Friday, February 26, 2016


sekali baca macam pengakuan seorang mutan yang baru discover her power....kann? sebenarnya tak langsung hahah...

well, sometimes i consider myself a mutant...i'll tell you why in a very short while...

but now, i want to share what will trigger this "thing"'s STRESS, ANGER and EXHAUSTION/FATIGUES...

this is also why...for the past years (since the outbreak 2012) i'm tuning myself to be someone who will always make jokes out of a disastrous weather...try to keep myself in control so that i did not step into any of conditions as i said earlier...

if i'm angry, i'll turn it into something funny/jokes that will made me (at least) laugh...but normally people around me will end up laughing too

if i'm stress, i'll find a way to loosen it up...i am not myself when i'm stress/angry

if i'm fatigue, well this one is tricky...becoz at home i'm the maid and i'm just one type that can't rest until what I've set in my mind to be done - is done.

ok next revealing...what would happen if i ended up in any of the above conditions? if you're thinking i'm turning green as Bruce Banner (Hulk) or Mrs Hyde...ekkkk you're wrong...

the answer is :---- i get cold sores popped out on my lips...yes, a blister like thingy on my lips...

did i disappointing you? ahhaha you might be thinking maybe flames will come our from my eyes or turning into she-wolf or something...oh dearie, how i wish!

So, this sores will last around 3-7 days until it gone away ~ sigh! it's not really painful but rather's only super painful if i took spicy foods huhuhu

more info:

so that's it...this is one of the reason why i'm turning into mind free person...trying to avoid as much as i could from being in the conditions that could trigger the outbreak...try not to think much (or at all) about petty things that i shouldn't be worried about...

oh forgot to mention that i have this since the initial outbreak in early 2012...ingat tak masa harraz admitted due to a tremendous mouth ulcers? yap it got into me since then...but lucky thing harraz tkdak pula kena recurrence outbreak...mebi sbb dia adalah the initial host...huhuhu ok whatever...lunch time still time!

~daaa and have blast weekend y'all

Friday, February 5, 2016


Alhamdulillah still dipanjangkan umur untuk melalui tahun 2016 ini...

Alkisah alasan biasa dok bagi, busy so tk ada masa nk berblogging bagai...i'll keep it as short as possible...

2016...alhamdulillah dipromote menjadi Senior Calibration Co-Ordinator (walaupun kurang pasti adakah ianya satu kelebihan atau akan menjahanamkan diri aku hahaha)...sooo duties bertambah, even so bos tua said upper management think i can do more than what they have assigned...phuiii...korang hengat aku ni Chappie ka?? Atau Octopus? Maksimum aku leh wat 3 benda dalam satu masa (tidak termasuk makan & dengar lagu)...3 tu pun aku tak galakkan diri aku sendiri buat kerap2 utk mengelakkan mistakes here n there...tapi most of the time, bila quarter end itulah yg aku selalu buat...ada certain task saja aku buat 1 at a time sebab memerlukan kosentrasi...

itu pun pernah org tnya aku...aku tgh hack system ka apa2 ka...kesnya aku menaip macam main piano lagu Flight Of The Bumblebee...haha...awattt...hacker saja ka menaip laju?? huhuh

Cabaran?? Gile kau tkde...dgn "post" baru ni, 2 org yg challenging di letakkan di bawah jagaan aku...bukan takat jadi mentor...leave, increment, job assignment depa aku kena jaga...itu yg mencabaqnya...sebab depa ni kategori "warga emas/perak"...ini semua konfem pasai bos tua malas nk handle depa 2 ni sebab payah nk diajaq (direct aku kata ni)...

setiap dari sorang ni bagi cabaran yg berbeza2 kat aku...stress level increase tapi cepat2 tune jadi bahan lawak supaya tidaklah aku meninggal awal sbb sakit jantung/tekanan darah tinggi...dok nampak dah depa ni harus kena guna approach #sounddirect...

dah la ckup pasal keja...

anak-anak...along skolah petang...pagi abahnya antar pi transit & adik ke taska, petang aku ambik...cabarannya adalah selepas balik dr sekolah terasa duniaku SANGAT rushing...selalu sampai rumah around 640 pm ~ 645 pm...along abes skolah 620 pm...kejan along mandi, solat asaq...siapkan dinner kt dia (normally makan before 8 pm)...lepas makan kejan solat maghrib lepas tu buat homework/ the mean time aku, kemas beg transit along, beg auni utk esok hari...on lucky day, dpt la aku tgk tv...lipat baju sambil tgk siri fevret kalau larat & ada masa before 10 pm...

along by 930 pm aku dah hambat masuk tido...auni mencabar sikit sebab dia kena tido dengan ketiak abahnya...abahnya tk tido, maka tk tidolah dia...ketiak aku sudah tidak lagi laku hatta dirasuah macam2 mmg tak layan *sedih gila*...mujurlah baju sekolah along, auni baju keja en somi aku iron 1 week terus (except auni ada 2 hari still kena iron sbb baju ada 3 ja)...tapi kadang nk iron baju aku & en somi bencinta, malam hari baru iron ~ngehhh...

bayangkan kalau hari2 tiap malam baru nk iron bagai dengan masa yg ada 7 pm ~ 10/1030 pm...dgn segala mak nenek hal nk buat...macam rushing jaaa semua...aku tido awal...sebab sejak beberapa bulan yg lepaih pukul 630 pagi dah kuar rumah...semuanya dek pasai nk berebut parking dalam kawasan kilang, malas jenjalan jauh dan malas nk maki org yg double park keta aku petang karang...

tidoq malam pun nyenyak macam newborn...huhuuh

so...ya itulah antara punca tak sempat nk wassap member2 helo2 tnya khabor bagai...huhuhu COC pun kadang bukak seblom nk lena dan kerap juga end up henpon terlepas hempap dahi aku sbb terlelap masa bukak COC ahakss...

okkk...back to work!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan SKPJ 2015

wah wah kan...lama sgt tk updet blog...puncanya?? Game Yuri's Revenge dgn map yg mencabar martabat den sebagai  gamers! selagi tk menang selagi tu haku ulang main lunch time sejam itulah pengisianku...ada je benda nk story tapi nafsu nk main game tu lebih membuak-buak haha....buleh gitu?

ok tinggal lagi seminggu ja sesi persekolahan tahun 2015 bermakna seminggu saja lagi abg long pegang title sbg budak darjah satu ...lepas ni titlenya 'nak masuk darjah dua'...hihih

ok roughly pasal persekolahan sepanjang tahun ni?? Tough! Competitive!


  • abg long yg bila tnya ja...jawapannya "tak ingat" "lupa" "taktau"...kadang ini yg buat aku nk bertukar jadi warewolf mengajaq dia
  • cikgu...susah nk get in touch dgn cikgu yg far hanya dgn guru kelas...konon hari tu ada mesyuarat PIBG kata ada apps VLE FROG utk in touch stud dgn cikgu...hampeh belaka...aku rasa cikgu kelas along pun dah cop aku "puan VLE FROG"...sbb asal tingat ja aku tanya...asal tnya ja jawapannya "kena tanya penyelaras...penyelaras tkda inform apa2"...~sigh!!
  • pertukaran cikgu BI yg beri kesan penurunan dalam pencapaian peperiksan pertengahan tahun...sehingga aku mintak nk jumpa cikgu tu personally masa sesi amik buku rekod pertengahan tahun
  • pembelajaran BI tidak begitu ikut silibus seperti dalam buku teks...kesannya seminggu seblom exam akhir tahun aku & kak zu bergabung tenaga pi ambush *gitu* teacher BI kelas along...sebab buku kerja ke-2 mcm suci tk tersentuh...benda2 dalam buku 2 tu bila aku tnya along jawapnya 'teacher tak ajaq lagi'...gila tak gabra ka dengaq dia jawab gitu seminggu seblom peksa? hasil ambush ni alhamdulillah lebih clear picture on situasi sebenar etc...

  • jangan perasan anak kita bijop sangat...banyak lg budop2 lagi bijak...ini yg aku terapkan dalam kepala aku dr awal darjah satu...
  • disebabkan takdop pitih nk antar tusyen + rasa terlalu awal nk bebankan along dgn tusyen, so home tuition jiran tetangga mohon mengerti kalau kadang2 tgh rehat kt rumah tetiba dengaq macam cikgu kt skolah dok tempik2 ke apa kan...whiteboard tu kira tahan lasak la tak terbelah dua walau dihentak bertalu2 hahahha

selepas penurunan pencapaian dalam exam tgh tahun...masa ujian penilaian kedua mmg pulun lah...alhamdulillah ada peningkatan...dan akhir tahun ni paling kritikal...kiranya dua minggu tuang tk pi gym sebab home tuition boleh rasa nk lari atas treadmill bila fikir ada part yg belum aku polish kt along...

along ni...tulisan ya rabbi la kan...kalau aku jd cikgu konfem fail semua aku tenyeh pangkah hahah...tapi selepas selalu kena ketuk jari dgn marker pen, ok ada improvement...huruf P gemor bebenor jadi huruf besar...S pun sama...satu kesalahan aku ketuk 2 kali kt jari...aku pesan..."Ingat!! Ingat sakit ibu ketuk jari ni, ingat utk cek balik tulisan!"...bila dpt kertas peksa bleh nampak dia padam balik p besaq jadi p kecik...good job! tk sia2 ibu ketuk jari ko nak...

so biasa la...acara akhir tahun...ingatkan tk dpt hadiah la...sekali rupanya ada jugak utk subjek Pendidikan Islam dan top 25 terbaik aliran Tahun 1...alhamdulillah...

naseb sempat printscreen masa cek kt HP hari tu...sebab selepas hari aku cek ni system dah wengg...maklomlah stabil yg amat kann hahahah
masa nilah ibu tepuk dahi

seblom along naik pentas tu aku bg isyarat tgn suruh senyum...sudahnya tgk apa yg dia buat (refer pic atas)...aku tepuk dahi tgk dia pose gini! cecikgu abes gelak pfffttt...dah tu lama pulak kejung dok pose gitu...aku naik segan tutup fon nk lari ke tempat duduk...sekali dgr cikgu mcm cakap "ehhh ehh"...hah dh kenapa pulakk...aku toleh blkg tgk dia lari turun ikut tangga depan nk mai kt aku...*facepalm*...aduuuhaiii anaknda oiii awat jadi lagu lain tk buat...budak pra pun tak wat gitu...dia sorang ja...~sigh! hahah

budak ensemm

tempat berhimpun tunggu turn naik pentas...tertibnya 5 saat cuma..haha

budak2 tgh naik sheh buat persembahan hihiih
 suppose stay sampai abes kul 12 tghari...tapi auni dah mula ngamuk sebab panas + bosan...dah mula cakap nk balik rumahhh nk balik redhooo balik je la...harap guru besaq tk marah noo...huhuh

pesan ibu...ko jgn selesa sgt long...tahun depan naik kelas Intelek lagi kompetitif...tahun 1 ni acah2 je...tkpe kita usaha sama2 ye long! caiyokkkk!!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Me...Post Leg Day

hermm sesuatu sangat....

today adalah hr kedua selepas leg feelings? rasa macam kurang upaya seketika huhuhuhu...

sebenarnya aku bukan buat all full set leg workout pun sbb first timer, aku buat yg aku mampu buat saja:

sumo squats + dumbell
leg/squat press
dual leg extension/leg curl
kayuh cybex 15 mins

Cybex machine

pastu terlebih rajin buat incline press padahai lepas tu kan nk masuk kelas kick boxing...takyah banyak2 la lepas buat 30 kali ja tangan aku dah macam org kena parkinson hahahhaha...nk minum ayaq kena pegang botoi dua belah tangan...adoii hahaha

first masuk kelas kickboxing tu excited la kan...part guna tangan mmg kompiden dan feeling macam Gina Carano sangat la kan...sekali trainer dok but step back lunges aku dah terasa sakitnya tuh disini iaitu di betis dan peha/hamstring aku...aku igt macam dalam workout dalam LI channel tu satu side dalam 8 kali ja...sekali nak kau aku kira ada kot 15 kali sebelah kaki...

dah gitu, kena kick pulak dah...kaki dah ketaq tak sangga dah haha...mai lunges ke kiri kanan plak aku mmg rasa nk menerap tidoq di situ teruih hahah...tgk org lain rilek ja mebi sbb depa dah lama dan....depa bukan buat sungguh2 pun wakakka...mak jemah jerrr yg overrrr...hamik kauuu

lepas a few rounds rutin yg menyeksa kaki...aku gibab...buat2 pi toilet pastu blahhh...rasa nk balik nangis2 kt en somi hhahah...nk turun keluar dr gym ptt tekan bell seblom last set of staircase tu tapi disebabkan tk sabaq nk balik, aku LUPA!!! sapa yg pernah melalui leg day akan paham...

perasaan aku di hari itu
cik zebra, aku paham apa yg kau rasa....

dok marah diri sendiri...kenapa nae?? kenapa??? kenapa hang lupa nae oiii...dah tu terketaq2 kerabat tangga pi tekan button pastu rushing turun tangga nk bukak pintu nk exit...rasa nk tertomoih berguling situ pun ada hahahha...sampai kt keta, fuhh mujoq la keta aku jenih mcm mpv, tinggi skit dr keta sedan...tidaklah seksa sgt nk keluaq/masuk keta...tidak ni....

jadilah seperti dia nehh hahhha

malam tu ka lena tk beralih lgsung dr malam sampai pagi...haaa baq ang...pagi tu nk pi keja mau tau laaaa duduk kt jamban nk mangkit macam apa dah aku rasa hahahah...kejadah ini semuaaaa huwaa huwaa...pastu dok pikiaq cemana laa aku nk harungi jln dr car park pi ke opis aku ni...rasa nk apply parking org cacat sat 2 hari bleh dak huhuhuuh

akhir kata...gambaq di bawah ni ckup jelas menerangkan perasaan aku hari ni...wuwuwuwuwu

Friday, August 21, 2015

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time...aku dan office mate berkenalan dgn new cleaner yg assign utk bersihkan bilik kami....

Sheila: You nama apa?

Si Dia: Razzak...Abdul Razzak...

Me: Owh...muslim ya?

Si Dia: Ya kakak...

Amin: Sudah kawen?

Si Dia: Sudah...

Amin: Wife duduk sini atau di Nepal?

Si Dia: Tinggal di Nepal dgn family

Amin: Ada anak?

Si Dia: belum lagi...baru kawin saja sudah mai kerja sini.

Amin: Mau cari bini di sini?

Me: Amin!! You shadap! Razzak u jgn layan ini bhaiya otak ada masuk air sikit...

Si Dia: Tak mau...mari sini mau kerja saja...


Me: Razzak...akak nk pesan, nanti ada anak...JANGAN bagi nama Mohammad Najib tau.*GRIN*

Si Dia: *klip pok klip pok* senyum saja

Officemate: gelak dekah2...

***motif sesuatu sangat dgn intro once upon a time hahhaha

p/s: sapa yg tak paham...RIP...hahahahahha

Monday, August 10, 2015

Distraction = Gym

pic dr google
ok actually i have given a thought about talking about this in my blog...because i don't want to sound overexcited about it (although i am)...

since May...i noticed i felt a bit down or demotivated...most probably because i realized the cycle of my life everyday is exactly the same and i'm BORED with my own life...i'm a person who demanded an adventure in my life every now and then...that is why i told en somi, i want to join zumba...i wanna join archery or shooting (gun) or kick boxing...i need to feel alive again...i was at some point, stop enjoying my life...that is the time i decided that i need a distraction - big time.

don't get me's not that i don't enjoy being around with my super active kids...but i do believe that being able to have my 'own time' is healthy for me and maybe could put things back to perspective...maybe it's good for my kids too - being able to have time off from an 'evil mother' *cry*...

so...i told my husband, i'm going to join a gym! since Ramadan is around the corner at that time, so i decided to start it after i did...the gym was only for ladies...even instructor or trainer, all ladies only...that is not the best part yet...the fees are reasonable unlimited access/hours...

so far i've been there a few times and i'm sooooo enjoying the time off that i got from en somi...since now en somi pun don't have OT like back then, so he'll be back by 6 pm / 630 pm once he's home, i''ll left to the gym...usually i will spend 2 hours there...but before i left i have dinner ready first for the en somi just have to babysit them while i'm gone...

the fees are included for zumba, kick boxing, zumba toning, zumba sentao and yoga...but so far i haven't join any yet...i just trying to put my body back into work out mode since i didn't do much since i gave birth to my first one...

at the end of the day...i hope that i feel alive again, positive vibes in the air, i have a healthy lifestyle and loose weight would be a desirable bonus! tapi tkde la expect nak jadi sado mado tu kan...macam tak sesuai la senah oi...

aku tkda la push myself gila-gila kan...take time...give myself time...tapi whatever it is mmg feels good to sweat...stiap kali pi bawak small towel, mmg akan lencun...i even cut my hair short so that senang nak manage after work out...i didn't have any gym mate yet coz i'm a slow-warmer type of person hahahha...nantilah tunggu Iejam plak join sekali...haa ada la gym mate kan kikiki...

en somi nk start in September katanya...we'll see how serious he is...i always encourage him to go to the gym instead of just main badminton...once dah figure out bila nk pi, boleh la adjust timetable babysit anak-anak kan...u know la i scratch ur back, u scratch my back gitu...

ok we'll see after 7 months, will i be sado? we shall see...hahahahhaha

Friday, August 7, 2015

Law & Order SVU Season 16 - Sonny/Carisi

Yeahhh ok...i love to rant about my favorite tv series (and there are a handful of them)...since i don't have @ because i never look for a group that share the same passion as mine, i decided just to rant here in my blog haha...oh but wait, my officemate Suba share the same passion but she just manage to follow a few tv series only like My Kitchen Rules , CSI & Law and Order SVU...

ok here's the thing...i have mixed feelings with this 16th season of SVU series at the beginning of the episode...aku follow siri ni since season 7-8 kot...walaupun siri ni just based n crime solving same old same old macam CSI tp aku dpt rasakan chemistry dgn series ni...the friendship, hardwork, teamwork...etc

ok Sarjan Munch left the show in season 15...he's been with the series since he's retiring...aku predict mesti ada new cast coming to the series...turns out yep!! Its Detective Dominick "Sonny" Carisi Jr...he's a junior detective tk silap aku...


ok first time i lay my eyes on him (wahhh over gitu) first reaction was..."whuuutttttttt thheeee?? a moustache guy?? really??" at that instant...he reminds me of Tom Selleck (Blue Bloods) & JK Simmons (Peter Parker punya boss yg sadis)...sila refer imej di bawah...err sometimes he reminds me of abah masa muda2...ok bai...aahhaha

ok fine...the first impression was - this new guy is soooooo annoying!! but waittt...waittt until you watch the scene where he goes undercover hiring an escort for 'something rough'...that was the moment when i say "well hellooo Carisi!" struck...oh mai...haha...his acting was superb, full of emotion and seems real!

after watching a few episodes more...ok his acting was outstanding! sometimes i think he overdone the scene...sebab other casts kan acting ala2 cool je i was thinking who is dis new guy? was he from theatrical background? sebab he's acting reminds me of Que Haidar, Shahronizam (husben Safura tu) dan Hasnul Rahmat...but mostly Que Haidar la...

so i do what i do best...digging in Google hehe...yep prognosis has been confirmed! he's from wonder he shows such talent in acting! see...i had a sharp nose and eyes ok...ahahah

ok then after 3rd episode kot...i noticed they have included Peter Scanavino (Carisi) as one of the main cast...ok i was like...deng!! somebody is going to leave the series!! but who? again i did what i did best...i Googled...ok i'm sobbing now...Danny Pino is leaving!!

Danny Pino as Nick Amaro
omg omg...i love Cuban guy particularly Danny Pino (Nick Amaro) heart break into pieces...shattered...and then they were patch in back into 1 piece and slowly healing when i saw Carisi mustache-less....mai....mai....meowww *drooling*! haahahha

are u looking at me Carisi? lol!!

he looks 2.6 billion (amboi amboi amboi) times hotter, more handsome and awesome without those hideous thing that hide his lips! ok in short, i LOOOOVE him! SVU do need a new fresh face with a different kinda attitude in addition to the existing outstanding casts...

and episodes after another (although he didn't appear in all of the episodes of SVU)...i am sure you will love him more and more especially for his crazy acting! there's one episode where he played as an undercover/pretend inmates with Fin...he was a cuckoo guy with a mop...omg! his acting is scary! he's giving 200% in his acting...

i believe his acting was 100 time better than Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise...for real! i do believe he's going to be a shining star soon....well Peter, i wish you a bright future in your acting career, your life & your family! he's married- yes *sobbing**wiping out tears*...hahah

ok if you still wonder WHY i loooooooove this guy...he looks serious, strict etc...wait...wait until you see him smile!! *melting all over again*

you see what i mean??? hahaha

~sighh...there you go! i've been holding my thought about this guy for a if u never watch Law&Order SVU before, maybe you can give it a try...and you can see among all the casts, his acting stands out the most! 

ok chaow now...muah muah!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

3 deng in 1 morning & a secret

i have a secret....

this happened today....and still happening...

getting ready for work...

put my hand socks on...

put my socks on in a rush and suddenly as i move, i can feel the coldness of the floor i stepped on...i lift my foot, sole up...deng!!! my socks koyak in 3-4 places!! hahahha how could i missed it when i folded it? ~sigh!

i ran to the drawers and gagau another sock...have only one out of a pair...hilang...gone...dengg again! ahh whatever...i just put it on...

when i'm putting my sport shoes on...then only i noticed both socks are different colour!! dengg!! ahh one would noticed right? ahahah...

ok so thats it...that was my secret which is now, no longer a!

Photo dig up from Google...close to what i'm wearing today lalala

Monday, June 29, 2015

I'm back...and so is Ramadhan

whoaa! helo's been a while since my last update...

my life was actually hectic since my last update...busy with school (abg long), busy with business, busy at work and plus gaming ngeh ngeh (yg tu tk lupe yooo).

a lot of things going on actually but i was just too busy to pour them down here...there's one time my fren went for umra so i have to literally back her up within the period of her umrah...what i did was - waiting for update from boutique, then edit all the photos, up them to FB page...then predict the market and immediately book the t-shirts in sets...then jot down orders from customers + agents, reply to them accordingly....then collect product from boutique, sort them out, COD, post them...see busy as a bee but i manage it well...they key is, i manage them during certain period of time...bukan all day long entertain all the messages and request...kerja hakiki haruslah diutamakan...

and then school...first exam for abg long...busy with revisions and alhamdulillah for the first test he got all As (yeay!)...but i can see the questions are ringan-ringan as of nk poke the students dgn environment test kot kan...and abg long was the best student for Bahasa Arab in his class (kategori lelaki)...good job! Abg long was number 8 out of 34 students in 1 Cendekia & number 21 out of 212 students in standard 1...

April...abah operate bypass so almost the whole month tu busy lah berulang dr rumah - gleneagles - office...then once discharge, berulang for checkup periodically...alhamdulillah everything went well...

end of April...en somi's convo day @ UTM Skudai...yeay! maybe i should open up 1 special post for this occasion...hrmmmm maybe later...

the mid year May...from my study on the questions from other school, mid year will be tougher that test 1...and the result was 4A 1B...ended up number 7 out of 34 in class & number 27 out of 212 standard 1 students...a tiny disappointment there but he's still in a good spot...the spoil was the english teacher was new...baru masuk dalam bulan March...i'm not blaming the teacher 100% ya but i'm just saying that the teacher also contributor to B grade for english...why? let's just leave it to me...i've spoken and met the teacher and i have get the idea why abg long's performance in english subject is not as good as in test 1...oh mai, i have to think of a way to encourage abg long in learning english better...i have no intention to push sebab back then aku pun mula ketahuan BI ni darjah 4-5 kot...tapi considering the competition di sekolah sekarang, maybe the earlier the better kot...i'll think a way lah nanti...

oh and the exciting is, sekarang result exam semua online...jakun sekejap heheh...

and then Ramadhan came...subhanallah cepat sungguh masa berputar...hari ni sudah hari ke 12 berpuasa...abg long is doing good and so proud of him...sahur & berbuka mmg makan betul2...

ok then peeps...happy ramadhan...till i have time to say a thing or two again...


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