Showing posts with label Holiday Info. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday Info. Show all posts

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

To all my American(and non-american, I know Canada Day was a couple days ago! -shakes fist-) readers, HAPPY 4th of JULY!

Whether you hate America or love it, it's still a day to bring out sparklers and matching hijabs and maybe watch fireworks.

Well, at least you guys can. My city couldn't afford its yearly concert + fireworks.

Insha'allah we'll be going over to my Aunt's house, where we will be playing with unsafe sparklers, firecrackers, oh and ducks :D (or is it geese?)

Note: If any Californian Police happen to come across this blog, I AM KIDDING. I found out they're illegal a couple minutes ago and do not have a store of them in the trunk of my car. Thank you and have a safe Fourth.

Dang it, okay so I'll basically be complaining about how the law sucks is doing a very great job while eating barbecue. UNLESS THAT'S ILLEGAL TOO!

Enough of my problems, go out there! Celebrate the birth of our nation and enjoy your freedoms while you can! (Before you become senile and think you live in like, Austria or something- do they even have an independence day? Who were they ever dependent on? Such questions unanswered!!!)

Again, Happy Fourth! And be safe! Don't drink soda and drive!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day


Now this is definitely a commercialized holiday. Besides the fact that it is unIslamic, why would you want to celebrate your loved ones only ONCE a year? Being the greedy person I secretly am, I refuse to spend $3 for a V-Day gram for my friends, but the real excuse I say is: "It's against my religion" They still buy me something but don't expect a rose back.

Shouldn't everyday be love day (or something to that effect)? Why conform with mainstream society on a pointless holiday. I mean, now I can't go to the mall because PDA is going to be everywhere! Darn you, you disgusting couples! I try not to gag while eating my popcorn in the theaters.

Heck, I even found this Anti-Valentine's day poem hilarious:

"Hearts and roses and kisses galore
What the hell is all that s**t for?
People get mushy and start acting queer.
It is definitely the most annoying day of the year".

Hahaha! But most people around the world are rejecting these kind of over-done, materialistic, lonely holidays.

Not to say I'm lonely

Or that I'm taken

Nor am I advertising my singleness on the web

Sorry, not looking.

Moving on, I propose we go back to the olden days. Where the guy and girl court with a chaperone. You know, the girl has her nicest bonnet on -but no sequins!- and they go for a nice carriage ride while the guy feeds the horse carrots. Maybe they'll go to a petting zoo afterwards! All the while being followed by their Mother, Father, Auntie and other irrelevant adults.
But no flirting!
It'll be like the haram police took over this holiday.

Anywho, time to throw away my gelatin-filled chocolate box and wilted rose.

Then I shall immerse myself into the 80s film "Pretty in Pink" while crying into a bucket of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and singing "My Heart will go on"


-Sarcasm, Modest Justice

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas: Tis the Season to go broke

Asalamu Alaikum Sisters!

As we all know, Christmas isn't something to celebrate in Islam. And as I noted in my Thanksgiving post, Christmas is another capitalistic scheme put up by corporations and has its roots in pagan traditions. I shun this and any other holiday that uses consumers (Valentines Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas of course) in their plot to gain more money. But I cannot deny the spiritual aspects of Christmas, the message of family, love and worship are ones that I can identify with since Jesus (alayhi salam) was one of the greatest prophets of Islam. But how can we lie to our children on several aspects of the holiday? My parents told me Santa was real and we set out sandwiches and milk one year -we didn't buy cookies that time- and now that I look back on it (wasn't long ago) I actually wanted my parents to tell me it wasn't part of Islam and that we should be satisfied with our two Eids. But whatever one's personal experience with Christmas as child be, we all know now that Santa wasn't part of the Bible and Christmas wasn't either. No one really knows when Jesus (as) was born and this practice of Christmas wasn't adopted by the Catholic Church until the year 530 C.E., that a monk, Dionysus Exigus, fixed the date of the birth of Jesus on Dec. 25th. "He wrongly dated the birth of Christ according to the Roman system (i.e., 754 years after the founding of Rome) as Dec. 25, 753". (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1998 ed.) This date was chosen perhaps in keeping with the holidays already indoctrinated into pagans. And this Santa Claus character? There's a whole article on that, but to keep it simple, Santa Claus was actually Saint Nicholas who lived in southern Turkey, then Asia Minor, during the first half of the fourth century, but nothing was recorded about his life until more than two hundred and fifty years after his death. Less than a hundred years after his death, he was worshiped as a saint for his legendary deeds, such as :

* A neighbor lost all his money becoming destitute with his three daughters and, to prevent them having to earn their living by prostitution, he threw them three bags of gold through the window.
* Nicholas became a model of, generosity and protection to the oppressed People, children without any money, he was Particularly good at looking after children. St. Nicholas, legend has it, resurrected three boys cut up by an innkeeper and pickled in brine, to be sold off to unsuspecting customers.

A church in Bari,Italy then claimed to have his bones. So the Catholic Church, after hearing of this, conspired to steal the bones to make the city a magnet for pilgrims. Ever since, the Catholic Church has helped to promote an annual festival to celebrate this profitable act of piracy. Add in hundreds of years different stories across Europe, it came to America in 1809 when an amusing but inaccurate history of Dutch traditions was written. Washington Irving, influenced by north European Christmas customs, pictured St. Nicholas riding in a wagon merrily over rooftops, dropping presents down chimneys, the first time this had been sighted.

In 1821, Clement Moore, a theology professor and an expert in European folklore, developed this character in a poem he wrote for his children, "Twas the night before Christmas" ring a bell? Charles Dickens then further popularizes Christmas with his novel A Christmas Carol. It made Christmas personal and for the middle class. Fast forward this craze where more people were trying to make the Skinny Elf called Santa into a jolly tub o' money-making lard, they finally agreed on Thomas Nast and his dramatic change from the gnome-like figure that other artists had used before into a self-portrait of himself. He always portrayed himself as fat and jolly and this was his own self-portrait. Now who would globalize this American version of Saint Nick? Coca-Cola! They were a soft drink company struggling to sell cold-drinks during the cold times so the company wanted to figure out a way to associate the product with the holiday season. In the end, they turned to an illustrator named Haddon Sunblum. Sunblum concluded the spirit of the holiday was really Santa Claus, and Santa Claus had this enormous task facing him every Christmas Eve and that was to go around the world, in an evening, distributing, toys to children everywhere and obviously he would get tired and would eventually become thirsty and need a refreshment, so what better idea than to have Santa pausing in his rounds in various scenes enjoying a Coca Cola? To make a long story short, Christmas wasn't far from commercialization and in this big world of money, the back story had to be equally shady. Have a nice break from school and work fellow sisters!
I know I will B)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Before you dig in to that turkey...

Don't worry its not a "vegan threat" I'm sending, heck, the turkey isn't even part of the subject.
The deal is with the entire holiday in general.
It's basically the celebration of genocide!And no one wants to celebrate the systematic slaughtering of an ethnic group right? I mean first off, for us muslims, we have already been given our two holidays, the two "Eids" and indulging in gluttony while our brothers and sisters around the world are starving isn't a proper way to give 'thanks'. Why would one want to spend a weekend in a food-induced coma living the american lethargic way, then to instead by thankful everyday. I know its a time to get together with family, but why only then? Why not everyday you call your grandmother halfway across the country and say alhamdulillah instead of asking where the potatoes are? It supports the greed of the puritans who had doubled in numbers since their landing and required land and lots of it! Diseases attacked the natives, weakening them and because of their good natured spirit in atleast helping out the 'Pilgrims' in settling down in America, they returned the favor by attacking them, burning their villages and nearly annihilating them.

But we can't let this dark past diminish the definition of Thanksgiving today. I can't help but twitch at the fact that Americans give thanks once a year (and maybe every other sunday) Let us muslims stick to our faith and joyously wait until Eid Al-Adha comes in and try to not purchase anything on Thanksgiving symbolizing the torture and utter usurpery of the Natives.

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