
Showing posts with label About the Author. Show all posts
Showing posts with label About the Author. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

'Blogger' it is then... for now

Tonight, my lack of Napoleon Dynamite type 'skills' in the web / HTML / and all things Internet department got the better of me.  I cracked it.

Blogging is supposed to be fun!  I've wasted hours and hours of my limited personal time trying to create something spectacular - but now I've chucked a full blown tantrum and decided give it a rest.

My skin looks terrible, I haven't worn makeup all week, and my friends and family have all commented that I look 'like shit'!  So back to Blogger I go, head hung in shame...

I have so many beauty posts to edit, new things to talk about, and videos to upload to YouTube, and that is really what it is all about for me.

In a last ditch attempt to have a more interactive blog, I've installed a new tool, and hope that it allows me to respond to peoples comments.  Feel free to post a comment below so we can test it out!

Thanks for your patience!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We are moving... or thinking about it!

I’ve toyed with the idea of moving from Blogger to Wordpress for a while now, purely on the basis of improved interaction with the wonderful people that take the time to read my posts. 

It may just be my limited knowledge of Blogger, but I have not been able to find a way to reply directly to people’s posts.  If someone has asked me a question, I take great pride in getting back to them with an answer, and I am not confident that the message gets through with my current set up.
I don’t have access to people to help me through web design process, and I’m finding it quite frustrating.  My background is in transactional accounting and people management, so I’m very proud of my setup on Blogger.  I’ve had to learn what Widgets are, how to email posts in, how to set up an RSS feed.  Moving to Wordpress will hopefully allow me to expand on my tech knowledge in this area.
So this will be my last post for a while... until the new site is up and running.  It’s been really difficult to make progress this week as our 50GB of downloads have been used, and the speed has been shaped down to less than dial-up (a common side-effect of teenagers on school holiday!) 

I’ll be ditching the pink border, and going for a style that more represents who I am.  My son has helped me brainstorm lots of words to describe me, and we’ll try and turn that into some kind of brand.  

Fingers crossed the migration goes to plan, and I’ll let you know when everything flips over.  My domain will remain the same, and my email is
Any advice or feedback you can offer is much appreciated!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

ABC's of MsSparkleArkle

I recently saw these questions on the be-yewdy-full Molly Maquillage's blog, and thought it would be a good opportunity to learn a little more about me.  Feel free to do these questions yourselves!

A. Age: 37 eek!
B. Bed size: King
C. Chore you hate: Cleaning the slimy soap goop that collects under my attached sink plug things
D. Day: My favourite? Friday, 5pm
E. Essential start to your day: The moment I wake up, before I put on my makeup, I say a little prayer for you.....
F. Favourite colour: Indigo
G. Gold or Silver: White Gold
H. Height: Once I was 175cm, then from age 20 I was 173cm but my scoliosis is shortening me - 171cm at last measure but I refuse to accept it! (Shrieks) I'm shrinking........
I. Instruments: Piano, Saxophone, Clarinet, and I can rock 'Three Blind Mice' on the recorder!
J. Job title: Consultant
K. Kids: What the fudge have they done now?  Oh, you mean do I have any?  Two boys, aged 15 & 3
L. Lives: Melbourne
M. Mum’s name: Creena, but is most often called Pat.  I call her Patsy.
N. Nicknames: Kaz, Kez, Boss
O. Overnight hospital stays: Gallbladder surgery, one night.  Giving birth? - no stay - just plopped them out and went home.  My hyperactive nature has me struggling to stand, sit, lie still for any length of time
P. Pet peeve: Line cutters, just have some patience people!  I can SEE YOU side stepping into my line!
Q. Quote from a movie:  This is from a TV Show "Allow me to ladle you a piping hot bowl of This Is How It Is" - Sue Sylvester, Glee 
R. Right or left handed: A bit of both, but now I write with my right, but kick, throw, and high jump from the left - awkward!
S. Siblings: One brother, 15 months older than me
T. Time you wake up: 6:15am, but 8.00am in the weekends - can't waste the day!
U. Underwear: Granny Panties, tucked right up under my boobies.
V. Vegetables you dislike: No veges come to mind, but bananas should be outlawed.  Blurk!
W. What makes you run late: Nothing.  My military training has me super punctual.  20 PUSH UPS!
X. X-Rays you’ve had: Teeth (before braces), Skull (broke my face & nose in Primary school), lots and lots of spinal scans (scoliosis & osteo arthritis)
Y. Yummy food you make: Gluten free, fructose friendly, Spagetti Bolognese
Z. Zoo: Not sure what this question is, but apart from the fact that I live in a zoo-like household, I'll just tell you my favourite zoo animals are the giraffes and meerkats.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

MsSparkleArkle's New Blog Pages

Just a quick post to let you know that I am updating my blog, and adding new pages such as:

HG products - My absolute top picks in each skincare or cosmetic category, along with honourable mentions

Wishlist - My shopping list is updated regularly as I add and delete items I am lusting after, or cross them off as I purchase them.  Feel free to suggest products that you love!

Blogs/Channels I follow - A list of blogs I most frequently visit, some beauty related and some not!  I've also included a link to their YT channels where possible.

Disclaimer - All the important bits about my reviews and posts

Please follow my blog with Google friends, subscribe to my feeds, or just pop back and check on blog regularly to see how these pages are progressing!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

'My First Beauty' Tag

Thanks Sabine from Bini Blogs Beauty for tagging me for your My First Beauty Tag.

Here we go...

1. The first time I wore make up
I was a ballet girl for a short period of time, but it is fair to say I was less than graceful in a tutu.  I then branched out into tap dancing.  I had found my calling.  Shuffle shuffle tap! Shuffle step ball change!  It would have been at a ballet or tap concert that I was required to wear a bright red lipstick along with regulation bun or tight spiral curls. 

2. The very first make up item I bought/was given
My mother and I share a passion for all things makeup.  While my mother began allowing me try out her collection while I was very young, I distinctly remember the first item that was gifted to me, and was mine, all mine.  It was a hot pink lipstick by a brand called Outdoor Girl.  I believe this to be a UK brand, which probably doesn't exist anymore.  Come to think of it, my mother immigrated to Australia from the UK in 1966, and it just crossed my mind perhaps this lippy was antique before it became new to me in the late 70's.  Blurk!

My cousin Kath is two years older than me, and of course I idolised her sassy-ness from a very young age.  If Kath wore BigM shoelaces in her hair, then I had to have some too.  If Sweet Valley High books were what Kath was reading, then I had to read about those Wakefield twins too.  I even had my mother searching the shopping centres for a pinafore style dress at one stage, because cousin Kath had one.  So it makes perfect sense that the first item that I owned that was brand spanking new was an eyeshadow quad from Maybelline, inspired by Kath.  It had a Dark and Light Blue, and a Dark and Light Pink.  Think early 80's.  Legwarmers, fluorescent socks, and blue and pink eyeshadow to match.  I remember I was very particular about which side of each applicator was used in each shade.  I was obsessive compulsive about cosmetic cleanliness even then!

3. My first high end make up item
I really had to think hard about this one, and I really can't recall the first high end item I purchased with my own money.  I do recall in Year 8 at school I had a miniature eyeliner that was Estee Lauder and it was a royal blue colour.  I wore it heavily on my waterline.  It may have come with a GWP of my Mum's.  I was regularly sent to the 'girls toilets' to remove it from my eyes. 

I did start working casually in a delicatessen when I was almost 15 years old, in Year 9 at school, so I would say perhaps a high end lipstick or eyeshadow would have followed soon after.  I do think my priority at the time though was to save for a Sony Stereo with turntable, twin cassette deck and this new fandangled thing called a compact disc player.

4. My first "going out" look (as a teen, so talking dinner, not clubbing)
My signature look was a Lancome eyeshadow duo in quite neutral brown and champagne colours, and a Lancome lipstick in Sugared Maple.  Both discontinued long ago of course.  I also had Estee Lauder's Lucidity foundation when it first came out but it used to make my eyes water horrendously due to the old fashioned PABA sunscreen. 

5. My first make up faux pas
Thinking back to that Estee Lauder eyeliner in royal blue.... I definitely suffered from regular cases of inner eye goop due to the sheer volume of product used!

6. My first favourite beauty brands
I most certainly had loads of Australis, Bourjois and Max Factor products as a teen.  Nice!

7. As opposed to my favourite make up brands now
Guerlain, Chanel, MAC and Dior

8. My first perfume
I was given Charlie (the original) which smelt something like fly spray, and my mum bought me something called 'Cold as Ice' which was a perfume that felt... as cold as ice.  My first perfume splurge with my own money was Lou Lou.  I can still remember the ad...  'Lou Lou where are you?'  In my teens I wore quite a bit of Elizabeth Arden Red Door, but didn't we all?  In my late teens it was all Giorgio Beverly Hills (Roarrrrrrrrrrrrr Grrrrrr very sexy).

9. My first beauty obsession
It was all about the eyeliner.  Dark, smokey, colourful.  You name it - I wore it.  I loved a perm and highlights too.  Boing!

10. My first favourite hair & body items
I used lots of mousse and gel in my hair back in the day, but on my body it was all from The Body Shop.  I haven't been in The Body Shop for years and years.

11. My first nail polish
I remember the nail polish colour, but I am not positive which brand it was.  Most likely Cutex.  The colour was called Madly Mauve or Mauve Madness and was inspired by..... you guessed it......... Cousin Kath - the sister I never had.  I wore so many layers of this purple nail polish that there was no chance you could ever chip a nail!

That concludes the walk down memory lane... Thanks Bini for tagging me!

Stay out of the quicksand...

Okay, okay...  I know these are extremely late, but I ummmed and ahhhhed about whether to even commit to any New Years resolutions for 2011.  So here I am on a Saturday, putting my resolutions in writing.  Last year was tough for many of us, and so far 2011 is off to a rocky start. I'm starting my new year in February!

Before I get to the details of the resolutions, I must mention that I like to reflect on the year just gone to see whether there was a message for me.  Deep hey?  It is a really useful process and I encourage you to spend a moment 'listening' to the lessons from the year before.

In 2010 I made sure I lived by a simple dictum of 'if you fail to plan, plan to fail' and it served me very well.   It allowed me to save more money, arrange better insurance and superannuation choices, be more successful at work, and even slightly more organised around the home.  Slightly.  There is still a mountain of ironing to do!

The key learning for me in 2010 is just how short life can be.  I was constantly reminded of this throughout the year, watching numerous colleagues lose loved ones to illness, both suddenly and through long drawn out sickness.  Within my husbands family alone there were at least three deaths from avoidable accidents, medical complications, right through to someone drowning or suffocating in quicksand.  Yes, I said quicksand.  Apparently not just something you see in black & white movies! 

So on reflection I realise that 2010 taught me just how important it is to 'love what you do'.  So that statement will underpin everything I do in 2011. 

For those of you wanting to lose weight, grow your hair, find a partner, fall pregnant or any other special event... I wish you all the very best for the year ahead.  Let's check back in a few months and see how we are going.

Here's my list! There is no rocket science here.  These are all very simple ideas, but things I didn't do much of in 2010. 
  1. I will move my body more in an effort to improve my health
  2. I will take my makeup off before bed for cleaner pillowcases and better skin
  3. I will look in the mirror throughout the day as shimmer on my eyelids is sassy, but glitter fallout under my eye.... not so much
  4. I will dedicate some more time to my Blog as it has been lonely and is in desperate need of some attention.  It's not all about YouTube you know!
  5. I acknowledge that Life is short, so I will endeavour to take more time out to enjoy the kids, my family and my home.
What are your 2011 resolutions?  Please leave a comment below!

Until next time...

Monday, November 22, 2010

25 Questions Tag!

25 Questions Tag
Thank you for tagging me ‘Bini Blogs Beauty’

1. Do you have any pets?
I have one cockatiel named Charlie 500. We did have a dog, a Lhasa Apso X named Angel but we had to part with her after some near misses with our youngest son. Unfortunately her arthritis was making her very stroppy and she became snappy whenever our son got too close. We still cry about it now.

2. Name 3 things that are physically close to you.
My office chair – I should be working right now!
A handful of tissues – I’m recovering from a nasty cold
A lukewarm latte from the café next door

3. What's the weather like right now?
Gorgeous, sunny and prediction of 29 degrees

4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed?
I drive a tank, so I’m not sure whether I have crashed. Was that a speed bump or a Suzuki Swift?

5. What time did you wake up this morning?
My alarm went off at 6.10am, and I snoozed it twice. I dragged myself up at 06.28am

6. When was the last time you showered?
This morning! And I brushed my teeth too!

7. What was the last movie you saw?
Salaam Namaste. I love a hindi movie from time to time. This one was shot in Melbourne, Australia back in 2005 and has some particularly terrible acting in it. Tania Zaetta even makes an appearance. Very modern themes for a Bollywood movie.

8. What does your last text message say?
The last text I received was from my 14 year old No.1 son and it says “At school luv u very much have a great day”. Isn’t he a sweetheart?

9. What's your ringtone?
Bongo drums – very annoying for my colleagues, especially when I forget to put my phone on silent and go off to a long meeting!

10. Have you ever been to a different country?
Hawaii, England, France, Amsterdam, India.

11. Do you like sushi?
I don’t mind those rolls, but I only like the one with prawn and avocado, or crispy chicken. I’m not sure that that counts as sushi!

12. Where do you buy your groceries?
I’m a Coles girl. Nice wide aisles. Limited range. Flybuys.

13. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster?
I have Stilnox at home but I have never taken it. I heard some horror stories about people doing crazy things on it so I chickened out. Since I bought a super dooper deluxe bed – my insomnia has just about fixed itself!

14. How many siblings do you have?
One – my brother is 15 months older than me.

15. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
I have both but the desktop is really just gathering dust and housing the router for the Wi-Fi. I’m warming up to the idea of an iPad too.

16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
A year older than my last birthday! Yikes.

17. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
I have glasses but don’t need to wear them very often. Only when I am very tired.

18. Do you colour your hair?
Yes. I need to wash those greys right outta my hair! I have an old lady housewife stripe of grey coming at a very fast pace.

19. Tell me something you are planning to do today?
I was planning to start tidying the house for my son’s 2nd birthday party on Saturday. Not feeling the motivation just yet.

20. When was the last time you cried?
A few weeks ago when my husband was being a cave man. Ug Ug.

21. What is your perfect pizza topping?
Americana – meat, onion, cheese or Aussie – meat, egg, cheese. I’m afraid I cannot indulge in these foods any more.

22. Which do you prefer-hamburgers or cheeseburgers?
I love a hamburger – minus the bun, beetroot, onion. Darn it – just serve me up a slice of tasteless dead cow.

23. Have you ever had an all-nighter?
Absolutely – all kinds too!

24. What is your eye colour?
Once upon a time my eyes were blue. Now they are a greenish yellow tinge. Perhaps I need to detox?

25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
Yup. I am not a cola connoisseur but I can tell the difference. Although for cleaning toilets and unclogging drains both products work equally well.

If you have any more questions you would like answered - please email me here
