Showing posts with label chickens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chickens. Show all posts

Friday, 24 February 2017

A Person's a Person, No Matter How Small

A friend I met when both our eldest children were small has just become a grandmother for the first time. Her beautiful daughter gave birth to a perfect little boy on the 7th of February (my birthday). He was a little over eager to come into the world as he wasn't due until late April, the wee mite was 11 weeks early and only 3lbs.

Thank goodness he is doing well, breathing on his own from the beginning, has now moved from the intensive care baby unit to the next one up! I've seen pictures and he is beautiful, such perfect skin, blonde hair and so tiny and sweet.

On the wall in the baby unit is a well know Dr. Seuss quote

What a lovely quote to have around so many tiny babies. It made me think about the Whos from Whoville and Thing 1 and 2 from Cat in the Hat... which made me think about wee willie winkie and his night cap.

So with some lovely soft baby blue yarn, I crocheted one up for the new little man.

With a lovely big pom pom on the end

It's been half term this week, so Imogen has had the week off school... well most of the week, the drama teacher had them in Monday and Tuesday for rehearsals and they're back again over the weekend, quite a hard taskmaster for a school play. I felt like we'd barely seen her, so Wednesday we popped to a garden centre for a wander around and a cavery for lunch.

It was a lovely dinner. Imogen and I had a small, but it was still very filling... did you see the enormous Yorkshire pudding!

Afterwards we walked it off with a look at all the goodies, many of them were Easter themed, chicks and bunnies everywhere!

I was quite taken with this giant stag, he had a giant price tag too!

I love tortoises and thought it was rather cute how he was arranged peeping through the bushes.

Treated myself to this cute vase, it'll look lovely on the kitchen windowsill with some pretty flowers in it.

These little airplanes really caught my eye, I loved the way they hung down in tiny terracotta pots. The picture is a little deceiving as there's no point of reference to see how small they are.

Half term seems to have passed in a flash, but most weeks do don't they. I have a chicken roasting in the oven and lots of roasted veggies so I suppose I should think about dishing it up to my hungry family.

Take care

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

The girls are laying again...

We were starting to think our girls weren't going to lay any more eggs for us, it's been ages since we had any fresh eggs from our hens.

Then... woo hoo... Andy went to feed and clean them out and came back with a bag full of lovely, big fresh eggs.

I think I'll use some to make a quiche or 2, and omelets are definitely on the menu - yum! We made a pizza for tea last night, it was delicious.

You can't beat a home made pizza, so much nicer than what the shops sell and you can top it with your favourite things. I keep meaning to get on top of my organisation skills (or lack of) and make a couple more to freeze as it's always handy to have something quick to grab.

The puppies are getting bigger and starting to venture out and about in their playpen. They are just so cute, 2 are very like their dad, and the other 2 more like mum. Prepare for puppy picture overload :)

And if that wasn't sweet enough for you, I'll leave you with a picture of the very tasty chocolate caramel slices we've made.

Take care

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Pasta All Round

I'm not the biggest pasta fan in the world, but hubby loves pasta and it can make a quick and filling meal, especially on a cold winter's evening.

I made 2 different dishes, one with tuna, cheese and black pepper for Adam

and one for us with chopped up gammon , garlic and cheese.

I also cooked a pan of pasta just for the chickens. Poor things need all the help they can dealing with this freezing weather.

Lots of decluttering going on, I've completely cleared out my wardrobe with just the aid of bags! I hung up clothes I know I'm going to wear and feel comfortable in, had a bag for items to go to the local charity shop and a bag for items that I can use as fabric. It's now a pleasure to open my wardrobe doors and look inside instead of fighting with what's in there!

Meanwhile Imogen has been enjoying the snow, though even she is now getting quite fed up with it all.

Take care

Monday, 14 January 2013

Snow and First Word

The snow has been falling steadily all day, lightly and not settling at first, but then thick and fast soon becoming inches thick. I do think it looks so pretty out the window, but so great for those out and about in it (children being the exception of course!).

Imogen couldn't wait to pull her boots on when she came home from school and played outside until her small hands were frozen inside her woolly gloves!

Meanwhile, Phoebe has said her first proper word! We've had lots of imitating sounds (the phone ringing is particularly accurate... unfortunately!), whistles and trills, but we now have a very clear 'Hello'. Every time she says it I have to smile at my clever girl.

Before I go let me show you my lovely Swallows that Andrew treated me to. It's not the best picture, but I know just the place to hang them and I'll take another picture.

Here's one of the books Andrew bought me for Christmas 'The Happiness Project' by Gretchen Rubin. I've popped it next to my bed and I'm looking forward to having a dip in it tonight.

Don't you think my tablecloth is cute, loving chickens!

Take care

Monday, 30 July 2012

How to grow a chicken

Find a nice big pot and fill with compost, leaving a few inches from the top to allow for your chicken to stretch and ruffle it's feathers.

Plant an egg... try to use a nice fresh one. I pinched this one just in time...

Remember to water your chicken well and feed regularly, then... hey presto...

Your very own chicken...

Take care

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Chicken Catastrophe?

I was hoping I would be posting this evening about our beautiful new addition to the hen house, Daphne, a Light Sussex.

Instead, it's more of a plea for help! We have 2 Rhode Island Reds, about 3/4 years old, Bella and Sylvie. Lovely girls, they follow Andy about the garden and let him feed them from his hands. We saw the Light Sussex hens and explained about our existing girls as we were worried about a new addition perhaps being bullied. The people in the shop had Bluebells as well as Light Sussex hens and told us that the Bluebells could well be bullied, but Light Sussex are a hardy breed and it shouldn't be a problem.

We brought Daphne home, very excited to slowly introduce her to her new hen mates...

She had a scratch and peck around the garden, seemed quite content to amble about.

Meanwhile Bella and Sylvie, who were still in their coop, were not happy at all! Andy let them out, and though they were chattering away, all the chickens seemed happy enough to scratch about

Then, almost in tandem, they ruffled up their feathers and attacked each other. Both Rhode Islands have been chattering away as though complaining, and I just don't think we should consider putting them all together in the same coop despite what the shop said, I'd be so worried that one gets hurt!

Andy's putting something together as I write for Daphne to sleep in tonight, but any advice would be very appreciated.

Thank you