Showing posts with label lobbyists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lobbyists. Show all posts
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
The Money That's Buying Our Elections and Government In These United States
Why we must fight to overturn the Supreme Court's Citizens United Ruling and then fight to end campaign contributions.
We can do this.
We must.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
"Vashington Been Beddy, Beddy Gud" for Senator Blunt
Monday, May 2, 2016
How To Fix Our Government (Corrupt At It Is)
What we need to
Let's do this. It has to come from us.
Links: So, you want to fix corruption?
The American Anti-Corruption Act | Criminalize Corruption
Friday, April 15, 2016
Quote of the Day -- On Business and Government
Thursday, February 11, 2016
We Have To Close This "Revolving Door"
We have got to close this "revolving door" between government and business and we must close it legally and formally and soon as possible.
corporate America,
corporate lobbying,
corporate lobbyists,
House of Representatives,
rich vs. poor,
US Congress,
US Senate
Saturday, September 12, 2015
New Term for Bought Politicians
So a buddy of mine were talking at work and I gave him my usual, deeply felt opinion, briefly, that I thought the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision had to be overturned and that we had to kill campaign contributions. That, until we do that, nothing would change, it would remain representatives, legislation and so, laws and government for the wealthy and corporations. (I didn't say all that but you get the idea).
And this buddy says we have to end the...
wait for it...
I instantly loved it.
He said it just came to him.
Had to spread the word. Literally.
(With great thanks to friend Joe--Joe Thompson--for the word. Glad I was there).
appearance of graft,
corporate lobbyists,
House of Representatives,
US Congress,
US House of Representatives,
US Senate,
Washington D.C.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
We Must Get the Big Money Out of Our Elections and So, Government
We must fight to overturn the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision which opened up the financial coffers of the wealthy and corporations. It made it possible to pour unlimited amounts of money into election campaigns in the nation.
Additionally, we must fight to end campaign contributions, completely, totally. We must fight to Get the Big, Ugly Money Out of Our Election System and Government.
If we don't do these things, nothing will change. We won't get our government back for the people.
And this must come from us.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
What Campaign Contributions Are
Let's face it, we all know this. This is what campaign contributions have become. They are legal bribes.
We have to fight these things. We have to get the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling overturned and then we need to end campaign contributions totally. Unless or until we do this, nothing will change. It will still be legislation and government for the wealthy and corporations first and for the rest of us a distant second, if at all.
And it has to come from us.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
A Repubican who got it
Yet another Republican, of course from the past, who understood we couldn't let campaign contributions run amuck in this country:
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Monday, January 13, 2014
From the "Things We Allow Corporations to Get Away With" file
Perhaps you saw some of these headlines in the last few days?
West Virginians to be without water for days because of chemical spill
Which brings up this thought I saw yesterday on Facebook:
"If a foreign terrorist group poisoned the water of an entire region in the U.S. we'd likely be going into another war, but since it's just an improperly regulated company, well, that's just the cost of doing business."
--From a post on Http://
Additional link: The Steve Marmel Page
Friday, January 10, 2014
Monday, November 25, 2013
Smart kid
Fight to end campaign contributions.
Let's get the big, ugly, corrupting influence of money from the wealthy and corporations out of our elections and so, our government.
It's the only way we'll get our government back for the people.
ALL the people.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Yet more reasons we need to end campaign contributions
As though there aren't already enough reasons to end the obscenity that is the campaign contributions of our election and government system--a lot I've written of here--yet more:
Members of Congress spend much of their careers chasing campaign cash and struggling to boost their war chests to fight off the next rival. When their careers are over, and there are no more rivals, many quickly dispose of what little cash is left by donating it to charity, returning it to donors or transferring it to party committees.
But not all. An increasing number find themselves sitting on flush bank accounts.
A Center for Responsive Politics analysis shows that the number of former members of Congress who have campaign committees holding more than $100,000 has dramatically increased. In the 1998 election cycle, there were just 18 former members with war chests of that size. The number rose and fell slightly over the years until 2010, when there were 21. By 2012 there were 37. Now, the campaign accounts of 52 ex-lawmakers hold more than $100,000 in cash -- and eight have more than $1,000,000.
For some, this creates an opportunity to continue to play a role in politics or to support politicians they like. But several told that with so many charities and politicians asking for a cut of the action, having a lot of leftover campaign cash becomes something of a burden.
We need to stop this nonsense.
We need to demand an end to campaign contributions in our elections so we can get our government back.
For the people.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Think "Obamacare" isn't for you and me?
Think again:
Report: Obamacare's '80/20' rule has led to nearly $4 billion in savings
From that same report:
While "Obamacare" is controversial, a new report shows that it has saved consumers billions of dollars.According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the new "80/20" rule, which requires insurers to spend 80 percent of every dollar earned on medical services, helped saved American consumers $3.9 billion in 2012.
The savings were divided into two areas. About $3.4 billion was saved by insurers keeping their premiums lower in order to comply with the new law and $500 million came in the form of rebates being sent back to consumers who overpaid for their premiums. The total cost wasn't solely the result of the "80/20" rule, but it was the leading cause of premiums being kept at a lower level.
I won't, I can't add anything further to that except to say it's for us. The Affordable Care Act--Obamacare--is for us, not the corporations.
That and the fact that, if you're against it, you'd better be wealthy and/or in the health care industry and extremely well-paid already.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Yet more on buying and selling our government
What I've said all along--our representatives and their legislation are all, both, bought and paid for, as if you didn't need telling:
9-month-old Florida firm donates $140,000 to Scott and state GOP, gets $52 million state deal
Not only that but our government representatives, their legislation and so, our laws and finally, our government is all bought at exceptionally low rates and the benefits the corporations and wealthy get are exponentially larger, as this shows, above.
From the file "Why We Need to End Campaign Contributions"
And as soon as possible.
We have to fight this, folks. We have to end campaign contributions. And it has to come from us, the people, so we get our government back.
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