Friday, December 23, 2011

Busy year

So it's been a busy year. I am working for JetBlue, Kenny is working full time and still going to school. The kids are growing up way too fast, as usual. We officially adopted Zoee in March and had her sealed to us in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. Makenzie turned 8 in August and was baptized. Michael started Kindergarten and is doing amazingly well. Emma and Zoee just hang out with mom during the day, when we're not going to Salt Lake for doctors appointments.
On a sad note, we lost my mom on September 16th. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and passed away after 6 weeks in the ICU. Wish that we could have kept her around a while longer. I sure miss her, especially during the holidays.
Christmas is only a couple of days away. It was an easy year this year. The kids had a choice to have a lot of gifts under the tree or to go to Disneyland, and they chose Disneyland, so there wasn't a lot of shopping that needed to be done.
I am looking forward to spending Christmas with my family. It's been a little easier to remember the reason that we celebrate this holiday without all of the hustle and bustle.
Hopefully I will be better about keeping the blog updated next year, but don't count on it! LOL!!!!

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