Showing posts with label GOTR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOTR. Show all posts

A Very BIG Weekend

This past weekend was a really big weekend!
Weekend Highlights:
  • TEDxSanDiego
  • GOTR Sparkle & Shine 5K
  • An engagement!
This year marked the second  year that I attended TEDxSanDiego. I've been watching TED Talks for years and when I found out that they were having a conference in town last year I quickly applied for tickets. The day was amazing and inspiring and everything that I knew TED to be. (More about TED on my blog from last year.)
TEDxSan Diego 2012
Living Flower Sign
A few months after attending TEDxSanDiego last year I actually became involved with a nearby organization TEDxAFC and joined their planning committee. Unfortunately after months of work I wasn't able to attend the actual event since it fell on the same day as one of my friend's weddings. I missed the day sadly but knew there would be another time.
Enjoying the Talks
Salad Push Pops and Micro Greens at Lunch
The theme for this past Saturday was Cause and Affect. (Misspelling intentional.)
The third annual TEDxSanDiego will bring together a diverse group of 600 individuals, organizations and movements intent on sharing ideas and having an impact on the world. The event will feature more than 20 dynamic speakers and performers representing a wide spectrum of talent and ideas in technology, education and the arts. Speakers will deliver short talks exploring this year’s theme, “Cause & Affect.” TEDxSanDiego 2012 hopes to cause participants to affect the world in some way.
Lounging on the Pop Chips Bags
David joined me for the conference this year and we met up with my boss and her husband while we were there. I think we all left the conference thinking, what more can I do in the world? Hearing from so many inspiring speakers made me feel like I haven't done enough, and makes me want to do more.
Trying on a Brain Wave Reader

Sparkle & Shine 5K
On Sunday the next day we were up bright and early for the Girls on the Run Sparkle & Shine 5K!  Sunday was David's birthday and I'm sure the last thing he wanted to do was get up at 6am and head off to the race, but being the wonderful person he is he came with me and passed on my offer to stay home and sleep in.
This is What David Thinks of Early Sunday Mornings
This was the first season of seven that I haven't served as Head Coach for Carmel  Valley. The morning is usually really stressful for me in between making sure all of the girls have their bibs, making sure the running buddies are there  on time, checking in with our Glam Runner table to ensure tutu sales are going smoothly, and running around tyring to take pictures for our facebook page as part of my Marketing Chair duties. Not having to deal with my coach duties made the day go much easier, but it was still pretty hectic and busy.
Long Time GOTR Coaches
When I started coaching back in September of 2009 we only had 6 teams, about 80 girls, and we piggy-backed onto a local 5K. Here we are a few years later with 24 teams, almost 300 girls, producing our own 5K, and getting around 700 runners. Its amazing how much we've grown and I love that I've been a part of it.
Cheering in the Last Runner - Age Four!
Before the race started there were a number of announcements, various raffle prizes being announced, and then an award was going to be presented to the Coach of the Season. I can't remember who but someone on the Board grabbed me from further back in the crowd and told me to get up front for the announcement so I could take a picture of the winner. As dutiful photog I complied. As Amy (our Executive Director) started talking about the Coach of the Season award she said that this year they had an unusual situation. They had a coach who had dropped out of coaching for health reasons and missed most of the season, but that the girls on her team had insisted that she should win the award. As I listened to this I thought wait.. could this be me? No way. I missed like 2/3 of the season. The girls barely got to know me! As Amy continued on though and mentioned Carmel Valley though, I knew it was me. Cue the tears. Amy announced my name and I came up to thank her for the recognition, sobbed in front of hundreds of people, and ran back to David to compose myself to get ready to take pictures of the Coach who was winning the real award. I love coaching GOTR and know that all of our efforts make a difference in these girls lives, but to feel that something I may have done personally has changed some of their lives was really touching. Thank you girls! I kind of feel like I got a pity award for having cancer, but its still sweet all the same.
Tearful Hug With Amy
Adorable Get Well Cards
The Engagement
Moving on ... After all of the excitement of the 5K David and I still had a busy rest of the day planned for his birthday. We went to Massage Envy for a two hour couples massage, and also had dinner plans at the Prado in Balboa Park later that night.  While we were getting ready for dinner David told me that I should wear something nice and that he was buying. Wow, score! It felt as if it was MY birthday!
When we got to the restaurant he also told me that I should order as if my company was paying for it. Wow, really? Lobster please! jk. We didn't really get crazy ordering (I can't drink right now anyways so how crazy can a dinner get) but we had a full meal with an appetizer, salad, entree, and dessert. I was stuffed!
Amazing Meal at the Prado
After dinner I started walking back to the car and David suggested that we walk around the park for a bit. What? Is he crazy? I hate walking. (Yeah yeah, but I run marathons.) We walked around for a few minutes before I started complaining that it was cold. Then we sat down on a bench and I started to worry about us getting mugged. Poor David was trying to create a romantic moment and all I did was complain! I started to think something weird was going on as we sat there and he seemed to be stalling about something. It crossed my mind that he was about to propose .... and  I was right!
THE Bench on the Left
In front of the Botanical Building David got down on one knee and proposed and made me the happiest person ever. There was no other answer but YES! I'm so excited! Sneaky boy, proposing on HIS birthday! We are still enjoying the early few days of engagement but have started to  think about dates a bit. We're thinking of sometime in June maybe around my birthday. Nothing is set yet and we're still trying to decide between San Diego and Maui. Hopefully during our time off during the holidays we can start to make some plans.
Yes, I Have a Hello Kitty Nail :)


MCM & Miles for Mokie

Its hard to believe that two months ago I was deep into my training for the Marine Corps Marathon (MCM). When I found out on Sept 21nd that I had a brain tumor, one of the questions I asked my neurologist was if he thought I could still run a marathon next month. I remember him staring at me dumbfounded for a while before saying that I shouldn't plan on it because I was going to be "very busy" going forward. Well that was a true statement! Doctors appointments, surgery, follow-up appointments, six weeks of radiation 5 days a week. I'm very busy to say the least!
Marine Corps Marathon
When I found out that I couldn't run MCM I immediately emailed the race organizers to see if I could transfer my bib to another runner or get a refund. Unfortunately I had missed the transfer date by a few weeks but they informed me that I still had the opportunity to defer for next year's race. I thought about it briefly but decided that I didn't want to pay the transfer fee just to maybe run next year. Right now I'm not sure that I will ever run another marathon again. Not because I don't think I could physically, but just because I don't think I want to go through that level of stress it takes to train, and I'm not sure I want to subject myself to such physical stress on race day. Who knows, things might change, but right now I wouldn't be surprised if 18 fulls was my limit. Only time will tell ...
My Own Team Mokie Tank!
Since I wasn't planning on defering my entry I had a bib that could be used (illegally - shh!) and asked a few friends if someone might be interested in running in my place. Enter Awesome Amy! Amy (the Executive Director of Girls on the Run San Diego) quickly stepped up and said that she'd run in my place. With 3 1/2 weeks until race day. With not having run further than a half marathon all year. With having her last marathon several years in her past. Oh yes, Amy is a badass! She ramped up her long run that coming weekend, ran 20 miles the following weekend, and then started her taper. This is obviously not a training plan the experts would recommend, but it worked!
Team Mokie Pre-Marathon
These Ladies are Tough!
(Please notice the run-by bicep squeeze! haha)
Team Mokie
On Sunday October 28th three of my GOTR friends and my "marathon wifey" Christina from San Francisco all flew out to DC to run the race. Little did I know I'd be running with them in 2D form! Christina  had made a little cut out of me complete with a Glam Runner tutu and my Marathon Maniac number. My friends took turns holding "me" throughout the course while proudly sporting their Team Mokie tank tops. Sniff sniff. When I woke up on race morning and saw pictures of them getting ready to race the tears started flowing. They were tears of happiness that I had such great friends who were doing something so sweet for me, and they were tears of heartbreak over the fact that I couldn't run myself because of all that has happened to me. Throughout this diagnoses over the past few months I have never felt like a victim and have never been angry that I have cancer, but for a few hours that morning I was so sad about what the tumor had taken from me. It took running this race, it took away my feeling of being a healthy person, and it had taken away the confidence of "knowing" that I'd grow old some day. :(
2D Mokie Ready to Run 26.2
Christina & 2D Mokie - MCM Finishers!
I moped around for a bit that morning but luckily there wasn't time to mope all day. Why? Because my other amazing GOTR friends had arranged a tutu-themed Miles for Mokie walk for me down by the Harbor where I usually do my long runs. In addition to this David's parents made the long drive form West Virginia out to DC to cheer my friends out on the MCM course ... AND .. they of course made signs! Between getting automated text updates of Team Mokie's progress and hearing from David's parents each time they saw the girls go by I started to cheer up a bit and get excited that my friends were out there having a great race.
David's Parents Signs
Miles for Mokie Walk
David and I managed to get ready and get down to the Harbor by 8am that Sunday (look at me all punctual!) to meet up with the group. It was fun to see everyone wearing their Team Mokie Love Shirt and/or a tutu! Annie also made a box of Team Mokie tiaras and a bunch of signs. Mass picture taking ensued, and then we were off!
Miles for Mokie Walk Start
Even David Wore a Tiara for Me! Love!
We decided that we'd walk 1.55 miles out and back and make it a 5K. I'm sure we looked like a bunch of crazies walking along the harbor in tutus! The walk was a lot of fun and a really touching thing for my GOTR family to do for me.
Team Mokie Covered 60 Collective Miles!
My Cousin Giselle Brought Her Family from LA
Who's Having Tutu Much Fun?
Back to Running
Since its now been over a month since my surgery I'm cleared to run! I talked to my oncologist about the risks of running and he said that I should be okay to get started with some light activity. This morning David and I put on our running shoes and I headed out to RUN (not walk) for the first time in 31 days. But hey, who's counting? We hit the trails in Balboa Park and did an easy 2 1/2 miles with a few walk breaks. It felt weird, but it felt great! I'm probably just going to stick to easy 3-4 miles runs for the time being, and just appreciate that I'm getting outside and getting some blood pumping.

Miles for Mokie

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Miles for Mokie Challenge on facebook. I loved seeing everyone's updates and photos and words of encouragement. It really made me smile over the past month to know so many people were thinking of me and I'm forever grateful for all of the kind words, encouraging wishes, and heartfelt prayers. If we could cure cancer on love alone, I think we'd have this thing beat. Thank you!!


Summer 2012

Wow, its been a busy summer! I've barely had a moment free to update my blog,  and post after post have never made it from my brain to my blog. I've had some recent health challenges lately which I will address in my next post, but for now I thought I'd look back on all of the fun things that have kept me busy this summer.

May 2012 (I realize Summer starts in June....)
May marked the end of my 6th season coaching Girls on the Run and our season end 5K. As usual the day was amazing and fun, and I'm so proud of my team! More on the race here.

Girls on the Run San Diego Sparkle & Shine 5K

In May I also went to my former coworker Suzi's wedding with my friend Devika as my date. Beautiful day, so happy to be a part of it!

Suzi & Dan's Wedding

Me and Devika!

I also completed my first bike race in 2012, a 67 mile ride through San Diego County. More on the San Diego Century here.

Smiling at the top of Three Witches Hill

June 2012
June of course is my favorite month of the year. Why? Well its my birthday month! The month started out with attending a Speaker Boot Camp for TEDxAFC. I got involved with the organization in March and helped them plan their big event in July. The Speaker Boot Camp in June gave some of the speakers for the main event a chance to practice their speech and receive feedback. The majority of the speeches moved me to tears and I'm so bummed I never ended up getting to see the main event. 

Posing with the TEDx Sign

The weekend after the Boot Camp I was in Vegas for work,and then flew home to San Francisco to celebrate my birthday with my birthday twin Dad and friends. Quick trip but worth it. More about the weekend on my blog here.

Happy Birthday Dad .. and ME!

The month ended with David and I attending my cousin Rachel's wedding in Virginia. It was great to see family I haven't seen in years, and to get a chance to spend some time with David's family as well. More on that trip here.

Cousin Rachel's Wedding

Hanging with David & Nieces in West Virginia

July 2012
Although June is my favorite month in general, this July was the best month of my year. David moved here!!!!! Its been amazing, wonderful and fun. I can't think of anyone I'd rather spend my life with. My dogs of course have found a new favorite person (sad face), but that's okay!

David & Dad on Their 1st Night in San Diego

A few days after David moved here I was pretty tied up finishing up the last minute details for the TEDxAFC event I was helping to plan, and I took the day before the event off to watch some of the speakers practice and help with any last minute details. We weren't able to stay for the main event because my friend Deirdre from college was getting married up in the Bay Area. I was super bummed to miss out on the event but there is always next year. 

TEDxAFC Event Program

TEDxAFC Speaker Practice

Deirdre's wedding took place mid-July in Carmel Valley. Not the Carmel Valley I coach in, but the one up north near Monterey. The wedding was incredibly beautiful and I am so happy David and I were able to be a part of her special day. It was fun to see all of my UCSB friends again and I wish we had an occasion to see each other more often.

Deirdre & Christian's Wedding

Love This Picture with David

UCSB Girls - Go Gauchos!

Next weekend when we were back in San Diego there was a cool local event happening nearby. I guess years ago there was an annual neighborhood block party that they held in the summer, but it had died out for some reason over time. This year was their first attempt at reenacting it. So much fun! There were vendors, food, and live bands. We're looking forward to next year!

Golden Street Fair - Live Silk Screening

Vendors, Bands, and Artwork

The month ended with one of my bigger events of the year .. the San Francisco Marathon! This was my 4th time running the event and my 18th marathon total. Love, love, love this race! More on the weekend here.

San Francisco Marathon - Marathon #18

August 2012
Things slowed down a bit in August and included a few parties, one trip for work, and a few projects around the house.,

Isabelle & Chris' Engagement Party at Devika's

Cousin Jeff's Son Marcus' Birthday Party at the Carlsbad Lagoon

Tradeshow in Boston

My New Adirondack Chair Assembled with Love by David

New Screen Door to the Back Patio

September 2012
September isn't over yet but so far I've had a whirlwind of travel. Within a week period I was in Johnson City, TN, Las Vegas, and Seattle. 

Freemont Street Troll in Seattle

I also flew up to San Francisco for a couple days to attend the Salesforce.com conference Dreamforce. 

Dreamforce Conference

I'm grounded for a few months now and am probably done traveling for the year until the holidays. The summer was super busy but a lot of fun. It blew by so fast I can't even believe it!

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