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Showing posts with label Rick Santorum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rick Santorum. Show all posts

Monday, March 26, 2012

Republican Party seemingly working hard to kill Ron Paul's chances in Missouri

Love him, hate him or don't even care, it seems the staunch, traditional Republicans--the hard core of the Party--are doing their absolute best to squash any chances Ron Paul might have in Missouri of gaining the presidency this Fall. A couple weeks ago, the Party had to shut down the caucus in St. Charles County in St. Louis because it not only wasn't going the way they wanted but because, it seemed, it was going too much for Ron Paul. Now, today, there's this from a St. Louis paper: Ron Paul supporters dominate GOP caucuses in St. Louis, Jackson County "Ron Paul's chances of winning the White House may be minimal, but his supporters dominated the Republican caucuses in St. Louis and Jackson County on Saturday.
Paul's backers won all 36 delegates here while taking about two-thirds of delegates in Jackson County."
I'll never forget that one Republican Presidential debate where Mr. Paul got a whopping 89 seconds off coverage, total, in answering time while the other candidates got, of course, far more time to respond to questions. Don't misunderstand me here, either, as I'm not a Ron Paul supporter. I just find it curious to the point of surprising that Mr. Paul has gotten so little coverage in the press, compared to the other candidates, and that the mainstream Republican Party has so obviously done everything they could in their rather blatant efforts at killing Mr. Paul's chances of being heard, let alone winning the spot at the top of their ticket this November. Sure, he'd be horrible for their chances of winning but they surely threw fairness and openness and at least some of "the people's will" out the window with all this. Links:;;

Friday, March 9, 2012

Kansas' Caucus Tomorrow in the News Today

Kansas' big political caucuses tomorrow are in the news right now and the thoughts are that it could be big, good news for Rick Santorum. From The New York Times "Five Thirty Eight" blog today: Kansas Offers Santorum Chance for Big Delegate Grab It discusses, in some detail, the politics of the state, by Congressional District, as to how it may well shake out. At stake are Kansas' 40 delegates to the Republican National Convention this Summer. If Santorum wins big tomorrow, that will change the race significantly enough, making it that much tougher on Mitt Romney and that much better for Santorum, if even for only a little while. Link:

Thursday, March 8, 2012

This 2012 Election: The Election of Inevitabilities?

Think about it. Is this presidential election the election of inevitabilities? First, there is the seemed inevitability, to a lot of people's dislike and/or distaste, of Mitt "Willard" Romney, aka "Mittens", as the Republican Party's assumed best chance of defeating a sitting, incumbent president. Second, is the seeming inevitability, if indeed, that's what happens, of course--nothing, nothing is certain--of President Obama defeating Mr. Romney or, in fact, any of the candidates that party put up, precisely because they were so bad or extreme or whatever. Obviously, we'll find out come the first week in November. (I wrote this last evening but found this link today:

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Right Wing: Dumbing down the American public

"Many Libertarians and Right-wingers like Santorum believe that the federal government should not be involved in education. Ron Paul has frequently stated that education is not a right.' In reality, 135 nations in the world require compulsory education, ranging from 5 years in Nepal to 13 years in Germany. Germany fully funds all years of education. Chile leads the world in providing for 15 years of free public education (ages 6-21), although all of those years are not compulsory. There is not a single developed nation in the world that does not provide public education to its people." --From the article "India joins list of 135 countries in making education a right." Link:

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rick Santorum: Stupidity and Hypocrisy, all rolled into one

Rick "Mr. Small Brain" Santorum, aka "Education is Snobbery" has--get this--three educational degrees. He has a Bachelor's degree, a law degree and an MBA but accuses President Obama of "snobbery" by apparently even suggesting that Americans and America's youth get college educations. Sheesh. It's one thing to be stupid but to be stupid and a raging hypocrite, both, at the same time, repeatedly, is pretty stunning. But one thing that gets me is, in this video, when Mr. Santorum puts out the line "What a snob" about this President, what is it about that all white, older audience that likes hearing someone say that? Do people just want to put a stick in the eye of authority--in this case, the President--so they clap and show support? Is this their effort and time and place and way to feel that they have more control in their lives, by doing this? It sure seems that way. Link:

The guys asks some good, legiitimate questions

Don't get me wrong--I'm no Ron Paul supporter, by any means, but all the questions deserve a good, public discussion.

This looks to be just one more "Super Tuesday"

With today's vote for the Republican presidential candidate in Michigan, it looks to be just one more great day for Michiganers and Americans, as a whole, for that matter. Worst case scenario? Mitt Romney wins and wins big. How likely is that? Incredibly unlikely, given his very public stance that he was only too happy to let Detroit and GM and Chrysler and the automobile industry in the US fail and go bankrupt. He's reaping what he sowed. Best case scenario--and what's most likely to happen today? Rick "So What If I Don't Have a Brain" Santorum wins here. After that, it's still all good. So what if the Newtster won or Ron Paul? None have a chance, nationally against their Democratic rival in November. So all in all, today seems like just more of this terrific, mild winter we're having. That is, fantastic. Link:

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Who do YOU think is more concerned about the "common man and woman"

And keep in mind, this percentage is a far higher percentage of the President's income and worth while, in sharp and high contrast, this is a far smaller percentage of Mitt Romney's worth.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Recap of tonight's Republican Presidential debate redux

"I'm more conservative than you." "I love Jesus more." "No gay marriage." "Obama stinks." Blah, blah, blah... It's all you need to know.

Friday, January 6, 2012

If you're even thinking Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum's anti-birth control, anti-gay bluster hide his other persona: the man who preaches one standard while living another. The details are provided in an excellent expose by Philadelphia writer Will Bunch whose complete article appears at the link below. Here is a quick summary: (1) Started a Christian charity whose funds primarily went to lobbyists, aides and Santorum fund raisers. Only 36% went to charities. (2) The Santorum Leadership PAC money was more like his personal Fun Fund including 66 trip to Starbucks and purchases at multiple fast food and Big Box stores, all for personal use, all illegal by the way. (3) While supposedly crusading to the bedside of Terri Schiavo, Santorum flew the Wal-Mart corporate jet there to pick up a quarter million dollar check from Outback Steakhouse execs to keep low minimum wages for low wage earners. (4) Santorum rails against government waste yet PA taxpayers paid $72,000 to home school his children living in Virginia! (5) He was the Senate's "point man" on the K Street lobbyist project, working closely with "fiscal terrorist" Grover Norquist and convicted felon Tom DeLay. (6) He was such an important supporter of Big Pharma that when Santorum was defeated for a third senate term, the major drug companies said his departure "creates a big hole." (7) Despite being unemployed last year, Santorum made almost one million dollars peddling influence. He breathes and eats WealthCare for the richest Americans. This man does NOT qualify to be president of anything, let alone America. Link:​blogs/attytood/​The-Santorum-that-America-doesn​t-know.html — with John A. Leopard, Marlene Fisher, Gloria Lemos and Ginger Snaps, from Facebook

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

2012 Republican Presidential race so far

Former Alaska Governor (and permanent quitter) Sarah Palin. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Newt Gingrich. Rick Santorum. And that's just so far. If Democrats have things to be concerned about in the November election, so far it doesn't look like it's about who's in the White House. Links: