Saturday, January 02, 2010

I have a little dreidel, I made it out of clay!

We were invited by some great friends of ours to share in their Hannakah traditions this year. Max was in total shock and a little mad to find out that there was a holiday being celebrated yearly that he has not yet been made aware of. We all had a lot of fun learning all about the holiday, enjoying the yummy food, playing games, etc.
Max loved playing dreidel. He was very protective of his "money", and with a little luck (and some help) he won! He was even able to bring home a dreidel of his own to practice up for next year. :)
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1 comment:

partypatt said...

Tell Max that one of the boys in my MWF am class brought a dreidel to school for Show and Tell! I was so excited to find a Jewish kid in Utah!