Last Monday night, the most fashionably clad stars came out for the Sex and the City 2 movie premiere in - where else?- New York City. xx
As the anticipation here in Australia is growing, the trailer promises us that 'things will happen that we never thought possible'. I am full of excitement and cannot wait to see what's in store for us as our four favourite Manhattanites; Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda will no doubtedly take us on a fabulous journey filled with passion, love, glamour and lots of fashion! The girls will be taken to an exotic location,we see the return of Aidan, BIG, and Carrie's Christian Louboutin Glitter Pumps. I'm glad to see that Patricia Field is on board in the fashion department, renown for creating her own savvy styles and trends that are replicated across the globe.
I am sure there will be lots of lovely ladies (and men!) heading out to watch the movie in style and I can say that I am very lucky indeed to be heading out next Wednesday to watch the premiere in true SATC style; gold class cinema & sipping on a Cosmopolitan!
There have been lots of SATC parties popping up across blog land, and here is a lovely inspiration board...The perfect way to watch Sex and the City Pt 1, with a girls night in.
{tiny prints blog}
I dug out some photos of me on the Sex and the City Tour in NYC, 2009. What a fabulous 30th birthday present from my DH, an experience I will cherish forever...xx
l-r {the lovely tour guide on bus pointing out Miranda's Sports Club, me outside the steps of Carrie's place, standing outside Budakhan, Bleecker St, The Pleasure Chest, outside Magnolia Bakery}