In one of my recent YouTube videos I showed my favourite contour colours. Here are the swatches taken in afternoon light outside, no flash. These photos were taken with my ageing iPhone3. Apologies for the knee shadows under the table!
The very left blush, MAC's Strada is the coolest toned of the bunch.
The middle blush, Giorgio Armani's Beige Violet #5 is my newest and turning out to be my favourite. You have to love the additional touches like including a mirror, but beware the clasp to open the blush is not obvious if you have 'dodgy morning eyes' like me!
The square one is Ilamasqua's Rumour blush, which is the warmest and also the most pigmented.
(Left to Right) MAC Strada, Giorgio Armani #5 Beige Violet, Illamasqua Rumour |
(Left to Right) MAC Strada, Giorgio Armani #5 Beige Violet, Illamasqua Rumour |
(Left to Right) MAC Strada, Giorgio Armani #5 Beige Violet, Illamasqua Rumour |