Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Not much going on.....

So I am going to try and blog once per month, we'll see how that works out! Nothing much is going on here, just the same old stuff. School, work, church, doctors etc. Zoee no longer needs her oxygen at night as of a few weeks ago, YAY!!! I'm glad that the tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy was worth all of the pain and stress that she had! She has also had a language explosion over the last couple of weeks and can now say: mama, dada, yuck, uh-oh, wow, ears, eyes, thank you, more, Emma, light, no and hi. She probably says more, I just can't think of all of them right now! She can stand independently for about 10 seconds before she realizes what is going on and sits down. She took a couple of steps a few days ago, but won't do it again.....stubborn! It's almost like as soon as you say that she should be doing something or that you are worried about something, she does it. Getting her to do it again though, that's the challenge!

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