This past weekend was a really big weekend!
Weekend Highlights:
- TEDxSanDiego
- GOTR Sparkle & Shine 5K
- An engagement!
This year marked the second year that I attended TEDxSanDiego. I've been watching TED Talks for years and when I found out that they were having a conference in town last year I quickly applied for tickets. The day was amazing and inspiring and everything that I knew TED to be. (More about TED on my blog from last year.)
TEDxSan Diego 2012
Living Flower Sign
A few months after attending TEDxSanDiego last year I actually became involved with a nearby organization TEDxAFC and joined their planning committee. Unfortunately after months of work I wasn't able to attend the actual event since it fell on the same day as one of my friend's weddings. I missed the day sadly but knew there would be another time.
Enjoying the Talks
Salad Push Pops and Micro Greens at Lunch
The theme for this past Saturday was Cause and Affect. (Misspelling intentional.)
The third annual TEDxSanDiego will bring together a diverse group of 600 individuals, organizations and movements intent on sharing ideas and having an impact on the world. The event will feature more than 20 dynamic speakers and performers representing a wide spectrum of talent and ideas in technology, education and the arts. Speakers will deliver short talks exploring this year’s theme, “Cause & Affect.” TEDxSanDiego 2012 hopes to cause participants to affect the world in some way.
Lounging on the Pop Chips Bags
David joined me for the conference this year and we met up with my boss and her husband while we were there. I think we all left the conference thinking, what more can I do in the world? Hearing from so many inspiring speakers made me feel like I haven't done enough, and makes me want to do more.
Trying on a Brain Wave Reader
Sparkle & Shine 5K
On Sunday the next day we were up bright and early for the Girls on the Run Sparkle & Shine 5K! Sunday was David's birthday and I'm sure the last thing he wanted to do was get up at 6am and head off to the race, but being the wonderful person he is he came with me and passed on my offer to stay home and sleep in.
This is What David Thinks of Early Sunday Mornings
This was the first season of seven that I haven't served as Head Coach for Carmel Valley. The morning is usually really stressful for me in between making sure all of the girls have their bibs, making sure the running buddies are there on time, checking in with our Glam Runner table to ensure tutu sales are going smoothly, and running around tyring to take pictures for our facebook page as part of my Marketing Chair duties. Not having to deal with my coach duties made the day go much easier, but it was still pretty hectic and busy.
Long Time GOTR Coaches
When I started coaching back in September of 2009 we only had 6 teams, about 80 girls, and we piggy-backed onto a local 5K. Here we are a few years later with 24 teams, almost 300 girls, producing our own 5K, and getting around 700 runners. Its amazing how much we've grown and I love that I've been a part of it.
Cheering in the Last Runner - Age Four!
Before the race started there were a number of announcements, various raffle prizes being announced, and then an award was going to be presented to the Coach of the Season. I can't remember who but someone on the Board grabbed me from further back in the crowd and told me to get up front for the announcement so I could take a picture of the winner. As dutiful photog I complied. As Amy (our Executive Director) started talking about the Coach of the Season award she said that this year they had an unusual situation. They had a coach who had dropped out of coaching for health reasons and missed most of the season, but that the girls on her team had insisted that she should win the award. As I listened to this I thought wait.. could this be me? No way. I missed like 2/3 of the season. The girls barely got to know me! As Amy continued on though and mentioned Carmel Valley though, I knew it was me. Cue the tears. Amy announced my name and I came up to thank her for the recognition, sobbed in front of hundreds of people, and ran back to David to compose myself to get ready to take pictures of the Coach who was winning the real award. I love coaching GOTR and know that all of our efforts make a difference in these girls lives, but to feel that something I may have done personally has changed some of their lives was really touching. Thank you girls! I kind of feel like I got a pity award for having cancer, but its still sweet all the same.
Tearful Hug With Amy
Adorable Get Well Cards
The Engagement
Moving on ... After all of the excitement of the 5K David and I still had a busy rest of the day planned for his birthday. We went to Massage Envy for a two hour couples massage, and also had dinner plans at the Prado in Balboa Park later that night. While we were getting ready for dinner David told me that I should wear something nice and that he was buying. Wow, score! It felt as if it was MY birthday!
When we got to the restaurant he also told me that I should order as if my company was paying for it. Wow, really? Lobster please! jk. We didn't really get crazy ordering (I can't drink right now anyways so how crazy can a dinner get) but we had a full meal with an appetizer, salad, entree, and dessert. I was stuffed!
Amazing Meal at the Prado
After dinner I started walking back to the car and David suggested that we walk around the park for a bit. What? Is he crazy? I hate walking. (Yeah yeah, but I run marathons.) We walked around for a few minutes before I started complaining that it was cold. Then we sat down on a bench and I started to worry about us getting mugged. Poor David was trying to create a romantic moment and all I did was complain! I started to think something weird was going on as we sat there and he seemed to be stalling about something. It crossed my mind that he was about to propose .... and I was right!
THE Bench on the Left
In front of the Botanical Building David got down on one knee and proposed and made me the happiest person ever. There was no other answer but YES! I'm so excited! Sneaky boy, proposing on HIS birthday! We are still enjoying the early few days of engagement but have started to think about dates a bit. We're thinking of sometime in June maybe around my birthday. Nothing is set yet and we're still trying to decide between San Diego and Maui. Hopefully during our time off during the holidays we can start to make some plans.
Yes, I Have a Hello Kitty Nail :)