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Showing posts with label Brennan Center for Justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brennan Center for Justice. Show all posts

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Great Time to Point Out What We Need To Do As a Nation

Three things, three big and important things, at minimum, we need to do to and with our government given the new administration that will be comind in. Next year couldn't be soon enough. First up--

We need to do this and badly. We need to first overturn Citizens United and then end the legalized bribery we call "campaign contributions." We could easily do this if we but have the will, too. We should do what the UK did long ago and make our elections only, say, a month or 3 months long. This would have many benefits besides killing the need for our government legislators to beg for and raise and have so much money for their political campaigns. It would also end the nearly constant campaign cycles we have now. Those two right there are huge benefits.

Next up--

We need to do this so, of course, no political party even can let alone does gerrymander any political district so they can win reelection in perpetuity. It needs to be illegal for both political parties, everywhere, period. This only make sense.

And yes, end voter ID laws since they only disenfranchise fellow taxpaying American citizens and are frequently racist, too.

Then, third--

Finally, we need to get the division and ugliness out of our media, out of what is still called "news" but which, because of ending the Fairness Doctrine, has become the likes of Fox "news" and Breitbart and so much Right Wing, even literally hate radio and media. It needs to be illegal, again, to not show at least 2 sides of any issue or story and not just one. Lying on the news should be illegal.

So there you are. With a new Presidential administration coming in soon, these are 3 things, at minimum we need and need so sorely. I doubt we do them but there is talk of changing things and now is the time. We are long, long overdue on these.


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Now We Have to Discuss a President Not Recognizing Our Election, Our Vote, Our Votes?

 We are having to have conversations about a President who might require being escorted or even dragged out of the White House after our election.

Meanwhile, here's your vote fraud, Mr. President. From your own, our own FBI Director.

And yes, there are facts behind it.

Congratulations, Republicans!
Thanks, Mr. President.

Just exactly how completely low are we going to let this cheat, this liar, this conman drag our nation down? Check out this current headline.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

First They Gerrymandered, Then Voter ID Laws and Now This

First, there was gerrymandering--sculpting out voting districts from your state that benefits your own political party.

Both parties did it, sure, but then the Republicans decided it was one helluva great idea so they REALLY went with it. They carved up their constituents voting districts so it put the 8 ball in their corner pocket, time and again, getting them elected.

This is how gerrymandering works.

Image result for gerrymandering
And here's an example:

Image result for gerrymandering

Then? Next?

They decided that wasn't enough, they scare the people and tell them there were people out there--"fereners", illegals, illegal immigrants and others who were trying and lying to vote, left and right.

And the best way to stop it? The best way to stop these people from voting illegally?

Why, we got yer voter ID laws right here, folks, right here in River City.

Forget that all hard data on it, time and again, state to state, across the nation, down through time shows there is extremely little to no vote fraud going on. Forget that, ignore that. It's surely "out there." They're out there, just waiting to vote illegally. Sure they are.

Myth of Voter Fraud 

 Brennan Center for Justice

So enact voter ID laws they did and they have and they still are. Everything they can do to disenfranchise people who aren't likely to vote for Republican.

And who are those people?  Glad you asked. They are
  • the elderly (unless they're already-wealthy)
  • the poor
  • minorities
  • the physically-challenged
At minimum.

And when you add those four groups together, that can be a great deal of people, a great deal of fellow Americans, denied the right to vote.

But again, they've done it and they're doing it, and all across states and the nation.

Now? Next? That's not enough so now what are they doing?

So get this.

They lost. In at least 3 states, North Carolina, Michigan and Wisconsin Republicans lost.

They had all that gerrymandering and voter ID laws going for them, taking away votes from fellow Americans, tax-paying citizens but they still lost.

So what do they do?

At the last minute, before they're summarily thrown out of office---by the electorate, by the voters--they rush to put in place new laws that strip power from the incoming--Democratic--office holders.

Understand, folks. These people who do this--and yes, they're all in the Republican Party, factually--are not out there for the people first. They're not out there for their constituents first. They're not out there for their District or state or the nation first. No, sir and ma'am, they absolutely are not.

They are out there for themselves and for their political party, above all. They are "party firsters", for sure.

Worse than that, far worse, they are out there for the political party first AND last.

Vote wisely, folks.

Vote carefully.