Showing posts with label our latest work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label our latest work. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What we have been up to lately!

It certainly has been a little while since I last posted, and I don't mean to neglect my blog but I have been extremely busy these past few months.

Since teaming up with my lovely friend Marie- from Couture Cupcakes & Cookies back in September 2011, we have continued to style sweet dessert tables together for many different events.

Our recent work has been extra special & rewarding, as we recently styled a candy, cupcake and cookie table for GUESS Clothing's 30 Sexy Years Anniversary, which was held in Sydney City Westfield Store. What an honour to have been a part of that special event.

Last week we took on a different angle to the term ''sweet'' table, styling a fresh fruit table for Shavuot- for the Shalom Baby Group held at Bondi's TheMamaClub. Set on a pure white table and backdrop, it was all about the colours of the fresh fruit  & flowers.

We have also had numerous clients whom we have styled tables for their special events, such as christenings, 21st birthdays or weddings. We thank all our clients for their support and amazing feedback & we look forward to working on many more sweet tables this year.

Another exciting path our business has taken, {since making the decision to focus purely on styling & wholesaling our boutique party boxes}  is working with the prestigious venues- Navarra & Doltone House. You can catch us at the Doltone House Bridal Expo on July 2nd at Jones Bay Wharf, Pyrmont.

I endeavour to be more present with my blog, but in the meantime pop by our facebook, twitter or instagram page- montresorsuzanna & say hi.

Thanks for your support everyone!
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