Hello everyone, can you believe it is July already? I sure can't but I am finding it less hectic this year than last year. You might remember the dyed daisies I showed a few years ago. I normally do it every year but last year I completely forgot, my parents chalk it up to me being nervous due to the fact I has going to Ohio a week later for the first eye surgery.
Anyways, this year I dyed them a little early so I won't forget but this year I did something extra. I glittered some mason jars for the vases. That is right I worked with glitter and I can say I didn't get covered in it. I know a glitter miracle.
1. Tape off a section of the jars. I used some washi tape because I have ton of that laying around that I sure I will never get used.
2. Using a foam brush apply your mod podge.
3. Apply the glitter. Make sure you use a fine glitter. Let dry.
4. Apply a layer o mod podge over the glitter to seal it. This will make sure you won't get glitter transferring.
Tip wear some gloved so it doesn't get all over your hands.
Enjoy your Independence day. Have safe travels.