
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Snap shot

A fluke shot???? Taken from my pocket size automatic camera, tough taking sunrise shots - they tend to all come out dark if not black...or izzit just me???!

Walking pass more serious photographers with their long and expansive lens, got on talking to them and also chance to view their shots - wow, was very impressed that they managed to capture the beautiful scenery so much better - need to adjust light and shutter speed....let's just say he mumbled some technical garble and while I appreciated his kind tips, it didn't make sense to me. Perhaps one day, I'll invest on something better - maybe a semi automatic and work on taking better scenery shots.

If you are wondering about this shot....its the new Boh centre (the small building jutting out) at Sg. Palas, Cameron Highlands.


Happy Little Bento said...

Mmm, breathtaking !

javapot said...

sheri, you are a sweet trouper!