Monday, May 30, 2011

Today's Flowers

My tibouchina...
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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Camera Critters

My Camera Critters post is this pink small grasshopper that I saw on one of my succulent plants the other day. I saw this kind of grasshopper before on one of my roses but this was my first time to see it on my succulent plant and I think he was the one munching the leaves .
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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Busy day

It was a busy day yesterday. I went shopping for our weekly grocery in the morning and when I came back we sorted out some household rubbish to be picked up by the Council this coming Monday morning and made it sure that it is all done according to their conditions outlined in the letter. I made a booking with them last week and a few days later I received a letter of confirmation. Is not that we had a big household clean up yesterday but these are just some of the things that we dont need anymore. We have a big leather couch that we don't use anymore which is quite old and the leather started to rip somehow .It would be a burden for sure moving it somewhere when the backroom starts its renovation. Because it is big and heavy, hubby broke it into parts to make it easier for us to take outside and would be manageable by the person who will pick them. We have also old broken chairs, a small tv stand with a broken glass and the old wooden house of our dogs that we broke into parts too and bundled properly. We are going to stack them neatly near the kerb tomorrow afternoon.

Sky Watch Friday

A foggy morning sunrise on 20 May 2011.

Interested to join or want to see more beautiful sky photos all around the world please click, Sky Watch Friday.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Good luck, Dorothy!

I got a letter the other day from Dorothy's school informing me that Dorothy has been selected to represent the school for this coming Zone Athletics Carnival which will be held on Monday at Blacktown Olympic Park, just about 5 minutes drive from where we live. She will race for the 400m and 800 m. Good luck, Dorothy and to the rest of the school team!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Watery Wednesday

Photo was taken at Kings Langley pond in Sydney's west .
Please click Watery Wednesday to see more watery sites all around the world.

Medieval Fayre

It was held last Saturday at Nurragingy Reserve, a few minutes drive from where we live. This is an annual event to kick off the fiesta celebration of Blacktown. For two whole day, the Reserve was transformed into a world of medieval magic. There were lots of attraction for everyone inside the medieval village, jousting, Blacksmith Shoppe, Camel and pony rides, jumping castle , just to name a few. It's all free to enjoy for 2 days.
I captured a few photos of my kids while they were taking a camel ride..

Monday, May 23, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

This was last Saturday while we were attending the Medieval Fayre held at Nurrangingy Reserve. The lady with a red umbrella, red top and red socks caught my eyes. So I just thought to capture a photo of her for my Ruby Tuesday post. They were watching the jousting event at that time.

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Today's Flowers

My bromeliad flowers.

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Saturday, May 21, 2011


Last Friday after I picked up David from his school, we went straight to the Vet to pick up Lucky, our male guinea pig. It was his schedule to be neutered. It was a hard decision for us to have him neutered. The kids were really not happy with the idea at first but I explained to them the reasons and they eventually understand. Brownie, our female guinea pig had already given birth 3 times, 2 babies at first then 5 and 4, and we thought that that would be enough. The maintenance and the work looking after them before they are ready to be sold are too much . They are inside guinea pigs so every now and then we make sure their hutch is always clean and tidy, always make sure they have enough supply of water and food, and besides if we want to go away on weekend, we have to find someone to look after them. And its not only that, it is also hard for Lucky for he always gets separated from Brownie every time Brownie has babies and he is not happy about it. Its nature that guinea pigs (mostly male) may kill their own babies for some reasons, that's why Lucky will be temporarily removed from the hutch every time Brownie is about to give birth.
Lucky is doing well after the operation and will be soon reunited with Brownie.

Camera Critters

Few days ago, I had noticed that someone had been voraciuosly eating the leaves of one of my bird's nest ferns which I just moved to the ground. I have been growing bird's nest ferns in pots and they grow bigger and bigger that I thought it was about time for them to be moved to the ground for the the pots started to break already. Anyway, at that time I had noticed the leaves had been eaten, I tried to find the culprit but could not find it. Then the next morning I decided to check it out again and finally found out who was responsible of destroying the leaves of my plant. It was a hairy caterpillar.Interested to join or want to see more Critters from all around the world please click, here.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sky Watch Friday

Sunset on 17 May 2011.
Photos were taken from our backyard.

Have a good weekend!
Interested to join or want to see more beautiful sky photos all around the world please click, Sky Watch Friday.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Last Sunday

Before we slept on Saturday night, me, David as well as Dorothy had agreed to wake up early to watch something truly a remarkable scene in the sky. We heard about it from the news last Thursday night about these 4 planets alignment which will be visible in Australia at 5:00am (AEST) before the sunrise just above the horizon in the East for a few days starting Friday morning. Since we missed out the Friday and Saturday morning for I wasn't in the mood to go out that early for it was so cold, we vowed ourselves not to miss it that Sunday morning. With my pocket size camera in hand, me and David braved the freezing cold morning and went outside to our backyard. Unfortunately Dorothy didn't able to see it for she wasn't an early riser like David . Even if I woke her up a few times but to no avail so I just left her sound asleep in her dreamland.
The alignment of 4 planets happens only once in a lifetime and the next occurence will be on 2056. I managed to capture a few pictures, however, I am sharing you only two for the rest are not quite good. Venus, in the middle of the group and the brightest, just above to the left was Jupiter, Mercury was to the right and quite fainter. Unfortunately we could not see Mars from our location, which was farther down, for trees were apparently blocking our sight. I thought to take a drive to look for a good spot where we could see all the 4 planets but David seemed happily contented of what he saw and said "not nalang, mum".

Watery Wednesday

Here's my Watery Wednesday post, a small creek in one of the parks of Bowral, the largest town in the Southern Highlands of NSW. This photo was taken a few years ago when we stopped by at the park on our way home after our camping holiday to admire the lovely colours of Autumn.

Please click Watery Wednesday to see more watery sites all around the world.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Overdue books

Oh, boy! I got an email from our local Library that I have 0verdue books. "What!" was all I can say upon reading the e-mail for it's hard to believe that I missed the due date, never happen before. But when I checked out the printed receipt I got, I saw that I was really wrong and the 8 books that I last borrowed were due for return early last week. I didn't actually realize the due date that was on the receipt until I got the e-mail, because what was registered in my mind was that all books will be due sometime next week. It's strange where did I get the wrong date from. It must be from something that I had read.

Ruby Tuesday

It's RT time once again and here is my post, a red rose that I saw while taking a walk around our neighborhood.

Happy Ruby Tuesday!

If you would like to join or want to see more red please click here .


We took Lucky, our male guinea pig today to the Vet for a check up. Since yesterday and today we noticed something was not normal with his poop, it's a bit sloppy and we were worried that he was not feeling well despite the fact that he was eating well. We just wanted to make sure of his condition. Thankfully, the Vet told us that he is fine and there is nothing wrong with him. The sloppy poop was probably caused by what he had eaten which made his tummy upset. I was thinking Lucky had eaten maybe spoiled hay (we're using hay as their bedding), or something. I will be more careful now too of where to put him outside to graze grass.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Camera Critters

Here's my camera critters post for this week. I saw this small green grasshopper on the flower of one of my succulent plants.
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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sky Watch Friday

I have been on the look out for beautiful sunsets from our backyard for the whole week and thankfully, Mother Nature didn't fail to treat me with what I was looking for for my Sky Watch Friday Post. For the entire week, this is the only sunset that I reckon the best. I concentrate to capture sunset for I am temporarily giving up this time looking for sunrise for it is getting colder and I hate waking up early.

Interested to join or want to see more beautiful sky photos all around the world please click, Sky Watch Friday.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


As a result of Dorothy's participation in the Zone Cross Country last Monday, she wasn't feeling well the following day which was also the schedule of the NAPLAN test (literacy test in the afternoon). She was complaining of sore legs and back pain and didn't feel like to go to school. I was worried because if she will be absent on that day she gonna miss the NAPLAN test. I gave her pain reliever medicine before she went to school. I told her too to ask permission from the office after she finish the test to go home early and to ring me so I can pick her up. At around 11:00 am, I received a call from the school office that Dorothy was with them because of sore legs and wanted to go home. Without delay, I went straight to the school office and when I arrived Dorothy was looking tired and told me that she cannot wait the NAPLAN test in the afternoon and wanted to go home. I asked the lady in the office just to make sure of what to do if I take Dorothy home and would not be able to take the test. She then informed me to get a Doctor's certificate and not to worry because she can take it when she comes back and so we went straight to our GP for a check up and to get a Doctore's Certificate. The good news was Dorothy was fit to go back to school the following day and was able to take part of the test and the next part was last Friday.

Watery Wednesday

Photos were taken last January when we visited Featherdale Wildlife Park, west of Sydney. They are called Little Penguins, Fairy Penguins, Little Blue Penguins or just Blue Penguins. They are one of my favourite animals in FWP. At the time of our visit, they were happily swimming in the pond in their enclosure.

The Little Penguin ((Eudyptula minor) is the smallest species of penguin. The penguin, which usually grows to between 30 and 33 cm tall (12 to 13 inches), is found on the coastlines of Southern Australia and New Zealand, with possible records from Chile. (wikipedia)

Please click Watery Wednesday to see more watery sites all around the world.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

Here's my Ruby Tuesday post. This was taken at my friend's place when we visited her one weekend .

(red fuchsia)

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It was Dorothy's Zone Cross Country which was held at a Reserve not far from where we live. She was selected to represent the school to compete in the 13 year old 3,000m race. There were 7 schools who participated in the Cross Country. She came 3rd place in the race and was so happy. She worked hard and did her best. We are so proud of her.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Today's Flowers

My pink rose.

Interested to join in or want to see beautiful flowers around the world please visit here.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Mother's Day

It was a lovely and a meaningful celebration and I am sure every mum had a great time too. I celebrated it with my family at home. We didn't go out because we had a little preparation for that day. The kids always get excited too for they always prepare something special for me and can't wait to give their Mother's Day presents. David bought these beautiful kitchen utensil set, chocolate cups, basting brushes, dish brush and a pair of towel holder from his school during Mother's Day stall, a fund raising organised by the P & C . I love them because I can use them in the kitchen.

Dorothy gave me a beautiful plant with blooms already (a type of daisy) which she bought from the flower shop nearby after her tennis lesson. I like the plant because I haven't got that kind yet, and she volunteered to make a pavlova after breakfast with my supervision of course. It was her first time and glad it turned out good.She sprinkled icing sugar on the top which melted before I could get a picture.

We also had a little Mother's Day mud cake which I bought the day before Mother's Day for us to enjoy.

Camera Critters

First of all, I would like to greet all Mums out there, A Very Happy Mother's Day!

My Camera Critters for this week are these King Parrots that we saw when we visited our friends in Southern Highlands, NSW the other weekend. The King Parrots were busily feasting the fruits of one of their trees which is growing at the backyard. I am not sure what is the name of the tree. I forgot to ask our friends :)



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