Saturday, January 02, 2010


Santa delivered!
Much to my dismay, Max has grown out of his thomas bed/crib mattress. This year, he asked Santa for a loft bed with a desk, and since he made sure that he was on Santa's (mostly) nice list, Santa delivered! When Max talked to Santa about this present, he made sure to tell Santa that he could bring it into our house in boxes since it probably wouldn't fit very good through the door or up the stairs put together. When he came downstairs on Christmas morning, the first thing he said was "that Santa is so clever! He brought my bed in pieces! I knew he would figure out something!" Santa also brought Max a new mattress, some bedding, and tinkertoys. Sam didn't seem to care much for waking up on Christmas morning or opening presents, but when he finally decided to get out of bed, he was lucky enough to score a learning table, a singing coloring board, and a cash register from Santa and various toys with noises and buttons from me and Riley.

Riley and I decided to get Max a DS for Christmas this year. We had told Max that he could have one when he was 8, so he had NO IDEA he was getting one. When he started opening presents from us, he opened a few DS accessories and said "oh, this will be fun to use with your DS mom" (since he always plays on mine). When he got to the DS, he looked at me and said "MOM, what is this?" Until I opened the box and put the DS in his hand, he couldn't believe we had really gotten him one. It made his day! After his bed was put together (thanks dad and Gary!) he got up on it and played DS for a while.

As I mentioned earlier, Sam was in no rush on Christmas morning to get going or opening, so he opened his presents around noon. He was very excited to have new toys with noisy buttons, keys, and a PHONE! He loves playing with his new toys and figuring out new ways to climb on, smash, or otherwise ruin them. What can I say, he's all boy!!!

Riley and I had fun this year getting each other some clothing and Wii accessories and our annual trip to MEXICO! I can't wait! :)

I hope everyone had an amazing Holiday Season this year!
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