Showing posts with label Guardian Malaysia. Show all posts

Define your Healthy Beauty with Guardian Malaysia

How you would define a healthy beauty ? What does beauty have to do with health?

For me, beauty is not just by appearance, together with confidence, knowledgeable and healthy will make you shine from the inside out. This include to treat myself well with good healthy food , exercise regularly, take care of my appearance and cleanness and maintain healthy lifestyle and habit.

The Healthy Beauty, is a person who lives life to the fullest in a healthy way, and has a distinctive style and pleasant personality.  She is someone with a positive attitude, gives priority to being healthy first; and looks after her physical beauty too.

Guardian Malaysia which is on a nation-wide quest to find FOUR women, who best fit the bill as ‘The Face of Healthy Beauty’ held its first semi-final  round in Johor Bahru last Sunday.

25 shortlisted semi-finalists had to go through challenges that display their aptitude and personality to deservedly earn the title ‘The Face of Healthy Beauty’, 4 finalists emerged to progress to the Grand Finals  to be held in Kuala Lumpur on 27th July 2019.

Source: Guardian Malaysia

Contestant introduced herself and answered the questions randomly. 

15 minutes make-up challenge

 The FOUR finalists from the Johor Bahru leg: (from left) Yasmin Binti Khalid, Sim Yun Jiew, Wienda Hidayu Binti Harun and Nor Marissa Alia Binti Ahmad Lokman.
Souce : Guardian Malaysia

You can decide the winner! How to join ? 
Guardian customers can also vote, from 8 July – 24 July 2019 on the microsite, for their favourite finalist to win at the Grand Finals.  The votes received for each finalist will contribute towards 50% of the total scores at the Grand Finals. Customers can earn more votes with purchases at Guardian.  For one vote, no purchase is required; for 5 Votes, they need to purchase any item from Guardian and for 10 Votes, they need to purchase any participating sponsor brands in a single receipt.
( Stay tune in Guardian Malaysia FB page for more update on all the finalists !)  

There are prizes for you to win !!! 
If that particular contestant wins in the Grand Finals, then she will do a draw to pick her lucky voter. The selected voter will be rewarded with RM500 worth of Guardian vouchers.

There is also a Scan & Win contest for customers from now until 7th July 2019. QR codes will be placed in Guardian stores for customers to scan. and answer questions related to healthy beauty. After answering, you will receive an instant voucher for your next purchase. 

Beside witness the semi-final, It's time for us to gather. Thanks for invitation!!

More information :

The Face of Healthy Beauty website :

Stay tune to Guardian Malaysia FB page for more updates on The Face of Healthy Beauty.

Official Online store :

Like my blog FB page :

Brunch cum Sharing session with Sunshine Kelly and Guardian Malaysia.

When I came across the name "Sunshine Kelly" , I was like ..... " Oh! I met her once many years ago! "
I still remember, that time I was still a student, just started my blog and attended few events in KL, which engaged with bloggers.
I'm impressed with her consistency and hardworking in sustaining her blog. If you read her blog, you will notice that she update the post very frequent.
I'm glad to have the opportunity to join this brunch and sharing session with Kelly and Guardian Malaysian at one of the most trendy cafe in Johor Bahru, People & Places Cafe.

Photo credit : Bee Abdullah
There are 5 bloggers, including myself involved in this sharing session. We were all excited to meet Kelly, and it's the first time having this kind of sharing session in Johor Bahru. Thank you Guardian Malaysia representative, Farah and Bee for arranged and organised this session.  

Photo credit : Bee Abdullah
Kelly shared her experience in blog during the session. We did manage to ask her questions. Consistency and self-discipline are key factor to sustain a good blog. A great reminder to myself in blogging.
With the growing of social media, it's become important to manage Facebook and Instagram, beside the blog. Kelly also shared some tips on creating good caption for Instagram. She also shared her experience in taking good flatlay photo.
Photo credit : Bee Abdullah
We learnt from each other during the sharing session. The session is interactive as we were assigned to small game, which is necessary for us to apply what we learn during the sharing session to the game.
Well, here's my work, which you can find in my Instagram.
(PS: The Aloe Vera gel which I showed in my Instagram, buy 3 at only RM 10, under the Guardian Knockdown Progarmme. It's really cheap and good bargain!!! )
Do take note of Guardian Knockdown Programme every weekend. Guardian will feature few products for price markdown to the lowest. )

A weekend morning was well spent with nice food, nice people and nice ambience. A productive Saturday morning with the bloggers and Guardian Malaysia.
Quesadilla Brekkie 

Englishman's Breakfast
Thanks Kelly for her sharing. Really surprising when she told me she still remember me.
(PS: She is still very pretty and  always with her sunshine smile! Haha! )

Photo credit : Princessneverland

What we do today, right now, will have an accumulated effect on all our tomorrows.


From Friday to Sunday EVERY WEEK, for the rest of the year, Guardian Malaysia will feature an average of four to five products, with price reductions stretching from 10 to 70 per cent.

For more information about the promotion, you may stay alert with Guardian Malaysia FB page or Website. 

Like my blog FB page :

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All the review and information provided on this sites are based on personal honest experience. All opinions given are my own. Pls note that what I think is good or bad for me might not be the same for others. I stay positive and avoid abusive language on my site.

All the photo and content used in my blog are property of myself. Please do not hesitate to contact me via email : for permission to use the content and photo. All rights reserved.