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Showing posts with label fat lady. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fat lady. Show all posts

Thursday, January 28, 2010

ouh ouh its magic..if i can be KURUS !

cute BUNNY rite??hand-made :)

everyday i jogg at usm penang punya tasek..alone..anyone wan to accompany me?? :P
but i can see lots of improvement in myself..
i meant from fat lazy girl changed to active sporty girl..
hahah...noo laaa...all fats in tummy chin has reduced lil bit.. :)
FAtin never give up!! i can be slim .. yess i can...if AIZAT af bole,y i cant??
determination + patience + kerajinan..insyALLAH bolee slim.. :)
emm i know if i post something not so many ppl will read my post..but never mind as my blog is juz another place to pour share and also d place where my thoughts,ideas or opinions or anything ..and i have lots to say as am still young okey,myb im pretty young to be writing my life.i'll turn 18teen dis i still consider as young??haha :P i've never shortage of something to b write..i meant sometimes i dunnoe what to say :P.. i can say tat i'm having incredible life now..i meant after spm ended i do nothing..lazy day in bed,dreaming on my pillow in d morning..umm in d morning???haha..2pm is count as morning?? :P
i know its terrible..but y need to rush??juz enjoying my life as pengangor SPM while waiting fo o spm results will b announce..auww,,,im scared.....YA ALLAH,i hope can get 10 a's.. amin amin.. :)
ouh my post is quite long and ppl mybe not give full attention in what i wrote..but never mind,,i dun blame ppl :) but sometimes i hope u can kick back and hang out with me for a sec :)
oke talking bout my jogg routine,everyday i go jogg at 5pm till 6.30pm..
i walk n run walk n run n walk...haha...ouch its not easy as we think or we imagine...but i tried...emm im quite weird where all d malay stud?? i meant everyday i can see cute amoi (chinese) who already skinny jog..where all d fat ppl??am i d only one in dis world who got weight probz???? ..sigh :(
tat mk me feel awkward n shy...FAT GIRL running... :(
haha....... :P
emm...well long post rite? so i have to end it here...fullstop..

P.S : i got new 4 kittens thinking wuf name shul i gv em?? :)

see my pic??slim sedikit :) .but my nose ?? haha.after tis i can find bf laaa :P

Sunday, January 3, 2010

its d climb !!!!!!

n boring osoee
24/7 online
dizzy here! ::""":"::":

hope someone can cheer up my dull life ^^

amin..amin..keh keheheh

okey this iz me MOMOEKItty..(eoww,im tryg to b cute as i could)
fat rite??i noe i noe didnt need to mention it ...evrywhere i go,ppl would shocked with my size

some said "besarnye,besar dari mak die"

uzully untie2 will say dis stupid sentences

ouch...ouch..its hurt la !!!!!!!
and then i'll try to hide myself evrtime meet ppl who knows my mak

im plus size teen or we can said OBESity girl..huh..evryone would call me c gendot even my 6 years old cuzzy called me SI not this fat when i waz in form3..hehe..this is bcoz i didnt live in hostel,so mak feed me with mny types of delicacies,,gaggag..besides,im only the one who live in home..all my siblings are away from home,.thus,i dun need to fight with anyone to i can eat watever i love..hambuger,,,all fast food la incldd choc oreo..yummy..thatz remind me how im hungry rite on diet..i wanna lose some kilos b4 dis march..when i stare at mirror,im so sad with my physical like a mummy who give birth to 6 childs,,,hahahhahaha...with all fats in my tummy,chin euwwwwwwwww........huh im so jelous with my adek angkat...annissa aurora or called her CHa cha,,she's so tall many fans osoe..uih iuh so envy wif her body..wanna c??she's so kuruss laah..i wish i can b skinny as she is..

hope cha cha dun mind i copy and pste her pic here!!!! :)

neverthless,i still appreciate

who am i rite now

i have nice parents

siblings who alwazz give me support

n frenzz....talking bout frenz only half tat i can 'ngam ngam' which can hear me helps me when im in trouble...i hate ppl who only b frenz w me only to get benefit...juz like parasite..huh..nvr mind 2010 i dun want to find ny in my last post,I'LL HELP PPL WHO NED MY HELP only.. i can say nothing az dffer ppl hv differ for me i hope 2010 i can find gud frenz..frenz tat willing to listen to me,frenz tat rely independent n r who REalize deir mistakes n dun judge ppl by one sight!!n d most important is GUD FRENZ DUN BAIL U,BUT DEY WILL OWEZ DERE TO CATCH U IF U FALL!!

okey im talking too much rite now

gotta go

pray yuh so i can get 10A'S n can b slim as i dream
