
Socialite for a Night

I had the pleasure of playing "socialite for the night" again this year at the Lunafest Film Festival in La Jolla. Lunafest is put on by Luna (a Cliff Bar brand for women), and is focused on films made by women, about women, and for women. (As you guessed it, the attendees were mostly women.)

Last Year
Last year I attended the event for the first time and didn't know what to expect. I was surprised by how nice the venue was (it backed up to the ocean), loved the cocktail hour on the patio, nibbled my way through the various food and treats that were out, and got to spend a nice evening hanging out with some friends. 

Our Photo in the La Jolla Light Newspaper

The films were surprisingly good too! I'm not really into artsy fartsy films. I like romcoms and stupid funny movies. While I can appreciate a good action film or drama now and then, I really just like movies that make me laugh and leave me smiling. Movies to me are an escape, and I want to escape to a happy place! (My worst movie escape ever was watching Marley & Me. GREAT movie, but I was completely unprepared for the storyline and found myself sobbing during several sections of the movie, left the theater totally depressed thinking about the day my own dogs will die, and since seeing that movie I've had several flashbacks to the scene where they are putting him down which bring me to tears. That movie has scarred me for life!)

But back to fun things like drinks and desserts!

Enjoying a Dressy GOTR Event

The Reception
The evening began with a two hour reception on the patio of the Museum of Contemporary Art with a nice spread of salads, appetizers, dips, cheese (ewe), desserts, and an open bar. I didn't get there until about an hour into the reception because of work, but still had enough time to mingle with some fellow GOTR friends before the movies started.

Dessert Table

While we were on the patio I tried to get a few good pictures of the ocean behind the building, but none of my pictures turned out too well. They didn't capture the beautiful San Diego evening! 

Sunset Over the Pacific Ocean

Lunafest is a traveling film festival with the Breast Cancer Fund designated as the primary beneficiary. In addition to the Breast Cancer Fund a local charity is chosen in each city that hosts a Lunafest, and in San Diego its GOTR San Diego! Both organizations had info tables set-up where attendees could find out more about each group. Let me just say I have never been happier to see a GOTR table ... that I wasn't standing behind! I've worked a large share of the Marketing events this year out in the community and it was really nice to get to just enjoy the evening for a change as an attendee. :o)

GOTR Table at Lunafest

The Films
The films started around 7:30 and were kicked off by speakers from Luna, the Breast Cancer Fund, and Girls on the Run. There were 10 films total which ranged from ~ 4 - 12 minutes. You can find a list of the films and where else they have been screened here. Overall I thought the films were great! Some were cute, some were inspiring, but ... several were fairly depressing! 

Our GOTR Board Chair

My favorites were "Getting a Grip" which was the story of the first female Cable Car operator in San Francisco and "Love on the Line" which was a funny cartoon about two lovers exchanging steamy notes via telegraph. Most depressing? "Touch" a movie about two strangers who meet while waiting for the subway and make a connection and one tells the other she was about to commit suicide. Another was "Thembis' Diary" which was an animation to real life recordings of a 19 year old in Africa who records and audio diary of her struggle with AIDS. On the bizarre and disturbing side there was "Mother of Many" which was an animation about a mid-wife. Um ... tooo graphic! Water birth and a fishnet scooper. Nuff said.

Schwag Bag
The evening was so fun and the opening reception with the food and wine was a great treat ... but guess what? We got a goodie bag too on the way out! Was this the best event or what? 

Schwag Bags in Mass


If you want to see when Lunafest will be in your town, check out their site here.


listgirl said...

So what makes attending this event "socialite"ish? Did you have to contribute an exorbitant amount to attend? LOL. If so, you deserve the food and drinks, and swag bag.

Monika said...

Felt socialiteish because we were dressed up at a charity event at a museum being served drinks and food! :)

Raizu said...

I was passing through socialite in New York, and I found your post as the most informative from which all I read. A few days back i met to Veronica Hearst in NYC, Veronica Hearst is liked due to the fact that she has strong contributions for American Society. Her husband late Rudolph Hearst was the owner of Hearst Corporation but she was acclaimed among social circles even before her marriage. Veronica Hearst is the chairperson of acknowledged American Hunger Alliance.

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