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Showing posts with label voting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label voting. Show all posts

Friday, April 2, 2021

What Republicans Are Doing or Trying to do to Your, Our Vote, Votes and Elections

We must fight this assault on our elections state by state, the nation over as well as at the federal level in Washington. We must fight it in Topeka and Jefferson City and all over the nation, state by state.
End vote suppression. It's un-American.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Only One Political Party In the Nation This Bad

What kind of horrorshow political party is so patently, provenly, repeatedly bad and unpopular for its citizens it has to actually disenfranchise those fellow citizens in order to get into and/or stay in office so they all stay in power? There's only one in the USA.
Yes sir and ma'am, it is the Republican Party. Republicans. The GOP. Greedy Old Poops. #VoteThemOut

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Great Time to Point Out What We Need To Do As a Nation

Three things, three big and important things, at minimum, we need to do to and with our government given the new administration that will be comind in. Next year couldn't be soon enough. First up--

We need to do this and badly. We need to first overturn Citizens United and then end the legalized bribery we call "campaign contributions." We could easily do this if we but have the will, too. We should do what the UK did long ago and make our elections only, say, a month or 3 months long. This would have many benefits besides killing the need for our government legislators to beg for and raise and have so much money for their political campaigns. It would also end the nearly constant campaign cycles we have now. Those two right there are huge benefits.

Next up--

We need to do this so, of course, no political party even can let alone does gerrymander any political district so they can win reelection in perpetuity. It needs to be illegal for both political parties, everywhere, period. This only make sense.

And yes, end voter ID laws since they only disenfranchise fellow taxpaying American citizens and are frequently racist, too.

Then, third--

Finally, we need to get the division and ugliness out of our media, out of what is still called "news" but which, because of ending the Fairness Doctrine, has become the likes of Fox "news" and Breitbart and so much Right Wing, even literally hate radio and media. It needs to be illegal, again, to not show at least 2 sides of any issue or story and not just one. Lying on the news should be illegal.

So there you are. With a new Presidential administration coming in soon, these are 3 things, at minimum we need and need so sorely. I doubt we do them but there is talk of changing things and now is the time. We are long, long overdue on these.


Friday, November 13, 2020

Taking Disenfranchisement to a Whole New Level

Breaking today. 

Judge denies GOP lawsuit to halt certification of Detroit election results

Gerrymandering wasn't enough for Republicans

So they added "voter ID" laws.

That wasn't enough. Republicans felt they didn't disenfranchise enough Americans, taxpaying, voting American citizens.

So now they want to completely ignore or disavow our vote, our votes, our election. They've taken it all to a whole very new, ugly, higher level with this most recent Presidential election. Very, very, very un-American.

Thanks, Mr. President!
Thanks, Republicans!


Monday, November 2, 2020

What to do if There are Armed People or Groups at the Polls Tomorrow?

Hoping this doesn't become necessary for us tomorrow but just in case.

What should you do if you see armed groups near a polling place or voter registration drive?

Well, you could be intimidated and go away. Or try to pretend they're not there or that it is perfectly normal. Or you can call it out for what it is, voter intimidation, and demand that it stop then and there.

Here's some advice from the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown University Law Center:

"First, document what you see," then consider the following questions:
What are the armed people doing?
What are the armed people wearing?
Are they carrying firearms? If so, what type? If not, are they carrying other types of weapons?
Are they wearing insignia? If so, what does it say or look like?
Are they bearing signs or flags?
Do they seem to be patrolling like a law enforcement officer might do?
Do they seem to be coordinating their actions?
Do they have a leader?
Are they stopping or talking to people outside of their group?
Do they appear to be provoking or threatening violence? If so, what are they doing specifically?
Are people turning away from the polling station after seeing or speaking with them?
You can also dial 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) or 911 to report what you see.

Here is Kansas law:

A group of people who consider themselves part of the able-bodied residents referred to as members of the militia under state or federal law is not legally permitted to activate itself for duty. A private militia that attempts to activate itself for duty, outside of the authority of the state or federal government, is illegal.

How do I know if a group of armed people is an unauthorized private militia?

Groups of armed individuals that engage in paramilitary activity or law enforcement functions without being called forth by a governor or the federal government and without reporting to any government authority are acting as unauthorized private militias.They sometimes train together and respond to events using firearms and other paramilitary techniques, such as staking out tactical positions and operating in military-style formations.They often purport to have authority to engage in military and law enforcement functions such as protecting property and engaging in crowd control.

These groups often engage in behaviors that show their intent to act as a private militia, such as wearing military-style uniforms, tactical gear, or identifying insignia; wielding firearms or other weapons; and operating within a coordinated command structure.Other factors—such as statements by leaders or members’ efforts to direct the actions of others—also may suggest that a group is acting as a private militia. Groups of armed individuals may engage in unauthorized militia activity even if they do not consider themselves to be “members” of a paramilitary organization.

Does the Second Amendment protect private militias?

No. In fact, the Supreme Court decided in 1886—and repeated in 2008—that the Second Amendment “does not prevent the prohibition of private paramilitary organizations.” District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 621 (2008) (citing Presser v. Illinois, 116 U.S. 252 (1886)).

Is it legal to act as a private militia in Kansas?

No. All 50 states prohibit private, unauthorized militias and military units from engaging in activities reserved for the state militia (the National Guard), including law enforcement activities. Kansas’s laws are described below:

Kansas Constitution: The Kansas Constitution forbids private military units from operating outside state authority, providing that “[t]he military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power.”
Kan. Const., Bill of Rights, § 4. Kansas Statutes–Prohibition on private military units:Kansas law makes it illegal for groups of people to organize as private militias without permission from the state. Kan. Stat. Ann. § 48-203 provides that “[n]o independent military organization, except a corps of cadets at an educational institution, shall be permitted to bear arms without first securing permission of the” governor as commander in chief.

Meanwhile, Missouri Law:

Generally the same as all other states.

Missouri Constitution: The Missouri Constitution forbids private military units from operating outside state authority, providing that “[t]he military shall be always in strict subordination to the civil power.”
Mo. Const. art. I, § 24. MissouriStatute–Prohibition on paramilitary activity: It is a felony inMissourito“teach[]or demonstrate[]to any other person the use, application, or construction of any firearm, explosive, or incendiary device capable of causing injury or death to any person, knowing or intending that such firearm, explosive, or incendiary device be used in furtherance of a civil disorder.” Mo. Rev. Stat. § 574.070(2)

So, no, the 417 Missouri Militia, the 4/8 Militia, KS 1st Regiment, ist Mechanical, the 620, the 913 Militia, Allied Patriots, 785, KSM, Disciples, RPP, NWK, the Klan, Christian Identity, American Identity, ASTRU, Blood and Honor, Firm 22, Millstone, Patriot Front, Vanguard, Straight Way, the Proud Boys, Vipers, Forever Enduring Always Ready, Sons Of Liberty, Crusaders, the Boogaloos, Oath Keepers, Patriot Prayer, 3 Percenters or some lone wolf wannabe revolutionary cannot show up as "Poll Watchers" or strut around outside with their ARs and AKs.

Me? I'm calling 911 and asking for police.

Again, hoping it's not necessary.

Vote, folks!! Let's do this!

Vote!! And VOTE BLUE!!


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Companies Had to Form an Organization to Counter This President's and His Political Party's Efforts Against Our Voting

 This is what this has all come down to.

This Republican Party President and that political party have been working so hard against we Americans, we citizens and taxpayers voting and for so long, they had to form an organization to work for helping us vote. Check it out.

Civic Alliance

From their website:

We are the Civic Alliance,
a non-partisan group of businesses
working together to build a future
where everyone participates in
shaping our country.

Participation is fundamental to a healthy, functioning democracy.
Yet, in recent U.S. elections, nearly half of eligible voters didn’t participate.

In 2020, a global pandemic, growing civil unrest, and polarizing politics are challenging our democracy in new ways.

As a growing coalition of businesses, we strengthen our democracy by supporting safe, healthy and trusted elections, and by inspiring our employees and customers to participate in civic life.

We aspire for historic voter turnout in 2020 and beyond, with a goal to achieve 80% voter turnout by 2028.

We have a ways to go, but by working together, we will create a culture where civics matter and every vote counts.

Each of our companies has unique values. Yet, we are united by these shared beliefs: 
  • Every American has a voice in our democracy. 
  • Voting should be safe and accessible to all. 
  • Elections must be fair and transparent.
As business leaders, we’re committed to strengthening our democracy by encouraging nonpartisan voter participation. Here are unique ways each of us is activating our companies and communities.

More than 60 Civic Alliance member companies – including Starbucks, Target, Old Navy, Salesforce, Microsoft, Expedia, Twitter, Uber, Lyft, and Warby Parker – are taking concrete steps to encourage their employees or consumers to serve as poll workers.

How cool is that, that they would do this but ladies and gentlemen, how sick is it that this is necessary? How sick is it that the Republicans could, would and are fighting our voting, what with their gerrymandering and then voter ID laws and so much, how sick is it that this is necessary?

Anyway, I was so glad to see their full, double-page ad in Sunday's New York Times. Very cool. Great on these companies. I'm going to do what I can to support them. Hoping you will, too.

Membership is free – join today!

Additional links:

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

On This President, His Political Party and Voting

From the interwebs today.

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'Dan Rather Yesterday at 12:46 PM … A rule of thumb: If you're lying about nonexistent voter fraud, if you're limiting polling places, if you're forcing people to line up to vote in a pandemic, even the old and the infirm, then it seems you're basically admitting most Americans don't want you to be president. 124K 3.3K Comments'

And if this is your political party's positions, you basically don't want fellow Americans, fellow countrymen, fellow taxpayers, to vote and again, your political party is atrocious. The party is for themselves and their donors, the already-wealthy and corporations, not the people.

Thanks, Republicans.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

This President Is An Actual Assault on the Nation, Democracy and Our Democracy

Post image

This very false, so transparent "Obamagate" this President has created and thrown out there is one thing, that's bad enough, untrue, empty and shallow as it is. Here is what's worst about all this:

"Trump is weaponizing the American government to distract from his catastrophically incompetent pandemic response and the crushing economic fallout."

It is Mr. Trump's eating away at our Democracy, at Democracy itself, at our Constitution, at our laws and our nation that is most frightening. Check this next one out.

He Trump seems to think and act as though this is his own money, that we're not a nation, a Democracy. Sure, he and the Republicans want to get fewer and fewer Americans voting at any time but especially this November. They have no qualms whatever in disenfranchising Americans, American citizens, American taxpayers. More people need to see and know this for the very large problem it is, again, for the nation, for Democracy, for our Democracy, no overstatement.

Even Fox's Neil Cavuto has called him out now.

Everyone is either 100% with and for this President or he sees them as against him. It's an insane way to go through life but it's a dangerous way for a nation's leader to view the world.

Vote this Fall, folks. Be sure to vote. And vote blue, naturally.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Republicans and Their Very Official, Un-American Work of Disenfranchising Fellow Americans

If you aren't familiar with the Republican Party's efforts and work, over many years, to disenfranchise anyone and everyone who doesn't think, and so, vote, as they wish, you need to pay attention.

The fact is, Republicans have been gerrymandering the nation and for at least decades.

The power that gerrymandering has brought to Republicans

What is gerrymandering someone might ask? Defined, it is 

"...In the process of setting electoral districts, gerrymandering is a practice that attempts to establish a political advantage for a particular party or group by manipulating district boundaries to create partisan-advantaged districts.

Image result for disenfranchising americans

The fact is, what they, Republicans, have been doing and trying to do is to get anyone and everyone who might not be aligned with their voting patterns, from being able to vote. This would include the following groups, proven, historically:

--Elderly--at least, elderly who aren't already-wealthy
--Poor and/or impoverished
--The physically-challenged
--Minorities including:
  • --Blacks and African-Americans
  • --Hispanics and Latinos
This took place 2016:

North Carolina's Deliberate Disenfranchisement of Black Voters

Not to be done there, this happened 3 days ago.

Black seniors kicked off bus taking them to vote in Georgia

This story broke only yesterday and it's happening right next door, no less, in neighboring Kansas.

Iconic Dodge City Moves Its Only Polling Place Outside Town

The entire city has 27000 residents. 60% of those residents are Hispanic. So if you're white and Right Wing and Republican, what to do??  Why, move the one polling place, as it says, outside the city limits.

It is stunning.

This, too, is going on now, in Georgia.

Georgia’s ‘exact match’ law could disenfranchise 909,540

And it's how they got a man with a horrible reputation even in his own political party and with zero government experience elected to the White House, the highest office in the land even though he got at least 3 million less popular votes than his political opponent. Sure, you get out-voted but hey, load the voting districts your way and voila! The Electoral College makes you President anyway!

And sure, Democrats are legally capable of gerrymandering also but the fact is, Republicans have used it and been using it to load their--our--voting districts for years now, as I've said and shown here.

Not done there, not done with just gerrymandering, this political party took it further, much further, too. Not only do they use these voter ID laws to help them in elections, disenfranchising fellow citizens in the process, but they've publicly admitted it, as well.

This, to me, is the worst aspect of these voter ID laws and their requirements, this next point.

It's been also proved there is nearly zero true voter fraud, on anyone's part, too.

There is a great "meme" out there on social networks I've seen recently. It asks, how bad is your political party if your way of "success" is to keep Americans from voting?

And the answer is, bad. Really, really bad. And not in a Michael Jackson way, by any stretch.

So what all this means, what we need to do, as a nation, as a people is, first, get the Republicans out of power, out of office, and then, once and for all, make gerrymandering and voter ID laws, both, illegal. We need to truly, truly take back the vote. 

We can do this. 

We must.

Vote November 6!

And VOTE BLUE!!  Vote Democratic!  Then let's work and fight for change.


Monday, February 23, 2015

Lessons and Messages from Last Night's Academy Awards, Part II

“We know that the Voting Rights Act that they fought for 50 years ago is being compromised right now in this country,” John Legend said.

And it's the Republicans and their Republican political party that are doing it, bringing back very Jim Crow like laws, all under the guise of "voter ID laws."

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Republicans against equal pay for women

With this result yesterday:

What woman, what working woman would vote Republican?

What woman, Hispanic, black, gay or elderly person would vote for this political party, for that matter?

I just don't get it.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Your opinion voters? Who needs that?

KC mayor calls airport vote petition drive a 'wasted effort

Citizens of Kansas City and the area?  Who needs your opinion?

You're just going to be the ones paying for any new airport at KCI with higher fees to fly in and out of town.

Your vote?   Bah.



Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Quote for a day of voting

''The great jousting tournament that is Election Day draws nigh, the prize the building you see behind me, Castle Congress.

But what side shall prevail in this epic electoral tilt? Who shall control the future of Fortress America?

Will we be, as the Republicans desire, a nation of wealthy heavily-armed white men, befouling the air and water in a ceaseless quest for profits, beholden to no laws but those of our lord and savior Jesus Christ?

Or shall we instead embrace the Democrats' vision of a namby-pamby quasi-Socialist Republic with an all-homosexual army flamboyantly defending a citizenry suckling at the foul teat of government welfare?

The choice is yours, fair maiden America, for the name of this feudal system is Democracy.''

—Stephen Colbert, comedian, satirist