
Showing posts with label Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eclipse. Show all posts

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy Birthday to me =)

Now, I feel like I can't believe that I am 25. But I want to keep myself 24 for like...forever haha. I don't even want to cross that 25 boundary. Why? It's because it's the age where everybody starts to ask about a marriage. Lame huh? Well that's life haha...

Okay...move to another topic. The biggest birthday present that even shocked me until this time is that Super Junior Super Show 2 will be here in Malaysia :) I'm sure will reserved my seat soon hehe... I'm super excited!

Aku juga dapat hadiah from one of Wonderfrens, Faizal which is Guess key chain. I like the color - gold and black. Time kaseh yer. And thanx jugak sbb bawak aku makan nasi ayam yang best hari ni.

Aktiviti yang apaling best aku buat ngan Faizal hari ni adalah melihat gerhana matahari separa kat Planetarium Negara. Ni first time for both of us pegi sana. Masa sampai sana the wheather is so hot I can tell u. So, kitorang register and dapat pamplet and that special glasses untuk tengok gerhana tu. Tepat 3.02pm the eclipse started. Memang amazing untuk tengok matahari dengan sangat dekat dan clear withou hurting my eyes. Subhanallah! Nampak macam matahari tu kena gigit ngan bulan :p

Let pics do the talking ;)

- the sun before eclipse (lupa nak amik pix masa tgh gerhana) -

The peak of this eclipse sepatutnya around 4.26pm tp tiba-tiba mendung pulak. So aku ngan Faizal bergerak balik ke Shah Alam sebab nak elak traffic jammed jugak hehe...Ape pon hari ni memang super beshh =)