everyday i jogg at usm penang punya tasek..alone..anyone wan to accompany me?? :P
but i can see lots of improvement in myself..
i meant from fat lazy girl changed to active sporty girl..
hahah...noo laaa...all fats in tummy chin has reduced lil bit.. :)
FAtin never give up!! i can be slim .. yess i can...if AIZAT af bole,y i cant??
determination + patience + kerajinan..insyALLAH bolee slim.. :)
emm i know if i post something not so many ppl will read my post..but never mind as my blog is juz another place to pour sometin...to share and also d place where my thoughts,ideas or opinions or anything ..and i have lots to say as am still young okey,myb im pretty young to be writing my life.i'll turn 18teen dis july.do i still consider as young??haha :P i've never shortage of something to b write..i meant sometimes i dunnoe what to say :P.. i can say tat i'm having incredible life now..i meant after spm ended i do nothing..lazy day in bed,dreaming on my pillow in d morning..umm in d morning???haha..2pm is count as morning?? :P
i know its terrible..but y need to rush??juz enjoying my life as pengangor SPM while waiting fo o spm results will b announce..auww,,,im scared.....YA ALLAH,i hope can get 10 a's.. amin amin.. :)
ouh my post is quite long and ppl mybe not give full attention in what i wrote..but never mind,,i dun blame ppl :) but sometimes i hope u can kick back and hang out with me for a sec :)
oke talking bout my jogg routine,everyday i go jogg at 5pm till 6.30pm..
i walk n run walk n run n walk...haha...ouch its not easy as we think or we imagine...but i tried...emm im quite weird where all d malay stud?? i meant everyday i can see cute amoi (chinese) who already skinny jog..where all d fat ppl??am i d only one in dis world who got weight probz???? ..sigh :(
tat mk me feel awkward n shy...FAT GIRL running... :(
haha....... :P
emm...well long post rite? so i have to end it here...fullstop..
P.S : i got new 4 kittens today..am thinking wuf name shul i gv em?? :)
see my pic??slim sedikit :) .but my nose ?? haha.after tis i can find bf laaa :P