Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Max Lost a Tooth!

Last night was a crazy one. Long story short, because of our work schedules, it worked best to have the boys stay at my parents house last night so the boys wouldn't have to wake up too early and my mom could take Max to school. I tucked Max into Natalie's old bed. . . no loose tooth. No indication that there would be one.

This morning Max woke up and told my mom that his tooth was loose, and that he was so excited because it wasn't a dream and he would finally be losing a tooth. He wanted to keep it secret from me and Riley until he got out of school, but my dad is no good at secrets, as soon as I was off work I heard about Max's tooth.

Max called me about an hour before school got out to tell me he had a really bad headache--after hanging out with him for the rest of the day I can guess why. If I was playing with a tooth and pulling funny faces intent on getting a newly loose tooth out, I would probably have a splitting headache also. I was SURE he wouldn't lose the tooth today. It wasn't that loose to begin with, just a little wiggly. I totally underestimated the determination of my child.

I could tell that his mind was not going to wander far from the tooth this afternoon. I tried to distract him with his homework, reading, TV shows, games, etc. Nothing was working. So, I handed him a cold, crisp apple. He ate the whole thing and he was happy with the progress being made on the tooth. For the rest of the evening, he kept bugging it and pulling at it, but he couldn't get it out.

Finally, it was time for bed. I was tucking him in and he wouldn't quit moving his mouth funny trying to wiggle his tooth. He was excited because he could finally feel the bottom of it on one side if he got his finger in just the right spot. He was also worried that he might swallow it in his sleep. I was afraid he may never get any sleep if he didn't get it out, but I could tell it was still in pretty good and he wasn't about to let me touch it. I told him to start twisting on it and it might come out. Two twists later, I was handed a teeny tiny tooth.

He looked at me proudly and said "I love you mom. I'm so happy I lost a tooth." He was so excited, he wanted to call and tell everyone. He talked to Riley first (Hey dad, I have a lost tooth). Riley had been at work all day, so he missed all of the excitement. :(

After writing the tooth fairy a note ("My name is Max. I lost a tooth. I am happy. I am seeing if you are real"), putting the tooth in a baggy, trying to make funny whistle sounds, and taking tons of pictures and video, he asked me, "mom, is this a dream? It is, isn't it." Funny how much a little tooth means to a 6 year old.

He can't wait to tell his teacher and friends in the morning. He gets to join an elite group of first graders who have stars on the tooth poster in the classroom. And, if the tooth fairy is real, he told Riley that she would probably leave him a dollar. I guess we'll see in the morning. ;-)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's been a while....SCHOOL STARTED!

Max couldn't have been more excited. It was like Christmas in August for him. He couldn't wait until he could FINALLY be back in school, and eating lunch at school was the icing on the cake.
I am not a mom that loves it when school starts. Perhaps it is because that means that I have to go back to work (I'm sure that has something to do with it). Also, it means the beginning of fall, and while I don't mind fall so much, the crisp air and shortened days continuously remind me that my least favorite season is approaching. Really though, I quite like hanging out with Max, and he's a great friend for Sam too, so this year I was super sad to have him gone ALL DAY! Tears were shed...and they weren't Max's.
Besides having one of my little buddies gone all day, first grade brought with it some adjustments. Max loves recess so much that he wasn't eating much of his lunch (he is a VERY slow eater, we knew he would have issues with lunch). This made for a very cranky after-school 6 year old. It took a bit of convincing, and some menu changes, and I think he's finally getting it.
His teacher and instructor this year are both fabulous. Max couldn't be happier. Riley and I have been so impressed with his school, we love their teaching methods, the student to teacher ratios, their continual commitment to the original charter, their willingness to change things that aren't working, their various communication methods keeping us very informed, I could go on forever. I also LOVE school uniforms. They are so easy, and Max looks so handsome every morning.

I am teaching again this year--less than last year and with a much easier schedule. The year got off to a great start and my students are wonderful. Hooray for a great school year! :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Max!


I hope your 6th birthday is full of excitement and enjoyment. And cake. Don't forget the cake.

I love you immensely, you are such a great boy. I love watching you learn and grow, you are so much fun!

I can't wait to see what adventures this year will bring!

Happy 6th Birthday tintor!


Tuesday, February 02, 2010

January 2010

Is January over already? Wow, that was quick. . . and I'm not complaining! I'm done with Utah inversions and cold...bring on spring. :)
We have been keeping busy between work, school, and the boys. I started driving this month with my drivers ed students. So far, they have all been excellent drivers (thank goodness!).

We have been having tons of fun with our boys. Earlier this month, we took them to see the ice castles in heber.
They were really neat, the size and color are amazing! While we were up there, Max got a chance to go inside the Homestead crater and he loved it. We have also been visiting the Dino Museum a lot (one of our wintertime favorites). Max has been sad that there hasn't been a lot of good "snowman snow" this year to play in.
Both of our boys are growing like weeds! Max has almost outgrown all of his school clothes, and Sam continues to amaze us with his crazy eating skills. Sam is starting to talk more and more and adding new words to his vocabularly every day. I love watching Max and Sam play together. Sam adores Max and tries to be just like him.

We are looking forward to the adventures February has in store for us!
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Sunday, January 03, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

Our Annual New Year Picture. Yes, Sam is eating. He is usually eating. And Max does have a crazy red juice smile. What can I say, our pictures have personality. :)
2009 was our year of change. When you have kids, which year isn't? But this year, we seemed to have more than usual. The BIGGEST change, Riley and I have lost a total of 90 lbs. between the two of us. Riley and I have both made some major changes in our diet/exercise and hope to maintain our new healthier lifestyle and fun new wardrobe through 2010. Some of our other changes:
*Max started Kindergarten and we were lucky enough to get him into a local charter school! He LOVES school. His teachers are fantastic. He has also enjoyed his Kindergarten Enhancement class this year, Pat is amazing with him!
*I changed jobs, going from Preschool to High School. And, Driver's Ed. Craziness!
*Sam transformed from sweet baby to Danger Kid. He is VERY adventurous with no fear. Luckily no major issues yet, but bandaids are coming in handy. He is also becoming our little eater. He eats more than Max daily. :)
*We made it through some major road projects out here. The construction seemed neverending and extremely frustrating. Glad it's over (though I hear it's starting again in Feb.).
*Riley and I both turned 30. Although it seemed major, it was fairly painless.
*Max started piano lessons. He is becoming an excellent little pianist and he is loving it! He has performed in 2 piano recitals already. He also enjoyed his first year of soccer, t-ball, tumbling, arts and crafts, and performing in The Nutcracker.
*We became proud owners of a Polaris Ranger, and then spent every weekend in American Fork Canyon. We loved our hiking/camping/exploring adventures, even in the rain!
This year for New Year's we decided to start a new tradition. After taking down the decorations, we shoot the stale gingerbread house. Max and Riley love our new tradition, I'm sure if Sam had been awake he would've enjoyed it too.
My hopes for the New Year:
*To have more patience.
*To lose the last stubborn 10-15.
*To find a better balance between work/play/and cleaning the house. :)
*To find some of my lost motivation. Especially the exercise motivation, but cleaning the house motivation would be good too. I have an over abundance of shopping motivation. Maybe I can channel that energy.

Things to look forward to:
*Mexico 2010!
*All day school for Max. He is so excited to eat lunch at school. :) Mom is sad.
*A talking Sam. He is learning new words daily. Love it!
*California. A little bit of San Diego mixed with a lot of L.A. Fun times will be had by all.
*Summer Vacation. Riley has some weeks off that have yet to be planned, but I'm sure they will be filled with non-stop fun-ness.
*American Fork Canyon. The ranger begs to be ridden.
*A new garden...if I find some of that motivation. Riley and I plan to start a garden to go with our fruit trees this spring/summer.
*Las Vegas. Though it's not planned, I'm sure we will sneak in at least one trip. Possibly Cirque included. There are some new shows I am excited to see.
*Our 10th anniversary!
*Christmas break 2010. Not because we have anything fun planned, but because we love Christmas break...mostly because nothing is planned. It is 2 weeks of fun nothingness. And video games. Nuf said.
*Sam's kidney issue to finally come to an end. Hopefully.
*Potty training 2010 beginning in September. Wishful thinking, I know, but I'm determined to try.
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Saturday, January 02, 2010


Santa delivered!
Much to my dismay, Max has grown out of his thomas bed/crib mattress. This year, he asked Santa for a loft bed with a desk, and since he made sure that he was on Santa's (mostly) nice list, Santa delivered! When Max talked to Santa about this present, he made sure to tell Santa that he could bring it into our house in boxes since it probably wouldn't fit very good through the door or up the stairs put together. When he came downstairs on Christmas morning, the first thing he said was "that Santa is so clever! He brought my bed in pieces! I knew he would figure out something!" Santa also brought Max a new mattress, some bedding, and tinkertoys. Sam didn't seem to care much for waking up on Christmas morning or opening presents, but when he finally decided to get out of bed, he was lucky enough to score a learning table, a singing coloring board, and a cash register from Santa and various toys with noises and buttons from me and Riley.

Riley and I decided to get Max a DS for Christmas this year. We had told Max that he could have one when he was 8, so he had NO IDEA he was getting one. When he started opening presents from us, he opened a few DS accessories and said "oh, this will be fun to use with your DS mom" (since he always plays on mine). When he got to the DS, he looked at me and said "MOM, what is this?" Until I opened the box and put the DS in his hand, he couldn't believe we had really gotten him one. It made his day! After his bed was put together (thanks dad and Gary!) he got up on it and played DS for a while.

As I mentioned earlier, Sam was in no rush on Christmas morning to get going or opening, so he opened his presents around noon. He was very excited to have new toys with noisy buttons, keys, and a PHONE! He loves playing with his new toys and figuring out new ways to climb on, smash, or otherwise ruin them. What can I say, he's all boy!!!

Riley and I had fun this year getting each other some clothing and Wii accessories and our annual trip to MEXICO! I can't wait! :)

I hope everyone had an amazing Holiday Season this year!
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Christmas Eve 2009

Christmas Eve was great this year! Riley had to work, but we made the best out of the time he was home. We went to a matinee of the Princess and the Frog with my parents, Riley's parents, and Nat and Craig. Riley, Max, and I loved the movie! She is one of my new favorite Disney Princesses. The story was great, and I loved the setting and music. After the movie, Cody and Stormy joined us and we ate at Mi Ranchito...yummy! Before Riley went to work we came home to open our Christmas Eve jammies. :) Then, the boys and I made sure our house was ready for Santa's arrival.
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I have a little dreidel, I made it out of clay!

We were invited by some great friends of ours to share in their Hannakah traditions this year. Max was in total shock and a little mad to find out that there was a holiday being celebrated yearly that he has not yet been made aware of. We all had a lot of fun learning all about the holiday, enjoying the yummy food, playing games, etc.
Max loved playing dreidel. He was very protective of his "money", and with a little luck (and some help) he won! He was even able to bring home a dreidel of his own to practice up for next year. :)
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Thursday, November 26, 2009

So Much to be Thankful For!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We hope your thanksgiving is filled with happiness, love, family, and yummy food!