
Showing posts with label Mark Cline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mark Cline. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2016

The Little Apple

click on photo to enlarge
Little Apple Dr & 460 . Thaxton . Bedford County

Another from Mark Cline also listed on Roadside America

Ready for Thanksgiving? I've got to get out today and get my shopping done for it!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Rhinos on the Streets of Bedford

click on photo to enlarge
We've driven past this sweet pair of traffic watching rhinos lots of times but this time I stopped to take a picture. I've always wondered what the deal was, why rhinos in Bedford and still don't know although I did find out they are another of Mark Cline's creations! Remember him? I've shown you some of his work HERE

They are also listed on Roadside America . com ...have you ever used that site to find interestingly odd things nearby? We've found quite a bit of stuff in our area from that site!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Robot Cyborg Muffler Man...What?

click on photo to enlarge
Buena Vista . Photo taken April 2016

This is a Mark Cline original and I didn't even know till I came home and Googled it! You can see more of his work that I have posted HERE ...I kinda feel like a Mark Cline stalker ;)

For more info on this anomaly CLICK HERE

Friday, April 22, 2016

Willy Nilly Friday 5 No. 80

click on photos to enlarge

This week my 5 will be random shots from our Sunday drive to Lake Robertson:
A coffee pot building in Lexington

See more about the coffee pot HERE

A dinosaur? In Glasgow?

Another one of Mark Cline's doings... read more about the artist and his work HERE

A beautiful antebellum home in Lexington...Nick slowed down and pulled over a bit so I could snap a quick pic...a car came up quickly behind us, honking and flipping us off....a classy mom with her little kid in the can't fix stupid ;)


A Clearer Picture

5) The road back home to Botetourt County:
No worries...I was not snapping and driving! Nick was behind the wheel!

That's my 5 this week! I hope you will play 5 randoms, link back and visit others!!

And I am linking up with Cath & Nancy today!

Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Lake Robertson's Giant Octopus

click on photos to enlarge
What's that out there?....

Way out there....zoom in closer...

Well I'll be!'s a ginormous octopus...on a lake!

We heard about this April Fools prank pulled by none other than local artist Mark Cline so we had to drive out and take a look for was such a pretty day so we rented a couple of boats to row around the lake and get closer to the sea lake monster...left camera on dry land though, just in case!

You can read the story HERE

and I've shown you a bit of his work in the past HERE & HERE

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

ABC Wednesday - A is for American Stonehenge

(click on photos to enlarge)
Foamhenge, Hwy 11, Natural Bridge

Yes, it is constructed out of styrofoam! The mastermind/creator is Mark Cline, from yesterday's post. Read more about Foamhenge HERE

Linking with ABC Wednesday

I hope you will join us for Willy-Nilly Friday, this Friday! If you don't know what Willy-Nilly Friday is, click the "Willy-Nilly" tab above! See you then!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Rubbish Tuesday - Enchanted Castle

I think this is a giant tick who ate a man...maybe?
(click on photos to enlarge)
Enchanted Castle Studio in Natural Bridge

So just a teency bit down from the zoo, yesterday's elephant, we saw this! Me: "WHOA! Did you see that? We have to stop so I can take pictures"! Oh my gosh, an abandoned theme park! How super awesome! Ok, I was a bit scared to walk around because I'm thinking there must be tons of snakes around in there. If I was a snake, I would want to live there, what fun! So we didn't do too much walking around. But I did find THIS STORY about the place so maybe we can go back in the snake-free winter and see more! I would love to snoop on the other side of the fence.

Not long after we moved here, the boys wanted me to take them to the monster museum (mentioned in the link above) but it burned down before we got a chance. That's what I get for procrastinating. What a bummer though. All this guys hard work, up in flames. I've shown you some of his work before RIGHT HERE...

I'm wondering if the elephant is his work as well?

Linking with Roan's Rubbish Tuesday