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Showing posts with label asasi sains uitm puncak alam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label asasi sains uitm puncak alam. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2011

uitm puncak alam asasi sains 2011/2012

[ 21 may 2015 ]

assalamualaikum , hehe baru dapat update . anyways ASASI datang lagi . nothing much to say . i do but im LAZY . plus something big is coming ..... can u guess??!!! EXAM .. life is up and down now .
please pray for my success , amin =)

anyway need help leave comment oki .( im old senior already , i dont know how is the syllabus right now ) but if need my advise  or kate2 semangat bookmark my blog . lol lol

' be prepare before class . focus , enjoy ur school and make the grade ! ' everything will be fine
have faith to Allah swt and urself =) . . aim for what u want , start earlier but dont pressure urself

Asasi is a kickstart to make ur dream come true , only got 5 6 7 a's ? dont worry forget about SPM
dah jadi sejarah . ur already secure ur place in UITM . so dont lose urself . just target

4 FLAT ~!~!~~! okay =) its never too late . u dont have to be super duper genius to score . just need a preseverance and rajin !! insyallah .. kk ...

kakak momoe =p

{31/May 2013]

salam wbt and hi ,

im back , btw cograzttt first to all my little sis n bro tahun 1995 ya ? cus u guys will be in palam this sunday . As for me ? doing medical degree 2ND YEAR , heading to 3rd year soon , having selanjr this july but HAVENT DO ANYTHING =[ im so bad .... oh im in USM KK ,kelate now =] .. how's medical study ? HAHA i nvr update about tat today . too lazy to tell how sweet being md study , i mean its a small matter n i believe there's a lot of kakak abang bloggers yang update bout md's study life . well ITS FINE , very INTERESTING and NEED WORK LIKEA HELL , but me bit lazy bit rajin , haishhh , nvr mind i will tell more when im in 5th year study ? insyALLAH =DD ,

OH study tips for palam ,? let me add little bit ya .. im too malas to tell but let me summarized evelytint =D which is

#drum rolls please ....

haha lol , oke . nothing much , STUDY HARD AND SMART , DONT BE LAZY BUMP , UNDERSTAND FIRST , IF DONT FAIL , DONT AND NEVER GIVE UP , FOCUS AND AIM FOR 4.00 FLAT , INSYALLAH ALLAH SWT IS THERE , AND HE'S LISTENING =] DONT WORRY MUCH , WHEN IN PALAM OPEN UR MIND , CONTROLL URSELF , LIKE MASELF , MEMANG SUKA DUK LAM BILIK BCUS MY ROOMATE BUKAN KAKI JALAN2 , HAHA , OK anything bole baca kat bawah . banyak tat i alredy said , heewww . ok take care in palam n GAMBATTEEEEE , wish me luck too in USM , tq for reading , as alwayss hunyyy *bear hug* anything can inbox me , my fb is fatin fakhriah  , if tak jumpa can email loh (im quite busy , excuse me if i dun reply >.< )



20.may.2012 [updated] Assalamualaikum.HI , err hello there ^_^y , call me MOmoe , 20 y/o , currently studying in medical usm kubang kerian . im batch 2010/2011 (2years older than u now) , nothing much to say , read my post carefully and apologise if im not being able to answer ur questions , bcus some is I DONT REALLY KNOW or REMEMBER (Y) ppl will forget evrytin when they get older :B btw whatever come across ur mind i believe everything is answered , so dun bother to type same questions , read it and understand ^^ , once u finish ur sem 1 u can find me again ! i'll tell u more .how ? easy just BOOKMARK my blog [] and u wont lose anything muahehehe.. for now chillaxx...olrite enjoy with ur newww life, wish me lucks 2 , amin


 26.May.2012 [updated] [TIPS] not so much tips cus im not the best person to advice ya , im not the one who always get A's in exam like my other friends , others might pass easily but i didnt, i struggled a lot and actually i did failed my test during asasi, so success didnt come in easy way 4 me,whenever i fall , i cried but , , the best thing is when failure is with u ,u'll stand again and climb again, work hard and smart and focus in HALL ,maybe SHORT NOTES can help u too ,but if ur kinda person who can scan and remember everytin without joting down any notes,then go on, b4 LECTURE , PLEASE READ 1ST,if dont understand ask ur tutor or lecturers , be brave ^^ , discussion wif friends osoe can help u ... b4 exam revise and revise...understand makes ur life easier...math ? just ? read understand remember , chemistry ? understand !! the most important is in tutorial class,never skip any lecture or tutorial , but i did especially in physics =.= , and be HUMBLE ,no matter how great ur results gonna be , either u get A+ or anything,but dont worry i believe every1 hv their own potential , its just how u use it , im in 1st year now in medical schhol and my exam i osoe didnt get A's but alhamdulilah i passed it, im not a A'S student i hope i can be one day, sometimes i didnt focus or work smart, and im struggling , so it depends on urself , focus is important , and struggle ! i hope ya guys can pray for my beautifull journey here too =] dun worry much , u hv aim to b a doc , so work 4 it , perseverance is important ,asasi , JUST WORK AS LONG AS U CAN ! NEVER GIVE UP , GV MORE ... insyALLAH semoga dipermudahkanNya,, and of cus , ALLAH SWT is always there , pray ! enjoy the school :D , oversea can , but all 4flatters are studying in local universities uitm ukm usm um ums unimas unisza , u can apply at indo , or india or mesir or any which is under mara or private universities such msu , some is self sponsored or under mara or ptptn loans ,the best thing studying here , u hv jpa , which u dun ned to pay back , but ned 2 serve 4 governments , maybe ull b bit pening wif what i said here , dun wory , ull noe later as u reach ur 2nd sem , so focus on ASASI 1st ;]

pray for my journey yah ! -interventional cardiologist-

my b3 classmates -mardhiyah,mami affina,me,moss,dhiyana,teha`

in PHYSICS LAB ~ experiment *.*

it's THE CLIMB ~ mendaki bukit instead of TANGGA.

my b3-ians with chem tutor

my PRETTY HOUSEMATES ~[ asasi gala night]

me with fatin affina [smart and kind-hearted]

me and jojo [ a LOL-er] and mardhiyah

my polkadot bedsheet <-- rm10 only =p

assalamualaikum,saje je buat postt ni..nak kasi nuffnang future asasians GOOD LUCK ! here few guide to ya =P .. PUNCAK ALAM is AWESOME =) any questions just drop a comment below ~^^ *take a deep breath and READD!! and random pics2 sume psl my life in palam~ my BESTIES jojo,affina,moss,mardyh and my tutor/b3-ians/pretty housemates


BUKU2 : BUKU SPM,bawak lar physics addmath chem bio..bwk sikit j sbb x sentuh mana actuly.just if awk nak recall balik.sbb i prefer based on LECTURER/google internet.ANYTHING IKUT KATA LECTURER!!notes lecturer akan bagi!ur CLASS REPRESENTATIVE incharged utk photostat NOTES2 =].dalam HALL,lecturers akan bagi HINTS utk test & exam..PASANG TELINGA oke!

PHYSICS --> ada basic SPM .buku GIANCOLI PHYSICS.yg ni beli dgn lecturer.! WAJIB.nanti dia potong elaun untuk bayar!

BIOLOGY : buku CAMPBELL.WAJIB beli dgn lecturer.ptg elaun.SLIDE NOTES based on LECTURER.kalau lecturer kate A,A lah jwpn nye..blaja cells,nutrition and etc...more to understand & memorise conceptual

MATH : yg ni laen dari ADDMATH snang lar.basic xm3 + kn FAHAM,HAFAL,INGAT byk step bila nak solve problems.salin notes & guna matriculation books.bole beli sendiri or lecturr

CHEMISTRY : Basic SPM ada.acid base,electrochem,periodic table n etc .yg ni pun NOTES dr LECTURER & matriculation books.bole beli sendiri or lectrr =]

LECTURE: Hari2 larr except WEEKEND!!..lam sehari 2-3 lectures..either 2-3hours per lecture (attendance assumed as MARKS )

TUTOR CLASS : 1 hour only.every wex 4 class lar phy chm bio math.( mase ni tuk discuss tutorial/tanya benda xfaham).lam tutor ade QUIZ and ada marks.!(attendance assumed as MARKS )

LAB PRACTICAL : 2jam untuk each except fo MATH.math xde.mase ni buat LAB mcm kat skul.differ nya LAB REPORT,u buat sendiri and submit 4 grading.kat skul cegu bagi eh?lebih kurang lar..(WAJIB PAKAI LAB COAT/beli sendiri/beli dgn uitm rm45 )(attendance assumed as MARKS )

EXAM: ade 2 kali TEST,1 FINAL EXAM. LECTURER akan terangkan on first day camne grading dia k.dun worry ^^~

CARRY MARKS : QUIZ + ATTENDANCE HALL LAB TUTOR + TEST + ASSIGNMENTS = 30% [ ni dgr mase lctrr/tutor xplain k]

ASSIGNMENTS : scrapt book/online assgmt/presentation in hall

GRADING : nak dpt 4.00 MATH WAJIB A'S . 3 subjects je dikira..2 lagi its up 2 em..mane u dpt tinggi,itu akan dikira. =]

QUIZ : every weeks in tutor class !! b prepared j larr..(carry marks)
TEST : 2 kali test (carry marks )

FAIL subjects ?? KENA REPEAT EXAM ~ jgn larr FAIL,nanti kena cover untuk sem1 and sem 2

MUET : no english the end of sem1 ada bengkel MUET sehari.... kena score band 4,5,6 nk dpt critical course mc medik n etc !
overall,dalam LECTURE HALL kena SALIN NOTES and FAHAMKAN selalu.CUKUP KAN TIDOR and JANGAN TIDUR LAM HALL.takut xleh CATCH UP..jgn KOYA first SEM,ramai JATUH firstsem..

House : satu apartment 4 bilik,1 bilik 2 orang,ada toilet and ruang tamu kecik.toilet ada ampaian,cume kecik.takut nanti housemates laen pun nak jemur,takut kite xpat nak jemur,heheh...xde light off mcm hostel.cus ni da uni's life =]. bawak WIRE LAN kalu xmo bwk BROADBAND.1 bilik 1 lan ,so share2 larr dgn rumate.BILIK TV,DOBI and SURAU kat floor 1 .sedia DUIT SYILING,,RM2..pastu ade DRYER RM2 gak..sabun2 bwk lar.kalu nak JIMAT,BASUH sDIRI after mandi..hehe

Electrical appliances : RM 10 per item *kena reg n bayar =]

cafe : ade WIFI,ade MINI MART ( baldi2 sabun mknn,kalu malas nak OUTING beli situ je tapi MAHAL CIKIT ) ,ade tempat jual mknn2..purata belanja rm5-10 larr per day.. nk jimat pandai2 larr =)

riadah : petang2 bole sewa BASIKAL kalu rajin /jogging or rehat and bla bla bla ....

pakaian : isnin n jumaat BAJU KURUNG girls..hari lain jeans and anything yg sopan,..heels,make up bole ( tp budak asasi xpayah larr =P) .. as long dun b too sexy like a korean babe or else kena saman pak gad..hati2! =)) boys : isnin KEMEJA..the rest anything as long bukan shorts or PAKGAD UITM mcm garang sikit.! =="

TRANSPORT :Kalu malas nk daki tangga,naek bus RM1.bus rapid..bus setiap 1 hour budak2 prefer tangga..kalu dok larat sgt naek bus leh =) ..

OUTING : nek bus lar..bus u90 (rm1) k klang central/shah alam (rm2).kat klang central ade GIANT/nk beli tiket bus.kat shah alam,ade sacc mall n etc.biase first sem budak2 suka keluar.jgn outing every wekend k ! nnti disturb ,..SERIOUSLY!oh sunway pun dekat dgn palam~ (iceskating???YEHHH...never went to

MCD : depan palam pun ade ...nek bus larr =]

CLINIC : ada dalam uitm..dekat college angsana ^^~ FREE !

TANGGA : tangga palam mcm BATU CAVES .. so kena TOUGH larr!sport shoe is helping..mineral h2o osoe !! nanti dehydrate kan

INTERNET : in ur room akan ade make sure bawak WIRE LAN..BROADBAND sgt2 slow especially CELCOM..

LAPTOP : 45% important..if no laptop,ada lab comp.laptop guna utk research,o9 assgmnts,but ada jep xbawak laptop.tapi mcm susah lar..

ALLOWANCE : rm1000+ per sem .... each sem dpt larr :D .but uitm akan tolak duet tuk bayar buku GIANCOLLI and CAMBPELL dr elaun

cocorikulum : 10% dikira..byk aktivity mcm ceramah n etc. WAJIB kumpul 8 kUpon =) ni mcm ur spm jgk larr =)


-jadi anak2 uitm akan diberi keutamaan tuk buat degree di uitm
-sem 2 akan ade ANUAL DINNER~ weee BOLe pakai cantik2 =p ( i look very mak datin-ish tat night)=P
-CHARLIE serangga yg mengigit and leave SCARS benda ni ADA kat palam,so jgn buka tingkap!!!!but dun worry FOGGING ada..just be carefull :D

that's all...ENJOY THE SCHOOL and MAKES THE GRADE ...weeeeeeee =pp G Luck y'all may ALLAH SWT bless ur journey ppl ! amin^^~

p.s : IM going to attend for pre-medical program this 30th may..pray for me yah !!! and ya can share and copy bole but please full credits : =)))


Monday, March 21, 2011

uitm puncak alaaaam

assalamualaikum,just a short review about my experienced as science asasian in uitm puncak alam or cut it shortly PALAM ~

STUDY awesome ! nice lecturers and tutors ...they help us a lot in studies.........

[ physics chemistry biology and math ]

i didnt performed very well...seriously TT.............TT

I FAILED a lot .............. ohhhh im babooo~~ i dunoe...just see mycgpa later....

seriously,i didnt give high expectation...lets hope for the best...insyALLAH !

THE shocking fact is that i studied from 6 am till 12pm...... lol..........full time student XD


*at first i loss a bit especially in physics..yeahh`yeah` =.="

sem2,i'd managed to catch up a bit with help from my classmates..tq alot dear friends !!


such a condusive place with green environment

and of course far far away from shah alam .. ( malls and etc )

*nice place for dorkssss :D


Truly nice and open minded..well here,ya need to learn to build connection,be tollerate with each other and etc.......they talked a lot and they are very funny and happy really happy to be with them

roomate? just nice =]


all nice and indeed very helpfull..i love ya guys...

i'd sucksss high school moment with my classmates but now not anymore cus b3-ians all AWESOMEHHHHHHHH <33333

P.S : to all spm takers..dont worry if ur result r sucksss...cus u still hv foundation or me babeh :DD ... i nevehh tell lies .. LOL

Monday, May 17, 2010

no pain no gain ! [Be positive]

After a few weeks of blurr + tense + hectic + confuse here in front of pc !! humm,im going to be pre-university student in just few days more.i'll have to bid farewell to my parents,cats and kitties,my room and of course the boringest city in earth [kuala terengganu].Im not really sure if im ready with new life [new friends,new bed,new jobs *do my own laundry*] and everything lah as soon i throw myself in puncak alam.Friends??yayy..i've meet a bunch of asasians through online [credits : FB] and also planned to roommate with momoy [ she's sarawakian and we got nearly nicknames] Hopefully,insyALLAH.I hope the list of roommates has not been set yet.oh YA ALLAH,please help me !! oH yah,things at home is getting worser [i shouldn't blog it here but momoekitty is the only place where i can pour all of my worries :( ] Family matters [ ouh,it's killing me rapidly] Im praying that ALLAH SWT will give us His guide to my parents and siblings including me ^^ I want this tiny problems can be varnished and of course dissapear into the air like a dust.
[my last days in home is appreciated right now.sobs..sobs ] okey,forget about those freaking matters [auww,sounds really horrible],let's concentrate on my HILL,i'm in the middle of climb now.fuhh,it's gonnabe fun
[hope so]
4.0 CGPA
muet BAND 4
another competitors
[quite scary]
so no time leh for playing around in PA,all i need to do is
and dont interfere with people's business :P
this were few words given by our senior that i M-U-S-T bear in my mind ^^!!

*sori to say, math n phys mmg sush...even harder than spm, trust me...u mst wat praktis btol2 konsep...n ntuk physcs, fatin kene all out, tape...ta dpt a ntuk spm, ta brmksd taley dpt a ntuk asasi kn....rilekss jee.....know u can...n my advice, jgn stdy last minit ntuk asasi neh, especially physics lah....100% sure, u'll fail klau stdy last minit...k dear..

*gud luck in your new life...jgn leka k...

*klu dh msuk uitm tu nk msuk medik o frmasi uitm mmg sng skit...sebab korg mmg dh ade ticket kt uitm sndri....tpi mostly dak2 asasi akn mntx medik la...insyaallah klu korg blajar btol2 korg bley punye...n strt dr awal yerk...coz slalunye mse sem satu dak2 ni enjoy,sem 2 bru nk struggle...slalunye result sem1 mmg truk skit dr sem 2...btol x korg?tu 4 those yg memain la...

*yup..besenye time sem 1 bnyk maen2 je..ble tgk result truk bru nk struggle mse sem agak trlmbat la..sbb result sem 1 sgt,score gler2 mse sem 1..xde la pressure sgt mse sem 2 nnt..

*betul ke pointer based on 3 subjek yg plg tinggi je? math wajib kire

*na apply medic, mmg kene skor both sem...sbb medic juz amek 100 stdnt uitm je from 1000 org asasi sains....chance mmg amt2 tpis..gud luck la..amal: klau na amek medic, physics at least b+...

*rilekksss sudaa....physics jgn stdy last minit...mmg fail la jwbnye...byk sgt, takot ta sempat..

*korg study ilek2 suda...haha..xde pn xyh tensen2..b kool suda..klo spe nk medik espclly medik uitm,better 1st sem skor least 3.6 n above...t korg leh dpggil utk xtw la pas batch ktorg ni de lg ke x...haha

*3.5 mmg x lps...even frmsi pon...frmsi pon susah gak nk msok....

*yup...UKM, UPM, kene cmpete dgn chinease...mknanye cmpetition is even much higher...alah, rileks you best...u'll success..know u can..

YAHH!!! FIGHTING FATIN!!!EVEN U DIDNT GET A'S FOR PHY N ADDM3 in SPM DOESNT MEANS U CAN'T GET A'S IN ASASI..remember this face!!she didnt get straight A's in spm but like she said

"Remember adik, no one can stop you from pursuing your ambition and dreams. Excellency is not about how many A's you got, but how do you use your potential wisely"

my sis [a cardiac pharmacist] With Dr Victor Serebruany, Prominent Antiplatelet Scientist from John Hopkins Heart Research lab, US


xo momoe

Sunday, May 2, 2010

foundation SC uitm puncak alam

my rafflesia college ^^

Assalamulaikum (first time bagi salam dekat blogpost =.=") yayaya,i ve decided to go for foundation instead of matriculation.But,this doesnt mean i can relax relax because matrik and foundation is juz d same,i'll be under SAINS , it's a stepper stone to go for MEDIC,DENTIST,and if i want to be in one of the faculties,i need to get 4 FLAT!!i'll try my damn best ^^ i dont want to be regret in future anymore.Fuhh,im in tense condition now,im quite worry about physic and math.they are not really my favourite =.=,but it's okay i'll work smart on them.and another thing is about FRIEND and SCHOOL.when i checked at FB and googled,student who's going to enter ASASI mostly from boarding school..and of course leh everyone has their own geng.humm,im so desperate quite scare and from SEKOLAH HARIAN BIASA..and hopefully i'll get a bunch of kind-hearted friends at there and nice roommate ^^ and osoe can build a connection with ppl around me leh!!INSYALLAH,amin amin.the most important is I NEED TO STAND WITH MY OWN 2 FEETS and FOCUS ON STUDY.No more CRYING,no FACEBOOK-ING,no more bergaduh2 with girl friends.and hopefully everything going to be smooth at there,i dont want to owns any problems anymore.i want a HAPPY STUDY LIFE.amin amin.i'll keep PRAYING and keep my faith with ALLAH SWT.insyALLAH,may ALLAH swt bless my CLIMB.hopefully the path im going to travell will bring me trillions of triumph =D ,guys do pray for my journey ^^~ go FATIN,dun be so manja lah..u r 18th now!!!!!!!!! u can survive okeh! if sedih ke susah ke u have to bear it,remember for MEDIC okeh!!!dapatkan 4 flat..who ever or where ever u from,it doesnt matter..prove u can succeed!people are the same,but the way u go for it,is a matter!! u r not ALONE,ALLAH SWT is always with u!!! amin amin =D hopefully this is the best way for me!! * still nervous* someone cheer me up please >,< *I NEED A FRIEND FOR ASASI NANTI* ouh im damn desperate =(

P.S : im eco-friendly,so stalk me on fb :P