I think this is a giant tick who ate a man...maybe?
(click on photos to enlarge)
Enchanted Castle Studio in Natural Bridge
So just a teency bit down from the zoo, yesterday's elephant, we saw this! Me: "WHOA! Did you see that? We have to stop so I can take pictures"! Oh my gosh, an abandoned theme park! How super awesome! Ok, I was a bit scared to walk around because I'm thinking there must be tons of snakes around in there. If I was a snake, I would want to live there, what fun! So we didn't do too much walking around. But I did find
THIS STORY about the place so maybe we can go back in the snake-free winter and see more! I would love to snoop on the other side of the fence.
Not long after we moved here, the boys wanted me to take them to the monster museum (mentioned in the link above) but it burned down before we got a chance. That's what I get for procrastinating. What a bummer though. All this guys hard work, up in flames. I've shown you some of his work before
I'm wondering if the elephant is his work as well?
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Rubbish Tuesday