beli skali diaper pail liner letak dlm bin tu. So semua CD kotor sumbat dlm baldi. No need to bilas dulu, just kumpul sampai la you nak basuh. If baby you poo-poo, what you have to do is, buang poo-poo dulu dlm toilet bowl or bagi baby yg still poo-poo dia cair, just bilas mcm biasa. Jangan pkai berus, just bilas dekat paip and tenyeh2 sikit guna tangan. Memang akan still ade stain. So, if you rasa geli and risau takut nanti tak tanggal stain2 tu semua, what you can do is use a little bit of sunlight, tenyeh2 sikit and you can see it is all gone. Bilas sampai takde buih, then just put the CD in a different pail. Don't use the brush kay.

I sumbat dlm ni je..
Once you nak basuh semua CD yang kotor tu (usually I akan basuh once in 3 days time, jangan simpan terlampau lama, nanti you punya CD akan jadi berkulat), first thing you need to do is bilas CD yang you letak dlm bin tertutup tadi. Bilas je dekat paip to make sure air kencing tu dah takde. Dah siap, masukkan dalam washing machine. Inserts boley masukkan macam tu je, cover sila masukkan dalam laundry net. Jangan sumbat sampai terlampau penuh dlm laundry net takut tak bersih plak kan. So sediakan laundry net secukupnya. Beli laundry net murah2 je kat Giant pon ade. Hehe. Then, masukkan detergent. Make sure detergent yang sesuai, takde softener, takde bleach, takde enzym. Banyak yang you boley pkai, contohnya Pureen HAD, Lunacare, Autumnz detergent, Kuat Harimau, Ekonomi Handalan, soapnut, Cosway Kiddiewash, and many more. Just use small amount depends on berapa banyak yang you nak basuh. I basuh semua CD sekali ngan baju anak skali takde hal punye. Hehe.

I bilas camtu je after my son poo-poo..still ade stain no worries.. :-)
Bile dah siap wash, usually I akan extra rinse skali lagi then baru spin. Once dh siap tu bila you kuarkan CD2 tu semua, takkan ada bau hancing and you punya CD tak rasa keras. Means that you punya CD btol2 bersih. If you rasa keras sikit and still bau hancing, rinse lagi skali. Keras tu usually becoz of detergent build-up, rinse tapi still ada sisa-sisa sabun. That's why jadi camtu. And for CD yang ada stain, don't worry bukan CD you tak bersih. Normal la kan klau ade stain, for example klau kids minum air coklat ke minum milo ke tumpah kat baju kdg2 ada stain jgk kan eventho dah basuh. So don't worry. Just jemur you punya CD di bawah matahari terik, stain tu semua akan hilang. Trust me coz all my CDs mmg takde stain lagi so far. :-)

So easy kan? Takde la susah pon, basuh pon skali ngan baju anak-anak and dibasuh oleh washing machine. Hehe. If you btol2 follow these simple steps, you don't have to do the stripwash anymore. Later on if I ade buat stripwash, InsyaAllah I akan post on how to do it. But so far, all my CDs still okay takde leaking kat mana2 even pkai mlm2 pegi jalan2. So, malas la nak buat kan. Hehe.
Till then, happy cloth diapering.. :-)