Showing posts with label ban. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ban. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Banning Gas Stove-tops for Yom Tov

Instead of writing about a shooting attack on the car in front of me this evening, or the rock that hit my car, I thought it might be more interesting to write about the new rage in Israel.

In a letter from Rabbi S. Y. Nissim Karlitz and Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, they write that due to the safety gas valve installed on gas ranges, which creates an electric circuit despite not being connected to an electrical source, it is absolutely forbidden to light a gas range on Yom Tov (from another source of fire, which is permitted on Yom Tov), and one should leave their gas range on for the entire holiday.

The source of the news story is on the Kikar Shabbat ultra-Orthodox website, which claims that a few weeks ago, an "expert" on electricity arrived at R' Nissim Karlitz's home and informed him of his findings, that the emergency shut off valve creates an electric circuit, despite not being connected to an electrical source. (Kikar Shabbat website source in Hebrew)

While this may seem as shocking news to the Ultra Orthodox community in Israel, it has been previously addressed by Rabbi Yisrael Rosen of the Tzomet Institute (this isn't a "new" issue at all). All new gas ranges by law, are required to have an emergency shut of gas valve.

Pushing in the dial for a gas range, opens a spring operated gas valve and allows gas to reach the range top. Near the location of the flame is a dual metal sensor which has the physical property of creating a minute electrical current resulting from the the heating of 2 different metals closely aligned with each other. The minute current is enough to keep the gas valve "open" against the spring mechanism.

If the flame goes out, the sensor cools, and after 5 seconds, the dual-metal contraption ceases to generate the micro current. This results in the valve springing opening, thereby shutting the gas flow.

Rav Rosen then posits why this isn't an issue for using a gas range on Yom Tov. (Article from Tzomet, here)

I will try and translate them tomorrow...

המדליק את הלהבה מתכוון להבערה ולבישול. חימום החיישן ויצירת הכח החשמלי היא תוצאת לוואי, היכולה להיחשב לכל היותר פסיק-רישא (בדרבנן?), דניחא ליה.

2. יצירת הכח החשמלי היא בדרך ה'גרמא' מנקודת המבט של פעולת האדם. כתוצאה מהתחממות 2 מתכות שונות נוצר כח חשמלי זעיר. גם אם 'אשו משום חציו' היינו האש עצמה, אך התחממות המתכות ויצירת החשמל הנגרר מכך אינם 'חציו' אלא 'גרמא'.

3. לדעות רבות אין איסור 'בונה' ו'מכה בפטיש' במעגל חשמלי אלא 'מוליד' בלבד. ולענין 'מוליד' אין איסור כשנעשה ממילא, ומותר לכתחילה מעין מה ששנינו (שבת נא,ב) "אין מרזקין לא את השלג ולא את הברד בשבת בשביל שיזובו מימיו, אבל נותן הוא לתוך הכוס או לתוך הקערה ואינו חושש", שאינו מוליד מים במישרין.

4. ובעיקר, מדובר בצורך יו"ט, ועונג יו"ט, ואוכל נפש. ואמנם כל אלו אין בהם כדי להתיר מלאכת 'מכה בפטיש', למשל, אך נימוק זה חזי לאיצטרופי להיתרא. ובפרט, כאמור, אין מנוס על פי החוק והתקן משימוש בהתקן בטיחותי זה.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

iPad Banned from Israel

Globes reports today (translated by The Muqata)

Israel's Ministry of Communications will not allow iPads into Israel.

According to the ministry, "the iPads sold today in the U.S., only match USA Standards for Wi-Fi modem transmission power."

"Israel's Wi-Fi standard is similar to the European standards," the ministry explained, "while the American standard allows for a lower power transmission. The Wi-Fi transmission component is preventing certification of the iPad in Israel. Remember, Israel and Europe has not yet begun marketing the iPad."

The Ministry of Communications contacted i-Digital, Apple's representative in Israel, requesting to get all the information about the device to confirm its certification for Israel.

To date, it is that known that a number of customers who brought iPad into the country have asked to return it abroad.

The Ministry of Communications reported that they are not currently considering a "manhunt" for the iPads that are waiting for the proper permits.

However, the second-hand market of Apple products on the Internet is growing following the launch of the iPad. The WINWIN Site published dozens of messages advertising iPads for NIS 4,000. Some of the offers have noted the iPad they are selling is "straight out of the box."

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Banning the iPod

Despite the attempts to elevate the ubiquitous iPod and other similar mp4 recording/playback devices to objects that are "kosher" within the ultra-orthodox Jewish community, the Jerusalem neighborhoods of Geula and Mea-Shearim are now plastered with "pashkevils" posters demonizing the gadget and technology.

"A terrible plague is upon us, calming victims every day… these sinful devices were banned by all the great rabbis, but are still common in the haredi world… their devilish distributors want nothing more than to drive the people of Israel to sin, through movies and other abominations"

"This little device is the devil's way to try and gain entrance to our protected homes and yeshivas, disguised as something you can listen to Torah lessons through"

YNET reports that the fight against the device reached a new level last week, when an MP4 supplier, whose store is located on the outskirts of Jerusalem's Meah Shearim neighborhood, found it vandalized – its window and showcases smashed. A second store, located just off the capital's Shabbat Square, did not fare much better: It too was vandalized and its repair lab burnt down. Some say that was an event waiting to happen: For several weeks prior to the arson, a dozen-or-so yeshiva student used to demonstrate in front of the store every week and protest the sale of the banned devices.

I think it's time that Apple's master of marketing, Steve Jobs, show up with some new headgear and make a personal pitch.

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