
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts


labor-free Labor Day

Did I mention that Jordan got a JOB? Did I mention that job has a SALARY? Well, there you have it. He's just so grown up these days. Oh, and I think I also forgot to note that I got a 4.0 my first quarter of grad school. Wooohoooo! We were feeling pretty proud of ourselves, so we took a mini-vacay during the long weekend to celebrate and explore different parts of Washington. Friday night we saw DMB at The Gorge Amphitheater. Can you say Dream Come True?! We decided to sit in the general admission seating because um, hello? The view was amazing. Also, we had to pay $9 a hot dog, soooo. Gotta save money somewhere. It was a great concert, but I was bit transfixed by the crazy lady in front of us doing things that shouldn't be explained on this here blog. I'm telling you though . . . she was outtahermind-psycho. I wish I could've focused better on the music, and not the naked person.

^ don't worry, this is not the lady referred to above^
Also, please forgive me for the terrible iPhone picture. They certainly don't capture the fabulousness of the view. 
Saturday we drove around the apple orchards, and went to a cute little shop called Cider Works. We also went to Ohme Gardens

The Evergreen State Fair was going on in Monroe, so of course we went to that. It was a great way to spend our last weekend before Jordan had to start waking up and being all professional and such. 


back from hiatus

School has officially started and we're experiencing and seeing too much not to document some of it. So, I'm back with pictures from our last "hoorah" before school started. We went to Mount Rainier National Park, and it was beautiful, of course. Also very buggy; I'm still itching. BUT, it was definitely fun and the best way to spend my last day of freedom. Thanks to J-Dub for planning the day. He's just the best.


unfiltered beauty

My in-laws were going to come up this past week, but ended up bailing. So, my parents made a last minute trip up, and we spent 2.5 awesome days exploring. Friday we spent the day at Olympic National Park, including the Hoh Rainforest. If green wasn't already my favorite color, I would've been converted. 

Saturday we spent the day with my brother and sister-in-law who also came up for the holiday. Her brother lives in Kirkland, and they visit him frequently. He took us out on Lake Washington and Lake Union in his boat to see parts of the city we would never get to experience otherwise. It was such an unexpected and wonderful day. 

So many pictures to choose from, and so much indescribable beauty. I wish I could take everyone I know to these places. 

from top left to bottom right (no filters, special effects, editing, etc!!):
lookout point on the way to Hurricane Ridge (see the ocean back there?) // greeeeeeeen // he fits! // bridge to Marymere // more massive trees // Hurricane Ridge overlooks both the US and Canada // Marymere Falls// yet another picturesque bridge // sunlit forest

I'm so grateful to my parents who showed such support and love by coming to spend time with us. Having them up here was the best of all worlds-- I got to be surrounded by family in some of the most stunning places on earth. 


a memorable Memorial

Jordan and I got to escape with a couple of my coworkers and their kids up to majestic Yellowstone. I don't think either of us have ever experienced such an eventful vacation!

As we were getting ready to leave, both Connor and my coworker Rachel called with car troubles. Jordan, as usual, rescued the day on both fronts. After helping Connor for a few hours, he changed out Rachel's alternator and we got on the road at midnight. Luckily, we got to catch a few ZZZ's in Pocatello before continuing our trip Saturday morning. 

There were so many highlights and memories made during the trip. 


- Hebgen Lake

- more car troubles . . . Rachel discovered a nail in her tire
- touring Rachel's family's property, and meeting a small fraction of her humongous, and incredibly kind family
- arriving first at the scene after a terrible accident (and a dead Bison . . . and then being stranded on the side of the road, outside the car, as the herd came to mourn their loss/almost kill the humans responsible)
- Coyote


- spending the whole day in the park

- Bear sightings! (a Black and Grizzly)
- watching a herd of Bison run away from said bears, start fighting, and nearly gore a fisherman to death before he whipped them away with his fishing pole
- super cool Coyote sighting; He showed off for the tourists for quite a few minutes before retreating back to the woods
- double rainbows
- gorgeous Yellowstone Lake
- so many waterfalls


- shopping in West Yellowstone

- seeing Jordan's grandparent's old cabin at Mack's Inn
- Big Springs (probably one of the most stunningly beautiful places I've ever seen)
- Lisa and Hunter joining Jordan and me for the ride home, and laughing the whole time

I am so lucky to have been placed at an office with people I truly adore. Perhaps it's the work we're all doing that has driven us together . . . some sort of trauma bond or something, but whatever the reason, I feel the friendships I've made with them have been some of the best in my life. Leaving them is going to be one of the hardest parts about moving away. They've been family to me. I'm so grateful to have had the chance to spend this time with them.

From top left to bottom right:
Gibbon Falls // Big Springs // Old Faithful //
The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone //
a different area of Big Springs (I'm telling you . . . I'm obsessed) // skipping rocks at Hebgen Lake


a brief overview of the 5 things we did this summer

Starting a new job always makes me nervous to ask for any time off. Therefore, the extravagance of our summer fun was inhibited-- but only a smidgen! So we didn't make it halfway around the world . . . that just means we've become pretty savvy at finding the adventures right in our own back yard.

from top left:
1. Snowbird Resort / / 2. Lagoon / /
3. Utah Lake / / 4. Oakley Rodeo / /
5. Utah Bees Baseball

We also made it back to Park City for our anniversary in June . . . but those pictures are too sexy to post ;)

I would argue that we live in one of the most beautiful places on earth. We are lucky to have such easy access to an array of activities-- it makes staying close to home all summer long pretty easy to do.


(where is Spring) Break

Let's let the pictures do the talking today.

We're bummed we have to leave this place early tomorrow. 
You've been good to us, Wyoming.

(pray we don't die on our way home tomorrow!)