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Showing posts with label downtown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label downtown. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Once Again, They Show Missouri for Kansas

Yes sir and ma’am, once again, there is an online article, this one describing weekend winter getaways and they show Missouri, Kansas City, Missouri as being Kansas.

What they show for Kansas.

I love the media.

And while I don't want to be mean, I feel pretty certain, for a winter getaway in Kansas, they don't mean get away to Kansas City, Kansas.

Just saying.

Then, when it comes to Missouri, they recommend a Winter getaway of Branson.

I have no idea what they're supposed to be showing here, from Branson but at least, hey, they stayed in the state, right? And got it correct?

Hilarious.  I love it.

So to have a great weekend getaway in Kansas----get outta’ the state.


I’m sure Convention and Visitors Bureaus all across Kansas will love that.

Last note: On no other state or recommendation did they get the state and corresponding picture and recommendation incorrect regarding that state’s getaway.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Celebration at the Station this weekend

Celebration at the Station airs Sunday, May 26, 2013 at 8pm on KCPT. 
Located at Kansas City’s Union Station, music is by the Kansas City Symphony with Michael Stern, music director. This year  they're also featuring Oleta Adams, Musicorps and host Jim Birdsall with Charles Bruffy, chorus director.
Bank of America Celebration at the Station is the largest FREE Memorial Day Weekend event in the Midwest. The Kansas City Symphony, led by Music Director Michael Stern, performs patriotic favorites against the backdrop of Kansas City’s historic Union Station. The event concludes with their wonderful, annual fireworks display. The Kansas City Symphony is grateful to Bank of America for making this gift to our city possible.

This year's Celebration at the Station will also have a variety of food truck vendors on-site, offering a wide array of food and beverage options! Including The Moose Truck,New York Dawg PoundCajun CabinMonk's Roast BeefKona Ice-TrucksJerusalem Cafe Hookah BarJazzy B's and CoffeeCakeKC.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Kansas City's slogan across the ages

"Tear that shit down"

I made this for you.  Where is it?

Next up--our current Kansas City International Airport.

With direct, explicit thanks to photographer and fellow Kansas Citian Eric Bowers for the title and quote and to his friend for Nicolas Bock's photo from Facebook today.

Kansas City--you don't know what you got 'til it's gone.
Took paradise, put up a parking lot?
(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
"Hey, everybody!  I know!  Let's all move out to 175th!"

Friday, December 14, 2012

Kansas City Southern "Union Express" Train tonight at Union Station

The Holiday Express train is free and open to the public. At each stop, The KCS Charitable Fund will make a contribution of gift cards to the local Salvation Army to provide warm clothing and other necessities for children in need.

Beautiful train, great cause. Go, enjoy.

Monday, December 3, 2012

A Kansas City/Union Station Christmas

From local photographer Roy Inman today at his Facebook page: Don't forget the Kansas City Southern Holiday Express will be at Union Station Kansas City December 14~16. It is an all-volunteer operation and fun for children of all ages

Monday, October 22, 2012

Two things I can't imagine

1) Starting your day--even if it's the weekend--with, say, mimosas for breakfast or bloody marys. I know one restaurant in that has an offer for $15 for bottomless mimosas for brunch, for example.

What a way to destroy a day.

2) The second, other thing I can't imagine is going to a bar for entertainment on a Sunday night, even if I didn't have to work in the morning. I saw where a place had an "$8.00 all-you-can-drink special last evening.

In either case, how alcoholic do you have to be to want either of these situations?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

You're invited! First Friday's "Firster Thursday" hosted by Chipotle Mexican Grill at the Leedy-Voulkos Art Center from 6pm-8pm on Aug 6th! — with Emmett Merrill at Leedy-Voulkos Art Center.

You and a guest are invited to a reception at the Leedy-Voulkos Arts Center on Thursday, September 6 (tonight!) from 6 to 8 pm at 2012 Baltimore, Kansas City, Missouri 64108.

You'll enjoy the opening celebration of Emmett Merrill's exhibition entitled "Drought Cultivation" celebrating the rural heartland with carnitas tostadas and Patron Margaritas provided by Chipotle.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Terrific, really inexpensive concert Saturday evening

There is what should be a wonderful live performance this Saturday evening, downtown, at the Czar Bar at 7 pm.

The guitartist, singer, songwriter and performer is Jay Brannan (Google him and/or look him up on YouTube). He writes and performs his own, original pieces but I thought I'd put up this piece, above, to show what he can do with more familiar work. Also, even in this, his own bedroom, without expensive sound equipment, he sounds terrific.

A good--no, great--time should be had by all and tickets are only 8 to 10 dollars, the way they should be--affordable.

If you look, too, he just got back from playing Europe and he's playing New York and more of Europe again this Fall, too.

Even the cheapest of the cheap in this town can afford this one.


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Huge arts weekend coming up

Yes sir, this should be a big arts weekend here in town this week.

For starters, it should be one of the biggest, if not the biggest First Fridays in the Crossroads District downtown for a few reasons.
The weather is supposed to be perfect or near-perfect with temperatures in the 70's. That alone will get a lot of people out.

Then, there's the fact that this is Pride weekend and there is a block party planned. That will be on the streets on McGee in between 10th and 12th Street. You can find out more about that here:

Additionally, as if that isn't enough, there is a Zombie Walk For Hunger fundraiser through the District that same evening, just to add some fun to it all, along with a good cause.

Next up for the weekend is the annual Prairie Village Art Fair.

Again, great weather, open streets, lots of art and friends mingling. It should be very successful.

Then, Friday and Saturday there's something called Dancefestopia going on down at the Richard L. Berkeley Riverfront Park.

You can get tickets for it here:

As if that isn't enough, Saturday, there is a grand opening of the Arts Asylum, a 32,000 square foot performing and visual arts center containing 22 studio spaces and a performance hall sanctuary. It's a former church at 9th and Harrison Streets (exact address: 1000 E. 9th). It begins at 7:30 pm. For more information, go here:

There is a Festa Italiana at Zona Rosa that runs all 3 days, up North. For events, to to

Finally, at least here--as if that isn't enough--there is the Ric Rac Roundup Craft Fair this Sunday in Westport in the parking lot of 300 Westport. That is just East of the old Corner Restaurant, right on the corner of Broadway and Westport. There are to be 27 vendors with arts, crafts and, of course, food.

So there you are, at least a small bit of what's going on this weekend in Kansas City on what promises to be a very comfortable, beautiful one, to boot.

Go, enjoy!

Have a great weekend, y'all.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Big weekend for the city

Yes sir, there are a great deal of things going on in Kansas City this weekend.

First up is one of the year's best First Friday in the Crossroads because it's not blistering hot or freezing cold right now. That should be a terrific turnout.

Second is the Brookside Art Fair.

Next up is Cinco de Mayo so every Mexican restaurant in the area will also be packing them in.

Finally--it's a short list, if even a full weekend--"The Avengers" movie opens. I expect it will be packed, for those interested.

So, whatever you're doing this weekend, y'all, have a great time. Let's be careful out there.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Union Station boarding this morning

Notes from the video: "Union Pacific Steam Locomotive #844 picked up Civil War actors this morning at Union Station bound for the 150th Anniversary Reenactment of the Battle of Shiloh." I saw and got this from local photographer Roy Inman's Facebook page today. (Thanks, Roy!).

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Leedy-Voulkos Gallery named one of top 25, nationwide

Our own Leedy-Voulkos Art Center was named one of the best 25 galleries in the nation by American Art Awards. Not only that, but they are, with this ranking, also the best in Missouri, by their estimation: “Not only have they been in the business 27 years, their focus is developing artists, which is not really what DTR does. We like to expose our artists to an assortment of galleries with different priorities. And just look at Leedy’s hanging art, sculpture and gallery space. I mean, it rivals any gallery in New York or London.” So, next time the first of the month comes up, maybe you should get down to that First Fridays in the Crossroads and check it out. Links:;

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Yet more great things at the Kauffman Center

This is one of the biggest things I hoped for when the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts was announced. That is, I was hoping children in the area would be exposed to both the facility itself as well as the music--of all types--that could and would emanate. This is fantastic. The picture here is of children in the lobby of the Center, going to listen to performances today. This was posted on the Center's Facebook page with a little information: "Exciting day at the Kauffman Center with three completely booked school matinees!" I think there's no better way to inspire at least some children with trips like these that expose them to both soaring, amazing architecture and some of the best music civilization has to offer, no matter what they hear. This is how we, as a society, can hopefully plant seeds of beauty and, again, inspiration, for growth in the next generations. More kudos and thanks to the Kauffman Center and Kauffman family and all who make this happen. You, as a matter of fact, can help make it happen, too by making a a $100 contribution and bring a busload of school children to experience an amazing performance in this awe-inspiring space. To do so, go here: https://​​contribute.aspx?don=19&fieldAmt

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Should be a great, cool, new addition to downtown

Besides the Roasterie's success, they just seem to keep doing more good, cool things around and to the city, too. Good for them. Good for us.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

KC in Wall Street Journal today

There's an article in The Wall Street Journal today, describing the current national commercial office space situation in the country. It uses our own City Center Square as an example as it has about a 50% occupancy rate at present: Trouble Is Brewing for Office Market
The coverage is brief in the article: "A 660,000 square-foot office building in downtown Kansas City, Mo., is trying to renegotiate its $40 million mortgage with creditors, according to Trepp. The property's vacancy rose to 48% in 2010 when a major tenant, Dickinson Financial Corp. didn't renew its lease.: The sky isn't falling but it is cloudy, at least, it seems. As if we didn't know that. Link: