
Showing posts with label UKM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UKM. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Graduation 12.08.08

It's beyond the words that can describe my feelings during the whole day. The day dould've been parents can make it to my graduation and so my sisters (even just the 2 of them).

Now I can poudly say that I already have my Bachelor's Degree in Communication & Computer Engineering. And I would like to take a chance here untuk mengucapkan tahniah kepada semua students JKEES (Comm,EE & MicroE) Batch 2004/2008 dan khususnya untuk my coursemate yang baik2 anda bnyak membantu dalam melengkapkan proses pembelajaran di UKM ini selama 4 tahun :D

All sweet & sour memories will remain ours to share in future hahaha...held our heads up and be proud to be ourselves. Don't compare ourselves with outsiders. Just be ourselves. That's more important. We deserved this moment for our sweat, tears and blood throughout the years. (Those quote yg telah di'italic'kan itu selalu diucapkan oleh En. Hilmi...i like him very much)

Here some pics over there :)

PS: Thank you so much for those yang sudi amik gambar ngan i.
> Some credits to Zimie yg sanggup amik cuti just to be here....i love that green frog :D