Showing posts with label frogman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frogman. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Monster Christmas Gifts!

Hey guys,

As a bit of a Christmas gift and a thanks for following my blog I've decided to give away these two original pieces from my Historical Figures as Monsters series for free!

Benjamin Frogman and Mummy Teresa are the ones, and all you have to do to win is comment and tell me which one you would prefer. I'll randomly select a winner from the comments for each piece at noon December 17th. I'll post the winners and ask for addresses with plans to ship them out the following week, so check back after the 17th. You may even get it by Christmas, my gift to you!
They will come as you see here, snazzy frames and all. (sorry no books!)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Historical Figures as Monsters

These pieces are my contribution to the 'Historical Figures as Monsters' show this October at the Davenport and Winkleperry gallery in Pittsboro, North Carolina. If your in the area, stop by and have a look.

Abraham Lincolnstein

Benjamin Frogman

Mummy Teresa

Edgar Allan Poltergeist