Showing posts with label War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label War. Show all posts

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Pinay for Peace

In addition to winning the World Series, which caused a huge ripple of energy through the city, I have been trotting along the city and photographing presidential hopefuls (Obama rally) and a huge peace rally.
All photographs were taken by and belong to the author of this blog. All rights reserved.

Peace. Peace.
No rape, no racism, no theft.
With abundant ideas, stimulated children, and compassionate citizens.
End of sanctions, limited theory, explosion of art.
Breathless laughter, stretching skin and smooth, warm lips in the winter.
A healing system, a conservation of the Mother Earth, and blue, blue skies.
Rich, clean waters and swimming through pools of generosity.
There is no charity, only love.
And action.

Pinay for Peace

Pinay for Peace

Pinay for Peace

Pinay for Peace

This picture of soldiers' boots are a part of a larger traveling display to honor the women and men who have given their lives in this war.